CornbankPrimary School
Wk Beg
/Wk End
22.08.16PIPS Testing
P1 Pupils / Pupils resume
Rights Respecting Schools Award – Class Charters /
New Beginnings Assembly
/ 26.08.1629.08.16
PIPS Testing
P1 Pupils / Rights Respecting Schools Award – Class Charters / P4 Swimming 9am
P1A Lunch Trial
Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.45pm / P1B Lunch Trial / Sing Together Assembly / 02.09.16
05.09.16 /
P1’sFull Time
LOLs issuedMeet the Teacher P2-7 3.30-4.30pm
/ P1 Curriculum Evening 6pm / P4 Swimming 9am /Class Newsletters issued
/ House Captain Election(Owen Thomson MSP visit) / 09.09.16
12.09.16 /
Eco Week
P2A Bushcraft / Roald Dahl DayDress Up Day
P4-5 Cross Country BHS / P4 Swimming 9am
One Planet Picnic / Pupil Voice 1
Big Day at PHS P6/P7 /
/ 16.09.1619.09.16 /
/ P4 Swimming 9am / LOLs in /ACE Assembly
Partnership Coffee Den / 23.09.16
26.09.16 / Photographer / Photographer
P5 Trip to Bannockburn
P6/7 Cross Country Event at Vogrie / P4 Swimming 9am / Shared Start P1-3 / P5/6 Assembly
Special Golden Time
/ 30.09.1603.10.16 / Walk to School Week
LOLs issued /
P5-7 Swimming Gala
/ P1-3 Shared StartP4 Swimming 9am / P2B Bushcraft
P4 Trip to National Museum of Childhood / House Assembly
Partnership Coffee Den / 07.10.16
10.10.16 / P1-3 Shared Start
P7 Trip to Risk Factory (am)
Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.45pm
/ P4 Swimming 9amFlu Vaccinations 9am
/Pupil Voice 2
P6/7 Girl’s Soccer Sevens / Harvest Assembly / 14.10.1617.10.16 /
/ 21.10.1624.10.16 / P7 Hill Walking / P4 Swimming 9am
P5 Skiing
P6 Sex Education Talk / LOLs in
Halloween Discos
P1-3 4-5.30pm
P4-7 6-7.30pm / P4 Assembly
Special Golden Time / 28.10.16
31.10.16 / Literacy Week
Book Fair
Nursery Halloween parties / P7 Hill Walking
Parent Consultations 5.30-8pm / P4 Swimming 9am
P5 Skiing / Parent Consultations 3.45-6.15pm / Sing Together Assembly / 04.11.16
07.11.16 / LOLs issued / Nursery Sharing the Learning
P7 Hill Walking / P4 Swimming 9am
P5 Skiing / Olympic/
Paralympic Visitor
P6-7 Boy’s Soccer Sevens / P5 Assembly / 11.11.16
14.11.16 / P4 Swimming 9am
P5 Skiing / Pupil Voice 3 / Universal Children’s Day Assembly / 18.11.16
21.11.16 / Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.45pm / P4 Swimming 9am
P5 Skiing / LOLs in / ACE Assembly / 25.11.16
28.11.16 / Scots Week / P4 Swimming 9am
P5 Skiing / Scottish Ceilidhs / House Assembly
Special Golden Time / 02.12.16
05.12.16 / LOLs issued /
Christmas Fair
/ 09.12.1612.12.16
Christmas Parties /
Christmas Lunch (whole school)
/LOLs in
Pupil Voice 4
P1/2 Nativity to WholeSchool
/P1/2 Nativity to Parents
/ 16.12.1619.12.16
Christmas Parties / Nursery Nativity /
Christmas Cinema
Panto – Peter Pan PM
/Church Visit
/ 23.12.1626.12.16
02.01.17 /HOL
09.01.17 / LOLs issued /New Years Resolutions Assembly
/ 13.01.1716.01.17 / Class Newsletters issued
Pupil Voice 5 / P7 Assembly / 20.01.17
23.01.17 / Science Week / Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.45pm /
Science Open Day (AM)
/ Science AssemblySpecial Golden Time
/ 27.01.1730.01.17 / Sing Together Assembly / 03.02.17
06.02.17 / LOLs issued / P2A Assembly / 10.02.17
13.02.17 /
In Service
/ HOLIn Service /
/ 17.02.1720.02.17 / LOLs in
Pupil Voice 6 / ACE Assembly / 24.02.17
27.02.17 / Fairtrade Fortnight / Fairtrade Assembly
Special Golden Time
/ 03.03.1706.03.17 / Fairtrade Fortnight
LOLS issued /
Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.45pm
/ P2B Assembly / 10.03.1713.03.17 / Pupil Voice 7 / House Assembly / 17.03.17
20.03.17 /
Parent Consultations
5.30 – 8pm /LOLs in
Parent Consultations
3.45 – 6.15pm
/ Church Visit / 24.03.1727.03.17 / Grandparents Day (Nursery/P1) / Spring Fling /
Nursery Easter Assembly
/ 31.03.1703.04.17 /
/ 07.04.1710.04.17 /
/ 14.04.1717.04.17 /
/P6 Benmore Camp
/P6 Benmore Camp
/P6 Benmore Camp
/ ACE AssemblyP6 Benmore Camp
/ 21.04.1724.04.17 /
Health Week
Health LOL issued
/ Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.45pm / P6 AssemblySpecial Golden Time
/ 28.04.1701.05.17 /
/ Sing Together Assembly / 05.05.1708.05.17 / P7 ASG Camp / P7 ASG Camp
LOLs in /
P7 ASG Camp
P1B Assembly / 12.05.1715.05.17 /
Walk to School Week
/ Nursery Consultations / Pupil Voice 8 / ACE Assembly / 19.05.1722.05.17 / Hunter and Lass Week
In Service / LOLs in / P3 Assembly
Special Golden Time
/ 26.05.1729.05.17 / Grounds Awareness Week /
P7 Show Evening
/Sing Together Assembly / 02.06.17
05.06.17 / Maths Week
LOLs issued / P7 Pupils at PHS
Cornbank School Partnership Meeting PHS 6.30PM / P7 Pupils at PHS
P1 Meet the Teacher / P1A Assembly
Reports Issued
/ 09.06.1712.06.17 / Bike to School Week / Nursery Sports Day AM/PM / School Sports Day
P1-3 9-11am
P4-7 1.15-3.15pm / Pupil Voice 9 /
Pupil Voice Assembly
Cornbank School Partnership BBQ
/ 16.06.1719.06.17 / Musical Afternoon / Meet the Teacher P2-7 / LOLs in / House Assembly
Special Golden Time
/ 23.06.1726.06.17 / Nursery Graduation Day / Children’s Work Goes Home / Nursery Outing
P7 Leavers Assembly / No Nursery Pupils
Sing Together Assembly
Term Ends 12pm / 30.06.17
LOLS – Linking Our Learning Home Learning Activities
ACE Assemblies – A chance to celebrate out of school achievements
Parents are invited to attend class assemblies only
August 2016