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1) Numbers 6:22-27 OF THE LORD;

2) Galatians 4:4-7 SOLEMNITY OF MARY,

3) Luke 2:16-21 THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD

(not a Holyday of Obligation)

FOCUS: Let us celebrate Mary’s yes to the Lord.

Today we celebrate and honor the Holy Mother of God, Mary, whose yes to the Lord’s plan allows her to bear Jesus, the salvation of the world. We join the shepherds in their amazement at the goodness of God’s plan for his people.


In the first reading from Numbers, we hear the priestly blessing in which the Lord tells Moses to offer a blessing to the people. In Saint Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, he reminds the early Christians that God sent his Son born of Mary so that we may receive adoption into God’s family. In the Gospel, the shepherds travel to Bethlehem to find Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and to make known the message that had been told to them about the Child.


PRIEST: On this day that we celebrate Mary, Mother of God, who with trust said yes to God’s plan, let us bring our petitions to the Lord, trusting that his plan will bring us the fullness of life.

1) For Pope Francis, our bishop, priests and all who serve the Church, may the Lord strengthen them in their mission of bringing the light of Christ to a weary world, let us pray to the Lord.

2) For our civic leaders and all who help formulate public policy, may the Holy Spirit guide them in all that they do, let us pray to the Lord.

3) For those who suffer in mind or body, may God reveal his plan to them and may they take comfort in knowing of his providence, let us pray to the Lord.

4) For this community, may God grant us faith like Mary’s to say yes to him when he asks us to surrender to his will, let us pray to the Lord.

5) For our beloved dead, may their faith, known by the Father, be rewarded with the fullness of his peace, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: Father from whom all goodness flows, hear our prayers and the prayers we hold in our hearts. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Saints Basil the Great

(Lec. 205) and Gregory Nazianzen

1) 1 John 2:22-28 Bishops and

2) John 1:19-28 Doctors of Church


FOCUS: Making resolutions? Do any of them have to do with eternal life?

The beginning of a new year is a good opportunity to reflect on how faithful we have been to Jesus and the Father, and how we are making that faith evident in our interactions with others. What are we doing to let God know our commitment to him? Nothing is more important, because on this will our eternity be based.


Today's first reading encourages us to remain faithful to both the Father and the Son, for we have God's promise that such faith will being us eternal life. In the Gospel, we hear John the Baptist explaining that the Messiah is close at hand. John makes it clear that his own role is to prepare the way of the Lord.


PRIEST: Let us now present our petitions to the Father, trusting in his goodness.

1) That young people in the Church may thrive with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and seek to model Jesus’ way of love, let us pray to the Lord.

2) That those in political or civic authority may be guided by God’s grace as they work for the well-being of those under their care, let us pray to the Lord.

3) That people suffering as a result of war or violence may have their suffering alleviated by the efforts of compassionate people throughout the world, let us pray to the Lord.

4) That we, the members of this parish, may use the turning of the calendar as a catalyst for renewing our commitment to the Christian life, let us pray to the Lord.

5) That those who have died in God's grace may be forever happy in his presence, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: Heavenly Father, hear our prayers and grant what is consistent with your divine plan. We offer these petitions through your son, Jesus Christ.

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Wednesday January 3, 2018 CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY

(Lec. 206) (Opt. Mem.

1) 1 John 2:29–3:6 The Most Holy

2) John 1:29-34 Name of Jesus)

FOCUS: John baptized with water, but Christ baptizes with water and the Holy Spirit.

We are children of God, and our baptism marks each of us as one of Christ’s own forever. We are called to share the Gospel and live holy lives, strengthened by sacramental grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


In the first reading, John reminds us that we are children of God, and that we have responsibilities as such. In the Gospel, John proclaims Jesus as our Savior and stresses his importance among us.


PRIEST: Lord, we bring before you our needs, confident that you hear us.

1) For all members of the Church, may we witness on behalf of Christ and testify to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, let us pray to the Lord.

2) For a greater respect for life throughout the world, from conception through natural death, let us pray to the Lord.

3) For those who find it difficult to break with sinful habits, may God guide them and give them strength, let us pray to the Lord.

4) For this gathered assembly, may the love and truth that God has poured into our hearts sustain us in all that we do, let us pray to the Lord.

5) For our beloved dead, may they who were faithful in life now rest in the eternal happiness promised to them, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: God of truth and love, you have given us your Son in order to show us the way to you. We ask that you hear these prayers we offer, through Christ our Lord.

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Thursday, January 4, 2018 CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY

(Lec. 207) (OBL MEM

1) 1 John 3:7-10 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton,

2) John 1-:35-42 Religious)

FOCUS: Lead others to Christ.

In each of our hearts is a desire for God. While we try to fill this void with wealth, accomplishments or other worldly pursuits, the void can be satisfied only through a relationship with Christ – the living God. Once we experience the peace and happiness of encountering Christ ourselves, we can lead others to him.


In today’s first reading, John distinguishes between children of God and children of the devil. Whoever sins does not belong to God. In the Gospel, John the Baptist leads two disciples to Jesus after proclaiming he is the Lamb of God. One of the men, Andrew, believes Jesus is the Messiah, and brings his brother, Peter, to meet him.


PRIEST: John the Baptist and Andrew led others to Christ. Continuing their mission, let us bring our needs before the Lord.

1) For the Church, may our prayers and charity during the Christmas season reveal Christ’s presence in our world, let us pray to the Lord.

2) For individuals in positions of authority, may the Holy Spirit guide them to use their power to protect the lives of those most vulnerable, let us pray to the Lord.

3) For all who are in need of God’s healing in mind or body, may they experience God’s loving presence through our prayers, let us pray to the Lord.

4) For our parish, may we be strengthened in our desire to love and serve in ways that bring others to Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

5) For those who have died, may the Lord welcome them into the light of his kingdom, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: Heavenly Father, hear and answer the prayers of your children. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ.

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Friday, January 5, 2018 CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY

(Lec. 208) (OBL MEM

1) 1 John 3:11-21 Saint John Neumann,

2) John 1:43-51 Bishop)

FOCUS: Let us love not in word or speech, but in deed and truth.

God formed us in his image, and we are called to reflect that in how we treat one another and in how we choose to live our lives. We are given the example of Cain, whose murder of his brother is the exact opposite of the command given us to love one another. Let us strive to be more like Christ, who laid down his own life for others.


In the first reading, John reminds his community of the story of Cain and Abel, and tells them that love of one’s brother and sister is central to the Christian way of life. In the Gospel, Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael to be his disciples.


PRIEST: Trusting in your mercy, we place our petitions before you, our loving God.

1) That Pope Francis and our bishops may be strengthened and fortified by our prayers as they guide us along our journeys of faith, let us pray to the Lord.

2) That government officials may discern wisely before making decisions, let us pray to the Lord.

3) That those who are brokenhearted over the loss of a loved one may feel God’s healing love, let us pray to the Lord.

4) That families in our faith community may be grounded in the love of Christ and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.

5) That our beloved deceased may rest in the embracing arms of Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: Gracious and loving God, we ask you to hear these petitions in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit.

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Saturday, January 6, 2018 CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY

(Lec. 209) (Opt. Mem.

1) 1 John 5:5-13 Saint André Bessette,

2) Mark 1:7-11 Religious)

or Luke 3:23-28 or 3:23, 31-34, 36, 38

FOCUS: Jesus Christ is the victor over the world.

The waters of baptism, the blood of the cross and the Holy Spirit testify that Jesus is the beloved Son of God. As members of the body of Christ, let us strive to live out our baptismal call and do our part to build up the kingdom of God on earth.


The first reading proclaims how we establish the truth of Jesus’ identity as Son of God. Water, blood and the Holy Spirit testify to this truth. In Mark’s Gospel, we hear of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan and God’s proclamation that Jesus is his beloved son.


PRIEST: Together, we gather in prayer to ask the Father to grant our needs and those of our brothers and sisters.

1) For the Church, may she be a conduit of the truth and joy that Jesus brings, especially in this Christmas season, let us pray to the Lord.

2) For people throughout the world, may they come to know lasting peace through faith in Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

3) For those who are lonely or lack peace in this Christmas season, may they find comfort and rest, let us pray to the Lord.

4) For the sick of our parish, may they persevere in faith and find relief in compassionate caregivers, let us pray to the Lord.

5) For our beloved dead, may they find peace in God’s holy kingdom, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: God our Father, you proclaimed to the world that Jesus is your beloved Son. Accept our prayers today. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

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(Lec. 20) OF THE

1) Isaiah 60:1-6 LORD

2) Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

3) Matthew 2:1-12

FOCUS: Seek Jesus diligently in your daily life.

The Magi in the Gospel sought the newborn King diligently, willing to travel from the East to find him. We can find Jesus in our daily lives so much more easily, just by being open to the many ways he is present to us. How diligent are we at finding Jesus in our own life?


The first reading recounts the splendor of Jerusalem as it draws other nations to the glory of God. In his Epistle to the Ephesians, Saint Paul proclaims the Good News that the Gentiles are co-heirs of salvation with the people of Israel. The Gospel recounts the journey of the Magi to Bethlehem, where they worshipped the baby Jesus.


PRIEST: As heirs of salvation, we have confidence to approach God with the needs of our world.

1) For all Church leaders, may they be filled with joy in their mission to radiate God’s love, let us pray to the Lord.

2) For all nations, may the witness of committed Christians foster an increased respect for human life, let us pray to the Lord.

3) For women in crisis pregnancies, may they receive the support they need to carry their babies to term, let us pray to the Lord.

4) For all of us gathered here, may we be inspired to deepen our faith and place our trust in God, let us pray to the Lord.

5) For all who have died, may they experience the glory of God forever, let us pray to the Lord.

6) (Special petition/s)

PRIEST: God of glory, we place these prayers in your hands, trusting that you will grant the people of our world what they most need, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Monday, January 8, 2018 THE BAPTISM

(Lec. 21) OF THE LORD

1) Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 - FEAST

or Isaiah 55:1-11

or Acts 10:34-38

or 1 John 5:1-9

2) Mark 1:7-11

FOCUS: Through his baptism by John in the Jordan, Jesus expresses his solidarity with all of humanity in their longing for the fulfillment of the kingdom of God.

We gather this day, the last day of the Christmas season, to affirm our faith in the coming of God’s kingdom, offered to us in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let us be renewed in our common baptismal vocation to share the Gospel with others.