Digital Citizenship Week
Middle School
PSA – Tip of the Day / Classroom Extension / Family Engagement ActivitiesMonday
October 19, 2015
Digital Life 101-The Digital Footprint / Digital Citizenship is the combination of skills, knowledge and understanding that you need to learn before you can participate fully and safely in the online world. The basic ideas of Digital Citizenship are to respect yourself and others, educate yourself, connect with others, protect yourself, and protect others when you are online. For the next week, we will be sharing with you a Digital Citizenship Tip of the Day to make you an excellent Digital Citizen! / Watch the video from Common Sense Media:“Understanding the Impact of Digital Footprints”
Discussion Question:
What is a digital footprint, and what does yours convey? / Check out this Family Tip Sheet from Common Sense Media on Digital Life:
October 20, 2015
Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line / Cyberbullying is any mean, rude, hurtful, or offensive things said online or through texting. Cyberbullying can make the victim feel sad, depressed, and lonely. HELP STOP CYBERBULLING! You could change someone’s life by helping end cyberbullying. Remember when online BE SMART AND HAVE A HEART! /
Watch video from Common Sense Media:
“Stacey's Story - When Rumors Escalate”
Discussion Question: When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line to cyberbullying, and what can you do about it?
/ Check out this Family Tip Sheet from Common Sense Media on Cyberbullying:Wednesday
October 21, 2015
The Risks of Oversharing Information / Be a good digital citizen by Stopping-Thinking-and then Connecting! To cut down the risks of oversharing information, understand the risks and learn how to spot potential problems. Think how your actions online could impact your safety. Connect knowing you’ve taken the right steps to protect your personal information. / Take a look at the Top 10 List for
Oversharing: Think Before You Post from Common Sense Media.
Discussion Question:What advice ismissing? What tip would you add? / Take a look at this Family Tip Sheet
on Connected Culture from Common Sense Media:
October 22, 2015
Texting:Mindful Messaging / To text or not to text that is the question to ask yourself. Here are some helpful tips for mindful texting: 1) Pause yourself before you text to take minute to stop and breathe; 2) Reflect on your purpose for your text; 3) Before replying to a text pause and breathe before answering. Remember mindful messaging will eliminate the texting tone confusion. / Watch video from Common Sense Media: “Mindful Messaging”
Discussion Question: How can I make sure my online messages are clear and respectful? / Take a look at this Texting Tips for
Parents videofrom Common Sense Media:
October 23, 2015
A Creator’s Rights: Stop Plagiarism / To be a good digital citizen make sure you only download music and movies from legitimate sites-otherwise you risk invading someone else’s property, and you could get in trouble. Breaking copyright laws isn’t just bad manners – it’s a crime. / Watch video from Common Sense Media: “Copyrights and Wrongs”
Discussion Question: How can I make responsible choices when I use other people's creative work? / Use Common Sense Media’s Family Media Agreement to talk about your expectations at
Find 10 Ways to Continue the Conversationabout digital citizenship in your school.