Name ______

Explorers Study Guide


3.3The student will study the exploration of the Americas by

a)describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de León, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport;

b)identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American Indians.

3.5 The student will develop map skills by

c)locating the countries of Spain, England, and France;

d)locating the regions in the Americas explored by Christopher Columbus (San Salvador in the Bahamas), Juan Ponce de León (near St. Augustine, Florida), Jacques Cartier (near Quebec, Canada), and Christopher Newport (Jamestown, Virginia)

1. What country did Ponce de Leon come from? / 1. Spain
2. What country did Christopher Newport come from? / 2. England
3. What country did Christopher Columbus come from? / 3. Spain
4. What country did Jacques Cartier come from? / 4. France
5. What was the first permanent ENGLISH settlement in the America? / 5. Jamestown, Virginia
6. What was the first Spanish settlement in America? / 6. St Augustine, Florida
7. What was the first French settlement in America? / 7. Quebec, Canada
8. Why did Christopher Columbus sail to America? / 8. He wanted to find a western sea route to Asia.
9. Why did Ponce de Leon sail to America? / 9. He wanted to discover riches and find land. He was also searching for the Fountain of Youth.
10. What were some problems Christopher Columbus had on his journey? / 10. He had small ships. The weather was bad. His men got sick.
11. What were some problems on Ponce de Leon had on his journey? / 11. The weather was bad. He had poor maps. The Indians were unfriendly.
12. What were Christopher Columbus’s accomplishments? / 12. He was the first European to discover the new world of America.
13. What were Ponce de Leon’s accomplishments? / 13. He established the first Spanish settlement at St. Augustine, Florida.
14. What is a sponsor? / 14. Someone who backs or supports another.
15. What is an explorer? / 15. A person who travels seeking new discoveries.
16. What continent did most explorers come from? / 16. Europe
17. What ocean did the early European explorers cross to get to the Americas? / 17. Atlantic Ocean
18. What waterway did Jacques Cartier explore and name? / 18. St. Lawrence River
19. What was Jacques Cartier’s accomplishment? / 19. He found and named the St. Lawrence River. He claimed the land for the French.
20. What is a colony? / 20. a group of emigrants who settle in a distant land, but remain connected with the parent country
21. What is a European? / 21. A person from one of the countries of Europe
22. What were Christopher Newport’s accomplishments? / 22. He arrived at present day Jamestown. He made four additional voyages bringing more people to Jamestown. He was one of the first men to reach the Fall Line of the James River.
23. How were the Native Americans affected by the European exploration? / 23. Deadly diseases were introduced. Exploration later led to settlement. The settlements led to relocation of the American Indians from their homeland.