
Employee Technology Training

Online Syllabi & Curriculum Vitae

Spring 2012

Date Modified: November 16, 2011

Table of Contents

General Information

Create a new Syllabus from Scratch

Information and Links Automatically Added

Add Content to the Syllabus Shell

Copy one of Your Own Syllabi

Copy a Syllabus from Another Instructor in Your Department

Deleting a Syllabus

Adding Your Phone Number and Honorary

Adding Your Syllabus to Angel

Updating Your Curriculum Vitae

Experts for Online Syllabi

Online Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae

General Information

All syllabi and vitae information for Spring 2012 must be entered using the format introduced in this training. This information will be available for public viewing by SACS and as required by H.B. 2504.

Online Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae

All syllabi and vitae information for Spring 2012 must be entered using the format introduced in this training. This information will be available for public viewing by SACS and as required by H.B. 2504.

  1. House Bill 2504/SACS requirements. It is not optional; it is required for all institutions.
  2. Standard, online curricula format and vitae information
  3. The online syllabi is the official syllabi and should be the only one distributed and/or posted/linked for courses.
  4. Our Vice President of Academic Affairs specified the field names effective Spring 2011 (removing redundancy)
  5. H.B. 2504 requires that a course calendar be added to all syllabi
  6. All sections of the same course, regardless of instructor and/or delivery style, must have the exact same learning outcomes.
  7. There must be a separate syllabus for every class, regardless of whether there are other sections of that same class being taught. It does not matter if the classes are identical in every way.
  8. Syllabi must be updated and online no later than the first class meeting for any semester-- effective, Spring 2011.
  9. Syllabi will be retained for a three-year period online for reference. After the third year, syllabi will be sequentially deleted and no longer available. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to create systematic procedures for electronic back-up copies and needed/desired.
  10. Training is available as follows:
  11. Traditional training class sessions (Charles Hendrick, 345-5540)
  12. Individual sessions. Contact Charles Hendrick.
  13. Online sessions/resources (created/posted by Brian Nixon)
  14. Participants need:
  15. Colleague ID Number
  16. Electronic copies of vitae and course syllabi for greater ease of completion
  17. Charles’ training manual can be found in P:\Training\Manuals\Online Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae (.doc or .pdf format)
  18. Respective Deans will be monitoring the completion of all syllabi and curriculum vitae routinely.
  19. Instructors are NOT to link to their Angel calendar because this material will be gone at the end of the semester. Our syllabi are to be visible and unchanged for three years.

NOTE: This program responds much quicker when opened with Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.

  1. Use Mozilla Firefox to login to the software at:
  2. At the top of the webpage, click the EmployeeLogin link.
  3. ACNetID= your webadvisorlog in name (i.e.bkburton)
  4. Password = your webadvisorpassword

Copy a Syllabus from Another Instructor in Your Department

  1. Log in to the software.
  2. Click the Copy Another Instructor’s Syllabus in front of the person’s name from whom you wish to copy a syllabus. You can only copy a syllabus from someone else in your same department.
  3. Click the Copy This Syllabus link, located in front of the desired syllabus.
  4. Use the drop-down arrows as needed. Make sure that you change these:
  5. Instructor name changed to your name
  6. Visibility is changed to “Hidden” if needed.
  1. Click the “Back to Master Page” menu.
  2. In the middle column, click Manage Syllabi next to your name to get a full listing of your syllabi. (Syllabus managers may have to scroll through a list of names).
  3. The new syllabus should be at the top of your list.
  4. Click the Add/Edit Syllabus Contents link located at the left of the new syllabus. Remember that the new syllabus will be the one at the top of the list of your syllabi.
  5. Add or change content as needed.

Create a new Syllabus from Scratch

Build the Syllabus Shell

  1. Click the Faculty Syllabi menu.
  2. In the middle column, click the“Manage Syllabi”link next to your name to get a full listing of your own syllabi. (Syllabus managers may have to scroll through a list of names).
  3. As shown in the next illustration, click Add.
  1. As shown in the illustration at the top of the next page, use the drop-down arrows to fill in all information. Please read the note below:

NOTE: As shown in the next illustration, set the “Visibility” field to Hidden until you are ready to view and print the syllabus. At that time you can go back and set it to Visible.

  1. Click the button. You will then see all of the syllabi in your account.

NOTE: See the next page for a list of data that is automatically put into a syllabus

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Online Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae

Information and Links Automatically Added

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Online Syllabi and Curriculum Vitae

Add Content to the Syllabus Shell

NOTE: Newly created or edited syllabi shells will appear at the top of the list.

  1. Click the “Add/Edit Syllabus Contents”link located at the left side of the desired syllabus.
  1. Double-click the light area to the right of the desired blue field name to start data entry.

NOTE: Format all of the Word document to Arial font before pasting anything into the syllabus program

  1. When finished adding/editing data in a field, click on the blue SAVElink button located at the bottom of the editing field. This saves everything that has been done, and the data will not disappear, even if the session times out.

NOTE: If you try to navigate away from the editing page, a reminder will appear to save each cell before leaving that page.

  1. Preview and print (if desired):
  2. Change the visibility to “Visible” and save it. Otherwise, it will take a long time to open the syllabus.
  3. At the top of the syllabus form, click theStudent Viewlink, and then click OK.
  4. To print, click the printer icon, which is located above the blue field headings.

  1. When finished viewing or printing the syllabus, click the “Back” button of your browser to get back to your syllabus form.
  2. If needed, change the visibility back to “Hidden” until you finish your data entry.
  1. Continue editing or, from the menu bar, click on the Back to Listand then click “OK” to see all of your syllabi.

Copy one of Your Own Syllabi

  1. Log in to the software.
  2. In the middle column, click the “Manage Syllabi” link next to your name to get a full listing of your own syllabi. (Syllabus managers may have to scroll through a list of names).
  3. In the third column, click the Copy Syllabus link located at the left of the syllabus to be copied. This will display a new syllabus shell with data filled in for you.
  4. Use the drop-down arrows for each field as needed.
  5. Click the Add/Edit Syllabus Contents link located at the left of the new syllabus. Remember that the new syllabus will be the one at the top of the list of your syllabi.
  6. Add content as needed.

Deleting a Syllabus

  1. Log in to the software.
  2. In the middle column, click ManageSyllabinext to your name to get a full listing of your syllabi. (Syllabus managers may have to scroll through a list of names).
  3. Click the checkbox in front of all the syllabi to be deleted.
  4. As illustrated below, click the Delete Selected Records link located above
    the field names.

Adding Your Phone Number and Honorary

  1. Log in to the software.
  2. On the menu bar at the top of the window, click Faculty Information.
  3. Click the Edit icon, located at the left side of the window.
  4. Use the drop-down arrow in the Honorary field to specify if you are
  5. Instructor
  6. Assistant Professor
  7. Associate Professor
  8. Professor
  9. Type your contact phone number, in the Phone field.

NOTE: The phone number and honorary information will appear on the syllabus.

Adding Your Syllabus to Angel

  1. Log into the Online Syllabus software.
  2. Click on Manage Syllabi. This will list all of the syllabi that you have in your account.
  3. The syllabus has to be visible for this procedure to work.
  4. Find the syllabus to be added to Angel. If the last column for that syllabus shows, “Hidden” to the following:
  5. Click “Edit Syllabus Shell” for that syllabus
  6. Change the Visibility to “Visible.”
  7. Click the Save button
  8. If the syllabus is visible, do the following:
  9. Click “Student View.”
  10. Copy the web address for the page. This is located in the Address field at the top of the browser window.
  11. Log into Angel
  12. Add the link as needed.

Updating Your Curriculum Vitae

  1. Use Firefox to login to the software at this address:
  2. Username = your full email address (i.e. )
  3. Password = Your Colleague ID # (employee number) without the leading zeros
  4. Update the information in the top fields if needed.
  5. Scroll down and verify/correct the Academic Credentials. The list should go from least relevant/recent to the most relevant/recent. For example, Associates Degree is listed first through PhD which is listed last.

NOTE: To add a degree that is not listed, click on the link above the box.

  1. Verify that the list of “Courses Taught” is correct.
  2. Scroll down and verify/update the “Other Credentials, Previous Positions, and Presentations, Publications, Public Works & Awards” information.
  3. Scroll back up to the top.
  4. At the right side of the screen, click on the All data updated/verifiedlink. We will have to verify this information each year.
  5. In the upper right corner of the form, click on the Log out link.

What CV information do students see?

Experts for Online Syllabi

Bill Crawford / Kim Lacey (Allied Health)
Doug Adcock (Allied Health)
Val Hansen (Allied Health)
Marcia Green (ADN)
Jeanette Embrey (ADN)
Tamara Rhodes (VN)
Shawn Fouts / Gala Carpenter (ITT)
Paula Badger (Business)
Gay Mills (Business)
Rebecca Archer(Business)
Debra Russell (ITT)
Jerry Moller / Cheryl Oldham (Behavioral Studies)
Cheryl Gailey (Behavioral Studies)
Keri Shelburne (Access)
Christy Robinson (Access)
Rugenie Burkhalter(Access)
Jeffrey Martin (Access)
Gina Garrett (Mathematics)
Debbie Ortega (English)
Lissa Merchant (Engineering)
Patricia Maddox (English)
James Rauscher (Music)
Lou Ann Seabourn / Charmaine Powell (Library)
Joy Brenneman (VP/Dual Credit)
Renee Vincent / Melissa Bates (Moore County)
Vicki Swiedom (Moore County)
Daniel Esquivel / Tammy Esparza (Hereford)
Lacy Mueggenborg (Hereford)
Patsy Lemaster / Charles Hendrick
Brenda Davidson
Kay Taylor
Heather Voran
Brian Nixon (online questions)

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