To perform a risk assessment of New Development Projects and Whole Asset Replacement & Renewal Projects to determine the level of oversight (e.g., a project board[1]) and approval required by the Province.
The Capital Project Risk Screen Tool is required in addition to the completion of a risk register, which is updated throughout the project lifecycle.
The risk assessment considers both organization-level (Part A) and project-level (Part B) risk factors. The level of residual risk remaining (after mitigation measures are taken) will help inform the level of approval required for:
- Concept Plan Reports and/or Business Plans
- Contract award/term sheets
- Reporting of project status/changes
These factors include the following:
- Organization’s track record: achievement of the ministry’s annual financial targets (operating and capital) and previous projects’ budget, scope and schedule targets
- Governance: effective governance structures/processes in place including clear accountabilities
- Management Processes: appropriate capital planning and budgeting, project management, risk management, and asset management processes are in place
Key factors include:
- Expertise: Ministry/agency has recent experience managing similar types of projects and the project manager and team members have expertise/experience in the type of project being undertaken
- Risk Management: Preliminary project risk assessment completed
- Project Objectives: Objectives are clearly stated and align with the needs in the ministry’s approved service plan
- Scope/Readiness: Site selected/issues identified, early to mid-stage of design/scope and schedule development, and evidence of need for proposed capital solution
- Financial: Magnitude of project cost and impact on fiscal plan, early to mid-stage of capital budget development and assumptions underlying budget are reasonable, ministry can manage operating costs within multi-year operating targets
- Procurement: Ministry/agency has experience and achieved positive results with identified procurement options
- Complexity/Profile: Confirm level of technical complexity in terms of design/scope, construction method and/or procurement method, clarify whether project impacts a large number and/or health/safety of citizens, multiple partners involved
Part A: Once initially completed, the organizational level risk assessment should be updated at least annually. The assessment will involve gaining an understanding of the management processes/structures at each level of the organization e.g. ministry and school district.
Part B: Project level risk assessment will be completed for each project, with a focus on the agency delivering the project.
Both assessments (Part A and B) will be conducted by Ministry of Finance with input from senior capital and financial managers within the ministry that is responsible for the particular capital project as well as input from agencies for the Part B - Project level risk assessment.
Capital Project Risk Screen Tool |Page 1 of 15
Project Title:
Has the ministry/agency demonstrated success in meeting annual financial targets (capital and operating)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Does the ministry/agency have recent experience managing various types of capital projects (consider project size, complexity, procurement method, type of construction/scope, including a new build, expansion of existing building, remediation/rehabilitation of building)? If so, what have been the results achieved (e.g., level of success in meeting original project budget, scope and schedule targets)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are appropriate project governance structures /processes established to oversee and monitor capital infrastructure projects (e.g., project boards)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are the ministry’s/agency’s capital plans aligned with:
a.)The needs identified in the ministry’s approved service plan?
b.)Government’s strategic plan and priorities?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are asset inventory and/or program/facility usage tracking systems (e.g. asset condition index and FTE and space utilization data) used to monitor and assess the need for capital investment?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Is an appropriate risk management program in place to manage risk at the capital program and project levels?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are performance measurement and reporting processes in place at the ministry and agency levels to oversee project progress?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Does the ministry/agency have recent experience managing similar types of capital projects (consider project size, complexity, procurement method, type of construction/scope, including new build, expansion of existing building, remediation/rehabilitation of building)? If so, what have been the results achieved (e.g., level of success in meeting original project budget, scope and schedule targets)
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Have project team members’ roles and responsibilities been clearly defined?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Do project team members have the required qualifications/experience for the particular type of project?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Has a preliminary project level risk assessment been completed and has Risk Management Branch been consulted (for P3 projects)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are the project objectives clear and well-defined?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Are the project objectives aligned with the needs identified in the ministry’s approved service plan?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Has a site been selected? If a site has been selected, have the relevant site assessments (e.g. geotechnical assessment), zoning and site servicing requirements been confirmed? If not, have potential sites been identified, including any relevant issues and areas where further review/assessment may be required (e.g. First Nations consultation and municipal zoning and other approvals required)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are the project scope features clearly defined? What is the current level of design completion?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are the project schedule milestones clearly defined? Is the construction schedule accelerated and/or multi-phased?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Does the relevant data from the asset inventory and/or program/facility usage tracking systems (e.g. asset condition index and FTE and space utilization data) support the need for the proposed capital solution?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Are there sufficient contingencies included in the budget to address potential cost increases as design/scope details are further refined and confirmed?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Could the project have a significant impact on the Fiscal Plan? Need to consider the following:
- Ongoing maintenance and operating costs
- Revenue generation and related risks (e.g. market risks)
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Has a draft project capital budget been developed? If so, are the key underlying assumptions clearly stated and reasonable (e.g. capital costs estimate reviewed by a Quantity Surveyor and based on either conceptual, indicative or detailed design drawings or based on unit costs for recently completed similar projects)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Is funding for the capital infrastructure project included within the ministry’s approved capital plan? If so, what type of approval has been provided (e.g. notional approval)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Life cycle costs: can program/service delivery costs be accommodated within the ministry’s approved multi-year operating targets?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
If the project is dependent on 3rd party financing, has the 3rd party financing been committed/secured? Are there any specific conditions attached to this funding that may be difficult for the Province to address?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Is the dollar value of the project such that it will attract scrutiny or interest from external stakeholders (e.g. contractors, public, OAG), which in turn could impact the level of oversight needed?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Have potential procurement options been identified? Does the ministry/agency have recent experience with any of these procurement options? If so, what results were achieved for each of the procurement options (e.g., did the agency/ies meet original project budget, scope and schedule targets)?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
B.7 Complexity/Profile
Is the project’s success, failure, or result likely to be of great interest to the public or specific groups of stakeholders? Could the project be perceived as having a direct impact on a significant number of citizens (e.g. province-wide, regional or local service focus)? Is the project likely to impact people to whom the government owes a particular duty of care (i.e. First Nations, children at risk, vulnerable populations) or will have a direct impact on health and safety?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Does the project have the potential to impact (positively or negatively) government mission-critical or business-priority operations or services?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Is the project scope likely to change significantly due to stakeholder consultation/influence?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Does the project require new legislation, regulation, or policies, or amendments? If so, have the necessary Cabinet/legislative approvals been obtained?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
Is the project being completed in partnership with other agencies, or is it dependent on MOUs or agreements with other agencies?
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Initial Risk Rating(Low/Med/High) / Ministry of Finance Comments/Rationale / Residual Risk Rating
B.8 Other
Please identify any other significant risk factors
[Ministry/Agency Mitigation Measures/Comments]:
Final (Residual) Risk Rating / Approval Level / Rationale (including key considerations)Mainly high / Ministry of Finance
Mainly medium / Ministry of Finance
Mainly low / Ministry and/or Project Board
Capital Project Risk Screen Tool |Page 1 of 15
[1] This arises from best practices in managing capital projects and follows a structure that has been in place in other Ministries. Terms of reference will be project specific and membership will include Institution and government representatives. Project boards will be responsible for providing overall direction and key decision-making on scope, budget, schedule, procurement, communications and consultation.