M. A. Hamilton cv
office address home address
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Beebe Hall 107 Cayuga Park CircleCornell University Ithaca, NY 14850
Ithaca, NY14853-4401 (607) 257-7525 p 607-257-7525, College of Human Ecology (607)
Ph.D. in Human Service Studies, 1979 to 1983.
Thesis: Learning through work: The educational quality of three work experience programs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1983, 44 1766A (University Microfilms No. DA8321845).
Certificate of Advanced Study in Learning Environments, 1973 to 1974. Class Marshal.
M.A.T. in French Literature, minor in Education, 1967 to 1968.
B.A. Major in French, minor in German, 1962 to 1966.
Diplôme Supérieur, 1964 to 1965.
Senior Research Associate, July 1990 to present.
Director, Cornell Youth in Society Program (formerly CYWP) 2000 to present.
Co-director, Cornell Youth and Work Program 1992 to 2000.
Direct research and outreach. Manage budget and staff.
Research Associate
"Linking Up" Process Study, March 1989 to September 1989.
"Family Matters" Evaluation, September 1987 to June 1988.
Research Assistant, 1978 to 1980
Youthwork National Policy Study
Design and analysis of policy research on youth employment programs affiliated with schools. Coordinated on-site observations and interviews at 15 sites across the country.
Lecturer, Summer 1977,
Field Study Office, College of Human Ecology.
Department of Labor, Workplace Teaching and Learning Research, October 1988 to April 1989.
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Extension Workshops on Youth Development, Fall 1988.
Youth Volunteers Project Video Production, Spring, 1987.
Youth Volunteers Project Evaluation, 1986.
Dr. George Posner, Ithaca NY
Millbrook Public Schools, NY, Staff Development, 1985-1988.
Downsville Public Schools, Community Study, 1986.
PhotoSynthesis Productions, Ithaca, NY
Film Production, February 1985 to 1987.
Ithaca Public Schools, Ithaca, NY
Staff Development, November 1985 to January 1986.
Evaluator, New Junior High Program, 1974 to 1975.
Teacher of French and German Civilization, 1968 to 1971.
Department chairman.Appointed to the county Council of Innovative Practices. Member of school Steering Committee for two years.
Teacher of French 1 and 2, Summer 1968.
GEORGE WYTHE HIGH SCHOOL, Richmond Public Schools, VA
Teacher of French and German, 1966 to 1967.
Project for Beginning Teachers sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation and the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Research Assistant. Phillip Morris, Inc., and A.H. Robins. Summers of 1963 & 1964.
GERMAN YOUTH PROGRAMS Munich, Germany, August 1983 to August 1984.
Read, observed, and interviewed in schools, churches, museums, and youth organizations and at the Bavarian State Institute for Education.
CAMBRIDGE, MA, 1971 to 1973.
Audited courses at Harvard. Research project on decision-making of children in an open classroom. Initiated craft projects for youth in a therapeutic community for ex-drug addicts.
Lifetime Achievement Award: Jobs for the Future, 1997 (with Stephen F. Hamilton).
Invited to the First Anniversary of the Bill Signing Ceremony of the School-to-Work Opportunities legislation May 1994.
National Leadership for Research Award sponsored by The National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1981.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (Eds.). (2004). The youth development handbook: Coming of age in American communities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rist, R.C., with Hamilton, M.A., Holloway, W.B., Johnson, S.D., and Wiltberger, H.E. (1981). Earning and learning: Youth employment policies and programs. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Hamilton, M. A., Hamilton, S. F., Bianchi, L. & Bran, J. (in press). Opening pathways for vulnerable young people in Patagonia. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (in press). Development in youth enterprises. New Directions for Youth Development.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (2010). Building mentoring relationships. New Directions for Youth Development (126, Summer), 141-144.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (2008). A precarious passage: Aging out of the child-only case load. Applied Developmental Science, 12(1), 10-25.
Hamilton, S. F., Hamilton, M. A., Hirsch, B.J., Hughes, J., King, J., & Maton, K. (2006). Community contexts for mentoring. Journal of Community Psychology, 34 (6), 727-746.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (1997). When is work a learning experience? Phi Delta Kappan, 78, 682‑689.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1997). When is learning work‑based? Phi Delta Kappan, 78, 677‑681.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1992). Mentoring programs: Promise and paradox. Phi Delta Kappan, 73 546-550.
Hamilton, M.A. (1982). On-the-job learning. Society, 19 (6), 48-54.
Hamilton, M.A. (1981). On creating viable work experience programs: Design and implementation. Youth Employability: Monographs on Research and Policy Studies, National Center for Research in Vocational Education, The Ohio State University, 53-87.
Hamilton, M.A. (1980). A case study of the implementation of in-school employment and training programs: The functions of program administration. Children and Youth Services Review, 2, 135-157. Reprinted in Confronting youth unemployment in the 1980s. Rhetoric versus reality, R.C. Rist, (Ed.) New York: Pergamon, 1980, 135-157.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (in press). Work and service. In D.L. DuBois & M.J. Karcher (Eds.), Handbook of youth mentoring, second edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (2009). The transition to adulthood: Challenges of poverty and structural lag. In R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology (3rd ed.), Volume 2, Contextual influences on adolescent development, pp. 492-526. New York: Wiley. [Research]
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (2006). School, work, and emerging adulthood. In J.J. Arnett & J.L. Tanner (Eds.), Emerging adults in America: Coming of age in the 21st century (pp. 257-277). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Hamilton, M. A., & Hamilton, S. F. (2005). Work and service-learning. In D. L. Dubois & M. K. Karcher (Eds.), Handbook of youth mentoring (pp. 348-363). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (2004). Designing work and service for learning. In S.F. Hamilton & M. A. Hamilton (Eds.), The youth development handbook: Coming of age in American communities (pp. 147-169). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hamilton, S. F., & Hamilton, M. A. (2004). Contexts for mentoring: Adolescent-adult relationships in workplaces and communities. In R. M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Psychology (pp. 395-428). New York: Wiley.
Hamilton, S. F., & Hamilton, M. A. (2004). Implications for youth development practices. In S. F. Hamilton & M. A. Hamilton (Eds.), The youth development handbook: Coming of age in American communities (pp. 351-371). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hamilton, S. F., Hamilton, M. A., & Pittman, K. (2004). Principles for youth development. In S. F. Hamilton & M. A. Hamilton (Eds.), The youth development handbook: Coming of age in American communities (pp. 3-22). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hamilton, M.A. (2003). Educating teachers and trainers in the United States to foster work-based learning. In F. Achtenhagen (Series & Vol. Ed.) & E.G. John (Series Ed.), Milestones of vocational and occupational education and training: Vol. 2. Institutional perspectives of vocational and occupational education and training (pp. 291-301). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.
Hamilton, M. A. (2003). Social influence processes: How mentors foster character and competence. In F. Achtenhagen (Series & Vol. Ed.) & E.G. John (Series Ed.), Milestones of vocational and occupational education and training: Vol. 2. Institutional perspectives of vocational and occupational education and training (pp. 145-153). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (2003). Learning by teaching: How instructing apprentices affects adult workers. In J. Oelkers (Ed.), Futures of education II: Work, education, and occupation. Essays from an interdisciplinary symposium (pp. 251-269). Berne: Peter Lang.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (2002). Why mentoring in the workplace works. In J. Rhodes (Ed.), New directions in youth development: A critical view of youth mentoring (No. 93; pp. 59-89). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (2000). Research, intervention, and social change: Improving adolescents' career opportunities. In L.J. Crockett & R.K. Silbereisen (Eds.), Negotiating adolescence in times of change. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1999). Creating new pathways to adulthood by adapting German apprenticeship in the United States. In W.R. Heinz (Ed.), From education to work: Cross-national perspectives (pp. 194-213). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F., with Greenwood, D.J. (January 2011). Opening Pathways: Youth in Latin America. (Abriendo Caminos: Jóvenes en América Latina.) Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Cornell Youth in Society Program, Family Life Development Center.
Cornell Youth in Society Program. (March 2010) A Search Report. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Family Life Development Center.
Cornell Youth in Society Program. (April 2009). Life Stories: Youth Workbook. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Family Life Development Center.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (April 2007). Linking research with the practice of youth development. (PrACTice Matters). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, ACT for Youth Upstate Center of Excellence. http://www.actforyouth.net/documents/Linking%20Research%20with%20YD.April%2007.pdf
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (August 2005). Mentoring (Research FACTs and Findings). Ithaca, NY: ACT for Youth Upstate Center of Excellence. [Outreach-Extension]
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (March 2005). Promoting youth development in workplaces (Research FACTs and Findings). Ithaca, NY: ACT for Youth Upstate Center of Excellence., [Outreach-Extension]
Hamilton, M. A., & Hamilton, S. F. (2004, October). Aging out of the child-only caseload. In R. Dunifon, M. A. Hamilton, S. F. Hamilton, & C. J. Taylor, Child-only TANF cases in New York State. NY State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance in the Office of Children & Family Services. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Family Life Development Center.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (2004, May). Career paths of non-college bound high-school graduates: A synthesis study. Submitted to Exceed Corporation., Washington, DC. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Cornell Youth and Work Program.
Hamilton, M. A., & Hamilton, S. F. (2003, December). Report on meeting about middle schools and youth development, October 28, 2003. Submitted to the NY Department of Education. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Cornell Youth and Work Program.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1999). Building strong school-to-work systems: Illustrations of key components. Washington, D.C. National School-to-Work Office.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F., (1997). Learning well at work: Choices for quality. Washington, DC: National School-to-Work Office.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F. (1994). Increasing adolescents’ planful competence: A report on the Cornell Youth Apprenticeship Demonstration Project. Cornell University.
Hamilton, M.A., & Hamilton, S.F., (1993). Toward a youth apprenticeship system: A progress report from the Youth Apprenticeship Demonstration Project in Broome County, NY. Cornell University.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A., (1992). Learning at work. In James E. Rosenbaum et al., Youth apprenticeship in America: Guidelines for building an effective system. Washington D.C.: William T. Grant Foundation Commission on Youth and America's Future, 17-23.
Hamilton, S.F., Hamilton, M.A., & Wood, B.J. (1991). Creating apprenticeship opportunities for youth: A progress report from the Youth Apprenticeship Demonstration Project in Broome County, NY. Cornell University (ERIC document Reproduction Service, ED 324 385).
Hamilton, M.A. & S.F. Hamilton. Teaching and Learning on the Job. Final Report for the Department of Labor. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, College of Human Ecology, March 6, 1991.
Hamilton, S.F. & Hamilton, M.A. (1990). Linking Up: Final Report on a Mentoring Program for Youth. Cornell University (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 324 585).
Hamilton, S.F. & Hamilton, M.A. (1989). Teaching and learning on the job: A framework for assessing workplaces as learning environments. Commissioned by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
Hamilton, M. A., & Hamilton, S. F. (2003, December). Report on meeting about middle schools and youth development, October 28, 2003. Submitted to the NY Department of Education. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Family Life Development Center.
Hamilton, M.A., and Hamilton, S.F, (1997). Turbo OJT can redefine workplace learning. Technical Training, 8 (8), 8-12.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1994). Schools and work places: Partners in the transition. Theory into Practice, 33 242-248.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1994). Opening career paths for youth: What needs to be done? Who can do it? Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum, Jobs for the Future, Cornell Youth and Work Program. Reprinted with commentary in Youth Policy 15&16 (12&1).
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A., (1992). Apprenticeships for youth. Educational Leadership, 49 (No.6, March), 44-47.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A., (1992). Bridging the school-to-work gap. The School Administrator, 49 (No. 3, March), 8-15.
Hamilton, S.F., & Hamilton, M.A. (1991). New York apprenticeships stress adult roles, responsibilities. Student Apprenticeship News, (No. 1) October, 1991, p. 5 (from the William T. Grant Foundation Commission on Work, Family & Citizenship). Also in Labor Notes, (Newsletter of the National Governor's Association).
Hamilton, M.A. & Cochran, M. (1988). Parents, teachers and the community: Building partnerships for the child. Research Report, Cornell University.
Hamilton, M.A. (2002). (Producer and Writer). Cornell Youth and Work Program. http://www.human.cornell.edu/youthwork/
Hamilton, M.A., (Producer, Director and Writer). Projects for School and Work: Meeting the Standards. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 1997. Video.
Hamilton, M.A. (Producer and Director) Videotaped apprentices with coaches at their worksites, 1992-1993.
Hamilton, M.A. (Producer and Director) & Cochran, M. (Family Matters Project Director). Parents, Teachers and the Community: Building Partnerships for the Child. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 1988. Video.
Hamilton, M.A. (Producer), Gluck, D.H. (Director) with Goggin, S. & Hamilton, S.F. (Advisors). Caring for Kids: Three Approaches. Ithaca, NY: PhotoSynthesis Productions, 1987. Video.
Gluck, D.H., (Producer, Director and Writer) & Hamilton, M.A. (Writer). Color: Light Fantastic. Ithaca, NY: PhotoSynthesis Productions, 1987. Film and video.
Gluck, D.H., (Producer and Director) & Hamilton, M.A. (Associate Producer and Writer). Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Ithaca, NY: PhotoSynthesis Productions, 1986. Film and video.
Gluck, D.H., (Producer and Director) & Hamilton, M.A. (Associate Producer). Caring: Families Coping with Alzheimer's Disease. Ithaca, NY: PhotoSynthesis Productions, 1985. Film and video.
Interview with Kevin Litten, reporter, Winston Salem Journal, NC, about the quality of youth programs. Article appeared Sunday, June 24 2007.
News Service article by Susan Lang on The Youth Development Handbook, December 2003.
"Youth Apprenticeship Training." First Tuesday. March 2, 1993, WSKG-PBS radio interview with Stephen F. Hamilton and Mary Agnes Hamilton.