Winterfest 2009 Pre-Event Lesson-1
Before the lesson:
1. Say a prayer for your students and for your words.
2. Gather necessary supplies. Go over these notes and make them your own. Use what works for you. You may not want to use all of this material. Adapt this plan (edit, add, subtract) to make it fit you and your students. Be reminded that the aim of this lesson is to prepare for the sessions at Winterfest 2009. We want to pave the way for the message of Winterfest 2009 that when life gets peeled back to its essential element, what remains for us is tosimply “Love God and Love Others.”
Intro: Heart to Heart
Before the meeting, cut out three large hearts from separate sheets of poster board. The hearts should be three different colors (such as red, white, and pink). Then, cut each heart into puzzle pieces. Make the pieces large or small --- just so you can have enough for every person who comes to the meeting. As group members enter the room, give each one a puzzle piece. Then, after everyone has arrived, tell them to find the other members of their teams and put their puzzles together. If you have extra puzzle pieces, give them to the appropriate groups after they have begun to work on their puzzles. The first team to complete their puzzle wins.
Parable of the Shapes
This parable/drama will be a great exercise as you begin thinking and talking about Loving God and Loving Others. It is based on the idea that there are generally three kinds of love: “If” love, “because” love and “in spite of” love (the best kind, of course).
The characters should each carry a large cardboard shape as their costume. Their identities thus become their shapes: for example, Blob should carry a cardboard shape that is uneven and rather nondescript, and In-Spite-Of man should carry no shape at all.
Cast: Narrator, Blob, Circle 1, Circle 2, Star 1, Star 2, Square 1, Square 2, Triangle 1, Triangle 2, In Spite Of.
There once was a land of If and Because
That sat on the earth as every land does.
And every person who lived in the land
Would search for a person he could understand.
Now let us together observe what takes place
When If and Because people meet face to face.
First Circle:
As I walk along this fine sunny day,
A stranger I see coming my way.
Is he a friend or is he a foe?
Not till I look at his shape will I know.
A circle I be and a circle I stay.
A circle is needed for friendship today. (Enter the Blob)
Hello my friend, Circle's my name
And finding a friend is my kind of game.
Have you a circle to exchange with me here?
Or are you an alien shape, I fear.
A friendly fellow you seem to be,
And circles I need for good friends to be.
What my own shape is, I really don't know,
But I hope it's a circle so friendship will grow.
I'm so glad I found you. I'm so glad to see
That such a relationship can possibly be.
First Circle:
Now wait a minute, oh stranger, here.
You hasten your happiness too fast I fear.
I told you before, our two shapes must match
In order for any new friendship to hatch.
If you were a circle with roundest of frame,
We'd be friends forever because we're the same.
But I see no circle. I see nothing round.
I think that it's only a Blob that I've found.
Now think of my image, what others might say,
I can't take the risk. Away! Away!
I'm so broken-hearted. I'm in such despair.
I am not a circle. It doesn't seem fair. (Enter second Circle)
Second Circle:
A call for a circle, is that what I hear?
I, too, am a circle, such joy and such cheer!
For now, brother Circle, your long vigil ends.
We've found one another. Forever we're friends! (Circles exit)
First Star:
I am a star, a beautiful star.
Better than all other shapes, by far.
And if you are the finest, I think you will see
That shape you are holding, a star it will be.
If I'd find a star, we'd frolic in fun
And dance and play and never be done.
If you are a star, my friendship you've won.
But as I look closer, I see you're not one.
You're only a Blob! We'll never go far,
Unless you can prove that you're also a star!
My shape's not important. Myself is what counts.
Just give me some friendship in any amount.
First Star:
I've no time for blobs, so go on your way,
For I think a star is coming this way. (Enter Second Star.)
Second Star:
A star I am, and a star I'll stay.
Oh praise be to stars, it's our lucky day!
First Star:
Oh star, oh star, what double delight!
These shapes that we're holding, they match us just right.
Second Star:
At last we're together, so happy and proud.
Together we'll surely stand out in a crowd.
So Blob, adios, farewell, and good-by!
You just don't fit in, and don't ask us why. (Stars exit)
Alas, I am broken. What worse could I do?
Than being rejected by each of these two. (Enter First Square)
First Square:
Through this crowd I now will stare
To see if perhaps there be somewhere a square.
Pardon me there, but some time could you lend?
If you are a square, I'll be your true friend.
Oh surely, dear brother, our shape's not the same,
But I'm a sweet person, and what's in a name?
First Square:
Your shape's not a square and you talk to me so?
I can't believe all the nerve that you show.
If it's friendship you want, then friendship go get,
But not from a shape with which you don't fit! (Enter Second Square)
Second Square:
A call for a square? I'll soon be right there!
A square I am and a square I'll be.
I'll join you in friendship, oh square, just ask me.
Because our fine corners do each number four,
We'll stay close together forever and more. (Squares exit)
I'm torn and I'm frazzled, what worse could there be,
Than being rejected by each of these three. (Enter First Triangle)
First Triangle:
I'm wandering to and I'm wandering fro,
In search of a three-sided shape just like so. (Points)
For if I could find one, I know we would blend,
For only a triangle can be a true friend.
Hello there, dear fellow, I've heard all you've said,
I can't help but thinking, to you I've been led.
For you need friendship and I need the same.
So on with the friendship and off with the game.
First Triangle:
Now who is this talking? What shape do you hold?
You seem sort of strange, just what is your mold?
You sure are not pretty, you shapeless disgrace.
Why, you're just a blob, it's all over your face!
I've no time for you, pitiful one,
This senseless discussion is over and done! (Enter Second Triangle)
Second Triangle:
A call for triangles? Well, I'll fill the need.
We're made for each other, it must be agreed! (Triangles exit)
No one understands poor shapeless me,
Cause I'm just a blob as you can well see.
If I were a circle or maybe a square,
Then I could be having some fun over there.
Why can't all you shapes just notice and see,
That I'm just as miserable as I can be.
With no one to laugh and be good friends with,
I'm beginning to feel just a little bit miffed.
Now just at this moment comes into this place
A man who is different in style and in grace.
He's quiet and thoughtful and listens quite well,
Observing the stories that our characters tell.
Now with me return to our tale if you can,
And witness the ways of In-Spite-Of Man. (Enter In-Spite-Of Man)
In-Spite-Of Man:
Hello, will you be my friend?
On, no, can't you see…..
I'm not a circle or square, so please leave me be.
In-Spite-Of Man:
Friend, once again to you I will say,
Will you not be my friend on this fine day?
Your humor's not funny. I'm wise to your jokes.
You're here to make fun like the rest of these folks.
In-Spite-Of Man:
Now what is the problem, my poor little man?
You seem so distressed, I just can't understand.
I've run the whole gamut. I've pleaded and cried
To have them accept me and love me inside.
But each time I seek them, they look at my shape,
And quickly reject me. It's like hearing a tape.
"You're not the right person, you've got the wrong shape,
The people will gossip, the people will gape."
If this shall continue from day unto day,
Alone I'll remain and depressed will I stay.
In-Spite-Of Man:
I think a great lesson's been brought to your sight.
These shapes find it hard to accept you "in spite."
They're all so possessive and selfish inside,
They wallow in vanity, ego, and pride.
But there is an answer I've found to be true,
And I've come to offer this answer to you.
I don't understand all you're trying to say,
But you're the first person I've met here today
Who seems to accept me in spite of my form.
You break all the rules of the shape-seekers' norm.
In-Spite-Of Man:
Your wisdom is growing. I think you now see
Love puts no conditions on you or on me.
Our moral is simple. I'll share it with you.
It's all in the Bible and known to be true.
The world offers values, which dazzle our eyes.
It mixes the truth with ridiculous lies.
And we here are seeking the true meaning of
This life that we're living, this word we call "love."
The If and Because folks are caught in a bind,
For they only accept their very own kind.
They love folks "because" and they love people "if,"
But few have discovered the "In-Spite-Of" Gift!
Follow up the drama/parableby reading Matthew 22:34-40. Share thesethoughts:
The Jews of Jesus’ day understood what is was like for life to be complicated. The Law had become a complex list of 613 total commandments; 248 positive commands; 365 negative commands. 613 commands to try to keep up with! Complex! So, this Pharisee (recorded in Matthew 22:34-40) asked Jesus to boil it all down to the basic elements. So Jesus did so by quoting a most familiar passage from Deuteronomy 6:4….”the Shema;” a statement of faith that was recited every day by Jews.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.”
To love God is not just to have good feelings about Him or to keep a list of prescribed rules. To love God is to give him your all; everything you’ve got---your intellect, your spirit, your body, your time, your service, your allegiance. What kind of love is this?
3 Kinds of Love
1) The First Type of Love is LOVE, IF
It’s the only the kind of love many people have ever known.
It’s the type of love you and I give or receive when certain requirements are met.
You have to do something to earn it. “If love” is conditional love. It says, I love you…
IF you don’t embarrass me
IF you behave right
IF you run with the right crowd
IF you will have sex with me
IF you stay thin
IF you have a good job
IF you give me what I want
“If love” is purely selfish. Its motivation and purpose is to get something in exchange for love.“If love” always has strings attached. As long as the conditions are met, things are fine. When those conditions aren’t met, the supposed “love” ceases to flow. This cheap kind of love almost always destroys itself because sooner or later one person won’t be able to meet the requirements of the other.
An extra side note here (for free): If a guy or girl says to you, “If you love me, you’ll have sex with me,” You say to them, “If you really loved me, you wouldn’t ask me!” True love is unconditional.It won’t say I’ll love you if you do this or that.
There is no IF in LOVE.
Use the following story to illustrate this point:
A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco.
“Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I have a favor to ask. I have a friendI’d like to bring home with me.”
“There’s something you should know,” the son continued. “He was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.”
“No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”
“Son,” said the father, “You don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come on home and forget about this guy. He’ll find a way to live on his own.”
At that point, the son hung up the phone. A few days later, however, the parents received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide.
The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgueto identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror, they also discovered something they hadn’t previously known—their son had only one arm and one leg.
Whereas the first type of love is LOVE, IF….
2) The Second Type of Love is LOVE, BECAUSE
With this type of love, the person is loved because of something he is - - something he has - - or something he does.
This love is produced by a certain condition or quality in the other person’s life
“Because love is easy love”
It says I love you…………
Because you are PRETTY
Because you are RICH
Because you are POPULAR
Because you are ATHLETIC
Because you are SMART
For example, you may know a young lady who loves a particular guy because he’s a great athlete. She wants the best. It really doesn’t matter much who is the best, she isn’t in love with him, she’s in love with his position, his status, his popularity.
You may be thinking – hey that doesn’t sound so bad…
I enjoy being loved for what I am, for the qualities and things in my life. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, necessarily. It’s certainly preferable to “LOVE IF”
“If love” has to be earned, and requires a lot of effort. Having someone love us because of what we are puts us more at ease. We know there’s something about us that’s lovable. There’s a problem with love Because, however. The problem is this….
Let’s say someone loves you because you’re so good-looking or wealthy. What happens when someone else comes along who is better looking, more beautiful, or more wealthy? There’s fear, mistrust, insecurity. Will competition threaten love? Will it threaten your love? If it will, then yours is a “Love Because.”
It’s a shaky foundation, and not one upon which to establish a marriage or any lasting relationship. Paul says love does not envy. Love doesn’t have to look at what you are and what others are and what they have. True love doesn’t look at what you are, it looks at who you are.
That leads us to our third and final type of love….1) I love you If; 2)I love you Because
3)The Third Type of Love is LOVE, IN SPITE OF
This love says, I love you regardless. I love you anyhow. I love you no matter what.
I love you in spite of everything. Love without conditions. No strings attached. Unconditional. Nothing can stand between or stop my love for you.
Maybe you’ve seen the poster that says: A True Friend Is Someone Who Knows Everything About You….and Loves You Anyway.
This “In Spite Of” Love isn’t blind. It is far from a blind love. It knows the other person’s faults, shortcomings and problems, but totally accepts that person without demanding anything in return. There’s no way to earn this type of love. There’s nothing you can do to increase this type of love. You can turn it off.
It is different from “Because Love” in that it isn’t produced by some attractive quality in the person who’s being loved. “In Spite Of Love” kind of love would love even the most worthless person as if he/she were of infinite value.
Discuss this quote from Julius Gordon:
“Love is not blind—it seems more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.”
“In Spite Of Love” says: “I Love You……
Even if you do me wrong.
Even if you hurt me.
Even if you talk about me behind my back.
Even if your style of music is different from mine.
Even if you dress differently.
Even if you fail.
Even if you talk differently.
Even if your hairstyle if different.”
Yes, I love you no matter what. In spite of all the differences. That’s how God loves me. And I’m trying to learn to love others in that same way.