Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th March 2014

Present:Tracey McCarley (Vice Chair-Old Basing Infants, Sally Harvey (Oakley Infants), Becky Kundi (Locality Team), Sally Clark (NHS), Mandy Gannon (Costello), Jacqui Morgan (The Vyne), Claire Wolf (YOT), Alison Tebbs (SfYC), Vince Parkes (BVS Youth Team), Howard Rowntree (HCC), Kathy Gare (PSA CBEC)and Margaret Cox (CVC LCP).

1Welcome, Introduction and apologies – in the absence of Paul Hemmings, Tracey McCarley chaired the meeting and welcomed new members. Apologies received from: Paul Hemmings (Chair-Costello), Pam Luck (SfYC), Sue Davies (Fairfields Inf/Pr), Debbie Martin (CCs), Steve Willis (Youth Support), Kim Walker (CBEC), June Balcombe (BDBC), Mike Nicholls (BDBC), Ed Ives Wara (BVS), David Connor (The Vyne). Lorna Digweed (Wessex Dance Project).

2Declaration of Pecuniary Interests - there were no pecuniary interests to declare.

3Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th January 2014 – agreed as a true record.

4Matters Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th January 2014

2014-15 CVC LCP Meeting Schedule– first meeting of the spring term will be re-scheduled.

Children’s Trust Board Annual Event – Working Parties have been made aware of the need to have case studies available for the CTB meeting in June.

CVC LCP End of Year Report – agenda item 7

B&D LCP Directory – agenda item 8

Anti-Bullying – agenda item 8

Raising Aspirations & Attainment WP– agenda item 9

Revised CVC LCP Leave of Absence Form – revised form emailed to CVC LCP.

Basingstoke NEET Strategy Group – minutes will be distributed to CVC LCP.

LCP Coordination 2014-15 – at the last meeting it had been agreed to extend the Coordinator contract for one year. It has been necessary to change the end date to 31st August 2014; the reason for the change will become apparentunder item 5 ‘Chair’s Report’.

Year 10/11 Workshops (S Willis) – information emailed to Steve Willis (SW).

Children’s Centre Parenting Programmes – information included in CVC LCPNewsletter.

Alison Tebbs (AT) reported on the proposed pilot discussed at the Raising Students Attainment and Aspiration meeting held on 12th February 2014 – details recorded under item 9.

5Chair’s Report

TM attended the LCP Chairs’ Meeting and reported that Steve Crocker (SC) had spoken about the difficult decisions which had to be made. Children’s Services had to make £25.6m in savings, there was rising pressure in Social Care; calls to the help desk, new referrals and open cases have doubled. Child Protection has more than doubled.

The cut in funding for LCP administration was discussed; SC stated that LCPs need to look at the best way of moving forward; Basingstoke to decide if there is a need for four LCPs.

The Early Help Hub Basingstokelaunch will be held on 6th May. Information has been circulated by HCC. The Eastleigh Hub has opened and is receiving a lot of calls. The Early Help Hubs will be rolled out across Hampshire by October 2014.

A reminder was given to secondary schools about the Government’s transition funding for Year 6/7 students.

Paul Hemmings (PH) attended the Children’s Trust Board Meeting on 13th March. Ian Langley (IL) gave an update on Supporting families – over 1000 families engaged; nearly 400 positive outcomes, with continual monitoring of impact; Job Centre support has been helpful in tackling inter-generational unemployment; growing number of case studies on the supporting families website outlining issues encountered and types of plan developed with outcomes achieved for all to access; cross referencing of family criteria is now included in the Early Help assessment point; Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG) is now consulting on future criteria for families which may possibly include domestic violence, adult offenders and young children in the families.

At the BACS meeting held on 6th March it was reported that Troubled Families is performing well in Basingstoke. A summary of the results from BDBC’s ‘Big Say’ was given by June Balcombe (JB). Mike Nicholls (MN) was going to give the same presentation to the CVC LCP today but unfortunately he is unwell and cannot attend. The presentation will be deferred to the meeting scheduled for 17th June 2014.

There was discussion around the existing BACS Terms of Reference and the current arrangements for LCPs. Five options were proposed by the Chair, Tim Boschi:

1 Retain the existing arrangements – four LCPs and one coordination group.

2 Move to one Borough-wide LCP with four subgroups (the subgroups to reflect the existing LCP geography).

3 Move to one Borough-wide LCP with two subgroups – one urban and one rural.

4 Move to two LCPs – one urban and one rural, with project based subgroups.

5 Move to a greater integration and alignment of the Troubled Families, Early Help and LCP arrangements.

TB requested that each LCP discussed the options and fed the views back to BACS.

A summary of the proposed options was tabled.It was acknowledged that agencies have reported difficulties of attending four separate LCP meetings and the difference between rural and urban areas. After further discussion, the consensus in the meeting was to recommend option 4.To gauge the views of all members of the CVC LCP, the options will be emailed to members with a statement to confirm that the consensusin the meeting was to recommend option 4.

TM will be attending the BACS meeting scheduled for 5th June and will report back the findings of the CVC LCP. Margaret Cox (MC) to email a copy of TB’s proposals. Action: TM/MC

6Update on 2012-13 Action Plan:

Teenage Pregnancy‘Train the Teacher’ Project - Sally Clark (SC) reported that alcohol related problems cost the country £2.9 million. Across the County, 80-90 under 16s are admitted to A&E due to alcohol or drug related issues; 2.6 m young people are living in families with alcohol problems; 7,500 are living with alcohol dependent parents/carers.

The funding received had been used to put together a range of resources for teachers to deliver sessions to students on alcohol issues. Resources had also been prepared for group work with students whose parents are known to have alcohol problems.

SC reported that engagement from schools to date has been poor. A ‘Train the Teacher’ Workshop had been delivered at The Hurst and the response from the 15 members of staff who attended was positive. Forty young people attended the group work session and the evaluation forms suggested that the session had had a positive effect on participants.

SC and her team will be visiting each secondary school to deliver the resource pack (memory stick, lesson plans, etc) and to talk to a member of staff about the project. Jacqui Morgan (The Vyne), Mandy Gannon (Costello) and Clare Wolf (YOT) said that they would report back to their Headteacher/Team about the possibility of offering training sessions/workshops. Members were also asked if they could pass on the information to schools and partner agencies. Action: JM, MG, CW and CVC LCP members.

SC reported that the School Nurses Service is being de-commissioned and going out to tender which could potentially result in changes to the current service.

72013-14 End of Year Report

TM reported that the End of Year Report had been sent to HCC before the end of February and copies distributed to members. No queries were raised by members about the report.

8Basingstoke & Deane LCP Identified Priorities 2013-2014

Basingstoke & Deane LCP website directory – Margaret Cox (MC) reported that work on the directory had been slow to start. The four LCPs are working with Supporting Families and Early Years. MC has emailed the four LCPs and other agencies to request information for inclusion in the directory. To date, response from agencies has been poor. MC requested that all members highlight the importance of organisations/groups completing the pro forma and returning it to MC. MC will re-send the email and pro forma to members. Action: MC

Anti-Bullying– Tracey McCarley had received a report from Steve Willis (SW) to say that the draft strategy and plan has been written but it needs to go to the four LCPs for approval and the way forward for each LCP. Action: SW

Obesity –the joint LCP obesity funding application will be reviewed when the public health bids are reviewed on 26th March 2014.

9CVC LCP Budget and Action Plan 2013-14

The CVC LCP Budget report was tabled. For budgeting purposes, the report has assumed £500 from the three LCPs and payment of £750 to BDBC for the Joint LCP Conference. Both transactions will be completed by31st March 2014. All outstanding monies will be transferred from The Vyne to CBEC who will administer the budget on behalf of the CVC LCP.

After deducting Coordinator salary costs (1st April-31st August 2014) and administration to CBEC, the CVC cluster has a balance of approximately £9,000 which needs to be spent or allocated by the end of the summer term.

Sally Clark (SC) reported that the School Nurse Team are developing a leaflet ‘Who we are’ targeted at Year 6 and 7 students. SC proposed that consideration is given by the CVC LCP to fund the leaflet. It was agreed that SC will present a proposal to the CVC LCP for discussion at the next meeting scheduled for 17th June. Action: SC

Raising Aspiration & Attainment Working Party – minutes of the meeting held on 12th February had been circulated with the agenda. Alison Tebbs (AT) reported that the Working Party had agreed to look at a PEEP parenting pilot project aimed at Year R students. Research has shown that participants in the PEEP programme had had a positive impact on parents and the children involved. A five week (16 hours) programme with two people leading the programme and the support of one member of school staff had been proposed.

Initially, two pilots will run at Fairfields and Manor Field Infant Schools in the summer term. Each course will cost £2,400; discussions will take place with the Headteachers of the identified schools to explore whether they would fund part or all the cost from their pupil premium funding. TM stated that even schools with very little premium funding may be prepared to give financial support to such a project. Sally Harvey (SH) and AT will meet with the headteachers of Fairfields and Manor Fields and report back to the CVC LCP. Action: SH and AT

Kathy Gare (KG) reported that a Triple P parenting course starts at Manor FieldJunior School on 2nd May which may impact on the number of participants for the pilot project.

Young People Attendance and Engagement– TM reported that the revised CVC Cluster Leave of Absence form had been circulated to the CVC cluster schools. At the Working Group meeting held on 25th February, the inconsistency of support from GPs when requests from schools were made to verifying doctor’s appointments was discussed. SC agreed to follow this up and report back. Action: SC

NEET Strategy Meeting – meeting scheduled for 28th January 2014 cancelled.

CVC NEET Working Party – met 12th February. Clare Wolf (CW) reported that the WG had discussed the need for affordable transport for young people. The Furniture Project (FP) overhauled donated bikes which are then sold. The WG discussed the possibility of young people overhauling bikes which could then be hired/loaned/or given to young people in need of support. Bikes would be donated but funding will be required for repairs to the bikes and provision of helmet, lights and padlock. CW and the Working Group will put together a proposal for financial support from the CVC LCP to support the project. Action: CWWG

10Election of Chair and Vice Chair from April – September 2014

As members had previously been informed, Paul Hemmings (PH) has been appointed Headteacher of Mill Chase School, Borden and will be standing down as Chair of the CVC LCP with effect from the end of the spring term.

MC reported that advice from HCC had been sought on the way forward. To aid continuity and the uncertainty of the future of the LCPs, Tracey McCarley has agreed to take over as Chair until the end of the summer term. Tracey McCarley was proposed as Chair of the CVC LCP by Sally Harvey, seconded by Mandy Gannon and approved by everyone present.No Nomination for Vice Chair was made and so it was decided to run the LCP without one for the summer term.

11Update of Services: Wessex Dance Project– Clare Wolf gave the presentation on behalf of Lorna Digweed who was unable to attend due to staffing issues. A DVD of the Wessex Dance Project was shown to members. The project involved disadvantaged/vulnerable young people aged 14-25 years. It is based at Winchester, lead by Lorna Digweed and funded by HCC. There is a requirement to attend five days a week for 12 weeks and culminates in a performance. The course is OCN accredited and is equivalent to one GCSE. Travel costs are paid and participants are provided with breakfast and lunch. The project has had a positive effect on participants and referral can be made by YOT, schools, organisations working with young people or self referral. Contact details for the Wessex Dance Project: 01962 850127.

12Any Other Business

Vince Parkes (BVS Youth Team) reported that the Youth Team has been awarded funds by UK Youth, in partnership with CAPITAL FM and THE BRIT SCHOOL, to develop and empower ten music champions who will deliver peer education to a further 100 people. As part of the funding agreement, it has been agreed that BVS may purchase a container to build a sustainable music studio.

On behalf of CVC LCP members, Tracey McCarley thanked Paul Hemmings for the support and help he has given to the CVC LCP and wished him every success for the future.

13Date of next meeting: 17th June 2014 at 9.30 am. Venue: Cranbourne Business & Enterprise College.