«Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Landscapes of Mountain-Ore Territories»
А.Е. Fersman upon the issue «ModernMineral Formation»
5 – 8 November, 2012, Chita, Russia
Russian Mineralogical Society, komissionon Modern Mineral-Bearing Processes
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Siberian branch
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology (INREC) SB RAS
The A.P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian branch of the RAS
The V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Institute of Ore Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry RAS
Zabaikalsky State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after N.G Tcherneschevsky
Zabaikalsky State University
Government of Transbaikalia Region
Russian Geological Society Chita Regional Branch
Russian Mineralogical Society Chita Branch
Zabaikalsky Branch Center RANS
Imternational Scientific And Study Center of North-Eastern Asia In Field of Sciences About Earth, China
Tzylin United University, China
Shenyang Institute of Geology and Mineral Recources, China
Academy of SciencesofMongolia
N.S. Bortnikov – academician of RAS, director of the Institute of Ore Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, co-chairman
N.A. Goryachev – RAS corresponding member, director of North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Research InstituteFEB RAS
V.P. Zvereva –D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), Far Eastern Geological Institute FEB RAS
M.I. Kuzmin М.И. – academician of RAS, director of the Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian branch of the RAS, co-chairman
Lee Tindun – academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of the Academy of Geological Sciences of China, P.R.C.
A.M. Plusnin – D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), GI (Geological Institute) SB RAS
V.M. Plusnin - D. Sc. (Geography), director of the V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography
Sun Ge – professor, director of International Scientific And Study Center of North-Eastern Asia In Field of Sciences About Earth, co-chairman, P.R.C.
T.T. Taisaev – D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), professor, BSU
O. Tomurtogoo – academician, Academy of SciencesofMongolia, co-chairman
V.I. Grebenschikova – D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), The A.P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian branch of the RAS
М.V. Charykova – D. Sc. (GeologyandMineralogy),professorSPbSU
ChjаоChungczin – professor Shenyang Institute of Geology and Mineral Recources, China, co-chairman
Duang Chjuyang – professor Shenyang Institute of Geology and Mineral Recources, China
K.I. Karasev –minister of education, science and youth policy of Transbaikalia Region, D. Ing., professor, chairman deputy
N.K. Nikitina– Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), D. Sc. (Economic), chairman of Geoethiks section RusGeo
Оюун J. Oyun –professor Ulhan-Bator SU
A.B. Ptitsin – director of the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), professor, co-chairman
S.S. Potapov – Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), the Institute of Mineralogy Ural Branch RAS
Sun Chunlin – professor, pro-rector of TsU P.R.C., co-chairman
V.S. Chechetkin - executive director of Chita regional branch RusGeo, Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy).
G.A. Yurgenson – chairman of Chita branch of RMS, D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy) INREC SB RAS, professor, co-chairman
L.P. Chechel – research assistant, INREC SB RAS
R.A. Filenko – junior research assistant, INREC SB RAS, secretary
S.A. Reshetova– research assistant, INREC SB RAS, secretary
O.V. Eremin– Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), INREC SB RAS
L.V. Zamana– Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), INREC SB RAS
V.I. Kuzmin –D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), All-Union Institute of Minerals, Ministry of Natural Resources
A.N. Novikov – Cand. Sc. (Geography), assistant professor, Zabaikalsky State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University
N.S. Ostapenko– D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), the Institute of geology and management of natural resourcesVASRAS
S.M. Sinitsa – D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), INREC SB RAS
O.K. Smirnova– Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), Geological Institute SB RAS
A.N. Tarabarko – Cand. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy),Government of Transbaikalia Region
A.I. Trubachev – D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), professor, Chita State University
N.N. Chaban– director ofFederal State Unitary Geological Enterprise «Chitageolsemka»
I. Crusts of weathering and zones of oxidationof landscape of mountain-ore territories.
II. Mineralogy and geochemistryofcryosolic landscape. Cryomineralogenesis.
III. Mineralogy - geochemical processes in technogenic landscapes.
IV. Biogeochemistry of biota in natural landscape andthe zone of geotechnogenesis.
V. Mineralogy - geochemical problems of ecosystems of ore-mining regions. Geoethiksc.
VI. Modern supergene mineral formation. Geochemical barriers.
PAPER TITLE(Times New Roman Cyr, upper case bold type, 11)
A.B. Ivanov1, B.A. Petrov2(Times New Roman Cyr standard italic type, 11)
1Geological Institute SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia,
2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia,(Times New Roman Cyr, 11)
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Organising committeeaddress: 672014, Chita, 16 аNedorezov str., Box. 521. Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology (INREC) SB RAS, Organising committee.
Contact telephone numbers: (302-2) 20-61-25 Tel/Fax: (302-2) 20-61-97.
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Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology (INREC) SB RAS;
Russian mineralogicalsociety - Scientificactions.
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