Teacher: E. Vásquez Subject: BIOLOGY Date:Jan. 20-24, 2014
Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014
/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade /Monday / Focus Standard:
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Learn about the characteristics of DNA
Learn about DNA replication
Learn about gene expression, transcription, and translation / 6th period
Quiz Ch 13
7th period
Ch 13 Review for test tomorrow / S. rate test readiness
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, S3Bb,S3Bd,,S3Cb,S3Cc,S3Da,S3Db,S3Dc,S3Dd,S3De,S3Df
Tuesday / Focus Standard
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Learn about the characteristics of DNA
Learn about DNA replication
Learn about gene expression, transcription, and translation / Ch 13 TEST
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, S3Bb,S3Bd,,S3Cb,S3Cc,S3Da,S3Db,S3Dc,S3Dd,S3De,S3Df
Wednesday / Focus Standard
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Learn about Darwin and his contribution to evolutionary science. / Show image of the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.
Q/ What is evolution?
A/ The theory that all organisms share a common ancestor. / Prezi/mimio/class discussion on Developing atheory pg. 375-379 / S ISN note taking
HW: SR 1 pg. 379 / Exit Slip
Describe the importance of Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle to his thoughts on evolution.
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, S3Da,S3Db,S3Dc,S3Dd,S3De,S3Df
Thursday / Focus Standard:
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Infer the strengths and weaknesses in Drawin’s theory of evolution. / Show image of a leaf insect.
Q/ What adaptation does this insect portray to allow its survival. / Prezi/mimio/class discussion on Applying Darwin’s Ideas pg. 380-385 / S ISN note taking
HW: SR 2 pg.385
S. work in groups to create a poster that outlines what Darwin’s ideas on evolution were and describe other scientific data that influenced his theory.
Compare the strengths and weaknesses of his theory. / Revise s. progress on posters
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, S3Da,S3Db,S3Dc,S3Dd,S3De,S3Df
Friday / Focus Standard:
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Infer the strengths and weaknesses in Drawin’s theory of evolution. / S. work in groups to create a poster that outlines what Darwin’s ideas on evolution were and describe other scientific data that influenced his theory.
Compare the strengths and weaknesses of his theory. / They will continue to work on poster and present to classmates.
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, S3Da,S3Db,S3Dc,S3Dd,S3De,S3Df