CHEM 2001- Analytical - Section 1 – Summer2017
Dr. Kresimir Rupnik, Ph. D. Office: 201// Research Labs 104,and 301, UF 257 in Choppin Hall.
Phone:225-205-1353 Website: Class Moodle link.E-mail: or
Time/Place: (1) Regular lectures1:20PM -2:20PM room 206Williams. (2) Lab and instrumentation demonstrations - room 302 Williams /TBA. (3) Office hours are by appointment- that gives you more flexibility-arrange by e-mail, phone call, with me in class. (4)Additional lab andstudy sessions with smaller groups of students will be scheduled according to students’ convenience and could change during the semester. I expect that you will need at least 10 hours of small group and lab demonstration work, some of which will substitute your regular class time (schedule - see below).
Class material: Attend lectures and keep notes in the notebook. Some lecture notes, which include the “core” as well as some additional materialare available on theclass website. The textbook "Quantitative Chemical Analysis" Daniel C. Harris, Eight edition, ISBN0-7167-7041-5, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, NY. (7thor 9th editions should work too) will help you with additional information and help you study! Please focus on the selectedbasic material from chapters 0, (26,27), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 20, (21), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (11,12), 22, 23, 24,13 (selection of electrochemistry)) which is outlined in the lecture notes and will be identified during lectures.
BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: This course also requires some background knowledge and skills. We will have reviews(with TA) of stoichiometry, acid –base equilibria, units and related material from CHEM 1201/1202. This material was shown to be one of the major obstacles.
HOW TO STUDY -the strategy for the success in this class includes:
Regular class activities - Learn about important steps in methods, draw instruments and describe their functions. List important concepts and methods. / Actively participate, read before class, ask. / Make notes.If needed, prepare a list of “difficult” questions and contact me ASAP. However, do not depend on someone else for all material. / . / Study about methods and instruments
GRADES: A+ 100 – 97, A 96-93, A- 90-92, B+ 89 – 87, B 86-83, B- 82-80, C+ 79 – 77, C 76-73, C- 72-70, D 69 – 60, F below 59.
Quizzes, in-class activities, andsmall-group work. Notebooks will be evaluated.* You must e-mail me if you will miss any class
**”Starting point” quizzes and some “FYI”advanced material are not graded. / You must be prepared for the oraldiscussion and written quizzes. Discussionmay address assigned material from lecture notes, textbook or newly introducedmaterial in the class. Some well deserved extra bonus points possible.
Notebook or workbook with all material we work on will help you focus when you study. Notebook is evaluated by the material it contains.Notebook can be informal but with page numbers. / 20%
and notebook
(last check end of class)
STUDY: you should focus on selected concepts, methods descriptions and instruments descriptions (website, notebookand textbook). Complete all problems in class and on the web. / Some problem sets are given on the web as well assome pre-exam questions. Some will be addressed inclass discussions. If you cannot solve them you MUST identify them to me before the exam!You are advised to master ALL problems, review all concepts, instruments and methods you came across in the class. / *Not graded separately,
part of notebook and activity
Exams (tentativedates between June 16-23, July 7, July 21)
*If you cannot take exam contact me ASAP, no more than 3days.. / We plan 4 exams (20% each), including final. They will include concepts & quantitative problems. One substitute of any exam. You MUST take 3 EXAMS(including final) to pass the class. Any grade/points corrections or comments can be done only no later than one week (one day for final) after receiving the exam grades / 80 %
Write down the best time for small group activities (circle day and time) and turn it in:
M Tu W Th F
8AM after 5PM
NAME: (write clearly) …………………………….