Whole School Long Term Plan
Summer Term 2017/18
Year 1 / Year 2/3 / Year 3/4 / Year 5/6Topic / What has changed since your grandparents were young? / How have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place? / Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? / Why is Brazil in the news again?
British Values / Respect
- Show respect to changes and elders
- Acknowledging changes for the better.
- Different faiths
- Human rights
- Romans laws
- Slavery
- Human rights
- Individual choice on environment, lifestyle.
- Deforestation
Topic Key Skills /
- I can use words and phrases like: old, new and long time ago.
- I can recognise some objects belong to the past.
- I can ask and answer questions about old and new objects.
- I can spot old and new things in a picture.
- I can explain what an object from the past might have been used for.
- I can explain how I have changed since I was born.
- I can use words and phrases like: before, after, past, present, then and now.
- I can recount the life of someone famous from Britain who lived in the past. I can explain what they did earlier and what they did later.
- I can answer questions using books and internet.
- I can give examples of things that were different when my grandparents were children.
- I can plot events using a timeline
- I can sue mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades.
- I can explain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people.
- I can explain how historical items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past.
- I can explain how an event from the past has shaped our life today.
- I can research two versions of an event and explain how they differ.
- I can answer questions by using a map.
- I can use maps, aerial photographs, plans and e-resources to describe what a locality might be like.
- I can describe how some places are similar and dissimilar in relation to their human and physical features.
Science / What do aliens think of life on planet Earth? / Which materials should the three little pigs have to build their house? / How can we grow our own salad? / How can you be the next master chef? / Which wild animals and plants thrive in your locality? / How would we survive without water? / Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? / Will we ever send another human to the moon?
Science Key Skills /
- I can distinguish between an object and the material it is made from.
- I can explain the materials that an object is made from.
- I can name wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock.
- I can describe the properties of everyday materials.
- I can group objects based on the materials they are made from.
- I can distinguish between an object and the material it is made from.
- I can explain the materials that an object is made from.
- I can name wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock.
- I can describe the properties of everyday materials.
- I can group objects based on the materials they are made from.
- I can explain the basic stages in a life cycle for animals, including humans.
- I can describe what animals and humans need to survive.
- I can describe why exercise, a balanced diet and good hygiene are important for humans.
- I can describe how seeds and bulbs grow into plants.
- I can describe what plants need in order to grow and stay healthy (water, light and suitable temperature).
- I can group living things in different ways.
- I can use classification keys to group, identify and name living things.
- I can create classification keys to group, identify and name living things (for others to use).
- I can describe how changes to an environment could endanger living things.
- I can group materials based on their state of matter.
- I can describe how some materials can change state.
- I can explore how materials change state.
- I can measure the temperature at which materials change state.
- I can describe the water cycle
- I can describe the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
- I can describe the life cycle of different things.
- I can describe the differences between different lifecycles
- I can describe the process in reproduction in plants and animals.
- I can create a timeline that indicate stages of growth in humans.
- I can describe and explain the movement of Earth and other planets, relative to the sun.
- I can describe and explain the movement of the moon relative to the Earth.
- I can explain and demonstrate how night and day are created.
- I can describe the sun. Earth and Moon (using the term spherical).
Trips / Museum / Black African Music experience / Chester Roman Trip / One day Creative (Carnival workshop)
Key texts /
- Old and new toys
- The skin I’m in
- Superworm
- Cameron can too
- Nelson Mandela & Rosa Parks non fiction
- The Window – Jennie Baker (Linked to science)
- Avoid being a Roman Solider
- Romans on the Rampage
- Running Wild
- The Great Kapok Tree
- Monkey Puzzle
- If I ran the rainforest
- Where the forest meets the sea
DT / What else could the three little pigs have made their house with? (Materials) / What would my dinner be back in time? (Nutrition) / Can you create a Roman banquet?
(Nutrition) / How handy are our gloves? - Textile (Carnival outfit/ headdress)
DT Key Skills /
- I can use my own ideas to make something.
- I can describe how something works.
- I can explain to someone else how I want to make my product.
- I can choose appropriate resources and tools.
- I can make a simple plan before making.
- I can think of an idea and plan what to do next.
- I can explain what went well with my work.
- I can describe the ingredients I am using.
- I can produce a plan and explain it.
- I can evaluate and suggest improvements for my design.
- I can measure accurately.
- I know how to be both hygienic and safe when using food.
- I can come up with a range of ideas after collecting information from different sources.
- I can produce a detailed step-by-step plan.
- I can explain how a product will appeal to a specific audience.
- I can evaluate the appearance
RE / Is Shabbat important to Jewish children? / Does celebrating Chanukah make Jewish children feel closer to god? / Does going to the mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging? / What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God? / What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God? / Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians? / What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God? / What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?
Art / Arcrimbaldo / Mosaics & Clay pots / Henri Rousseau
Art Skills /
- I can choose and use three difference grades of pencil when drawing.
- I can make a clay pot
- I can use different effects within an IT paint package.
- I can suggest how artists have used colour, pattern and shape.
- I can sculpt clay and other mouldable materials.
- I can integrate my digital images into my art.
- I can explain some of the features of art from historical periods.
- I can use shading to create mood and feelings.
- I can express emotion in my art
- I can research the work of an artist and use their work to replicate a style.
PE / Net & wall games / Athletics / Net & wall games / Athletics / Net & wall games / Athletics / Net & wall games / Athletics
PSHCE / Good to be me: Healthy bodies, healthy minds (BV: tolerance) / Changes: Ready, steady, go!
(BV: respect and tolerance) / Good to be me: Healthy bodies, healthy minds (BV: tolerance) / Changes: Ready, steady, go!
(BV: individual liberty) / Good to be me: Healthy bodies, healthy minds
(BV: liberty) / Changes:
Ready, steady, go!
(BV: liberty) / Good to be me: Healthy bodies, healthy minds
(BV: individual liberty) / Changes: Ready, steady, go!
(BV: individual liberty & respect)