Unit# 2: Introduction to Ecozones
Name: ______Section: ______Date: ______
Follow the PowerPoint presentation and take notes:
A) Define each of the following terms.
Region = A part of the Earth’s surface that shares similar characteristics that set it apart from other regions.
Natural/Physical System = A system found in nature. Examples: Ecosystem, Biome, River, Forest, cycles etc.
Ecozone (Ecological Zone) = A region based on a combination of natural and human characteristics that are similar throughout
Characteristics include: •landforms•climate •soil •natural vegetation•animal distributions
•activities of people
B) Referring to the three maps listed below, divide the map of Canada into 5 to 10 different regions that have similar climate, soil, and vegetation. When you are finished compare it to the real ecozone map of Canada (Fig. 15-3).
Climate Regions in Canada (Fig. 13-12)
Soil Regions in Canada (Fig. 14-5)
Vegetation Regions in Canada (Fig. 14-6)
My Ecozone Map of Canada:
C) Ecozones are named to describe the physical characteristics, define each term below:
TAIGA = Coniferous forest land of Siberia. The name is used for ALL coniferous forests in the Northern Hemisphere.
CORDILLERA = A groups of mountain systems, each one containing several ranges such as the Western Cordillera of Canada.
BOREAL = A coniferous forest dominated by spruce, fir, and pine trees that stretch from East to West across Canada.
PRAIRIE = Grasslands that are found in the southern part of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba; the natural grasses of this region have been largely replaced by wheat.
MARITIME = Living or found near the sea
MONTANE = Referring to mountainous country.
SHIELD = A broad area of very old rocks above sea level
D) Answer all of the following questions in your notes. You may work collaboratively to find the answers.
Which ecozone:
- Is your community located in: Mixedwood Plains
- Occupies most of coastal B.C: Pacific Maritimes
- Occupies much of the Mackenzie River drainage basin: Taiga Plains/Shield
- Occupies most of Newfoundland: Boreal Shield
- Matches the area known as the Hudson Bay Lowlands: Hudson Plains
- Matches the area known as the northern Prairies: Boreal Plains
- Matches the southern portion of the landform region called the Interior Plains: Prairies
- Contains over 50% of the population of Canada: Mixedwood Plains
- Contains at least 5 provinces: Boreal Shield
- Contains most of Canada’s newest territory: Southern Arctic
- Holds Western Canada’s largest city: Pacific Maritime
- Was home to the Klondike Gold Rush in 1896: Boreal Cordillera
- Contains the southernmost glaciers in Canada: Montane Cordillera
- Contains Canada’s smallest provinces: Atlantic Maritime
- Is almost split in two by Canada’s largest ecozone: Taiga Shield
CGC1D: Geography of Canada Canadian and World Studies