(For Recruitments of Faculty and Academic Positions)

In preparing the selection statement, the search chair should address the three points below. The statement should be signed by the search chair and should be attached to the Recruitment Selection Report, which is prepared by staff, reviewed by the Office of Academic diversity and Equal opportunity, and approved by the dean.

1. Identify the selection criteria.
What criteria were used to screen and select applicants? For example, qualified applicants may have been required to have a Ph.D., publications, demonstrated teaching experience, expertise in the specific discipline, etc.

2. Describe the selection process.
The selection statement should describe the process or steps that occurred from the initial review of application materials to proposal of the candidate for the position. The following points may be considered for inclusion:

  • How many search committee members reviewed each application? (As a result of a state audit, at least two are highly recommended, and it necessary to address this in the statement.)
  • Were several “cuts” made during the screening process? (Progressive narrowing of the applicant pool suggests due consideration of applications.)
  • Of the total number of those applicants who were seriously considered, how many were invited for interviews?
  • Did the interview process involve a seminar presentation?
  • Did department faculty meet to discuss and vote on the top candidate(s)?

3. State how each seriously considered applicant met or did not meet the selection criteria.
The paragraph should provide objective comments about the strengths and weaknesses of the seriously considered applicants based on the established selection criteria. The selection statement must explicitly explain why some seriously considered applicants were de-selected, not just offerpositive comments about the proposed candidate. It is also acceptable to state, for example, that two candidates were highly competitive, and that if the proposed candidate declines the job offer, an immediate offer will be made to the other candidate. A subsequent selection statement may then state that the first-choice candidate declined, and the second candidate is now being proposed. It is also acceptable to note whether any candidates withdrew or accepted competing offers, and thus are no longer being considered.

It is not necessary to provide information about the applicant pool,since numerical data are provided in tables in the Selection Report. Nor is it necessary to name the search committee members as they were provided on the original Recruitment Plan. Only include search committee members if they have changed since the Recruitment Plan was approved.

OADEO, UCSD.Rev 9-09