A.Section Includes:

1.Extent of metal roofing is shown on the Drawings and indicated by provisions of this Section.

2.The following types of work are specified in this Section:

a.Standing Seam Roof System


c.Matching Fascia

B.Related Documents:

1.Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section.

C.Related Sections:

1.Section 05400 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing

2.Section 07620 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim


A.Provide Roof Panel System with no air leakage when tested in accordance with ASTM E-283 at pressure differentials up to 1.57 PSF.

B.Provide Roof Panel System with no water penetration as defined in the test method when tested with ASTM E-331 at an inward static air pressure of not less than 6.24 PSF and not more than 12.0 PSF.

C.Metal roof system shall be grounded in accordance with local Codes, as approved by the Building Department. This Contractor shall provide a provision for connection of roof grounding system to building ground system by Electrical Contractor. Coordinate with Electrical Contractor as required for complete grounding system.


A.Submit “Letter of Conformance” in accordance with Section 01330.

B.Product Data: Submit metal manufacturer's and fabricator's specifications, installation instructions, and general recommendations for roofing applications. Include certification or other data substantiating that materials comply with requirements.

C.Samples: Submit 8" square samples of specified metal to be used as roofing with specified finishes applied.

D.Shop Drawings: Submit Shop Drawings showing manner of forming, joining, and securing metal roofing, and pattern of seams. Show expansion joint details and waterproof connections to adjoining work and at obstructions and penetrations.


A.Installer: A firm with five years of prior successful experience with installation of metal roofing of type and scope equivalent to work of this Section. Installer shall be certified in writing by the manufacturer to be an authorized and franchised dealer of the system to be furnished. Certification shall state date on which authorization was granted.

B.Industry Standard: Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with applicable recommendations and details of "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" by SMACNA. Conform to dimensions and profiles shown.

C.The intent of these Specifications is to establish a quality and performance level for structural design, material, durability, and workmanship.

D.All bidders must conform strictly to these Specifications in their Bid.

E.The metal roofing manufacturer shall be United States based and demonstrate it has been in the business of furnishing (and/or erecting) complete building systems of similar size and complexity for a minimum of ten (10) years.

1.Building system manufacturer shall be American Institute of Steel Construction, Category MB Certified.

2.All materials shall be new, unused, free from defect.

F.The following criteria shall also be applicable in other phases of design:

1.Building Code having jurisdiction over the area in which the site is located.

2.Structural Steel Painting Council Standards

3.Federal, Military, and Commercial Standards

4.ASTM Standards

5.Written Certification of Rating by: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.: Class 90 Rating (U.L. Test 580). Factory Mutual Engineering Association: Class 1 and I-90 Windstorm Classification.

G.Certification: Submit written certification prepared and signed by a professional engineer registered to practice in the State in which the Project is located, verifying that the system design (including panels, clips, and support system components) meet indicated loading requirements and codes of authorities having jurisdiction.


A.Materials shall be delivered to the site in a dry and undamaged condition and stored out of contact with the ground. Materials other than framing and structural members shall be covered with weathertight coverings and kept dry. Storage accommodations for roof and wall covering shall provide good air circulation and protection from surface staining.


A.The following guarantees shall be provided by the metal roofing manufacturer:

1.Durability of the roof panels against rupture, structural failure, or perforation shall be guaranteed for a period of ten (10) years.

2.The color finish for the roof and wall panels shall be guaranteed by the building manufacturer for standard term against blistering, peeling, cracking, flaking, checking, and chipping. Excessive color change and chalking shall be guaranteed for ten (10) years.

B.Provide manufacturer's written weathertightness warranty for a maximum of ten (10) years against leaks in roofing system. Warranty shall be signed by both the manufacturer of the metal roofing system and the metal roofing system manufacturer.




1.AEP-Span, (800-527-2503) “HS-12”

2.Atlas International, Inc. (800-468-1441) “Standing Seam – 1”.

3.Berridge Manufacturing Company (800-231-8127), “TEE-Panel”.

4.MBCI (281-445-8555) “Craftsman Series Standing Seam”.

5.Or equivalent approved by Architect.


A.The basic design loads shall include roof live and snow (where applicable), wind (both external and internal), and earthquake (where applicable), in addition to dead load. All other foreign loads, whether they be of static, dynamic, or kinetic nature, shall be considered as auxiliary loads. Refer to Drawings for design loads.


A.All roof constructions shall carry the Underwriters Laboratories Construction (Uplift) rating of not less than Class 90.

B.Roof System

1.The roof system shall be "Standing Seam Tee-Panel System", as manufactured by Berridge Manufacturing Company, or approved substitution by listed manufacturers. System shall be composed of the following:

a.Panels shall be nominal 12-3/4" seam on center with snap-on seam. Fabricate from 24 gauge hot dipped galvanized (G-90) steel in accordance with ASTM A446 and ASTM A525.

b.Flouropolymer finish to be Kynar 500. Coating to be two-coat, thermo-cured, full-strength 70% "Kynar 500" fluouropolymer coating. Manufacturer warrants that coating shall not blister, peel, crack, chip, or experience rust-through for ten (10) years.

c.Custom panel widths at both ends of panel run to provide a continuous panel formed to the shape of the substrate allowing the panel leg to extend vertically and counterflash at the rake condition.

d.All panels to be in one continuous length without lap joints within the individual run.

e.Color: Bronze.

2.Deflection of the roof panel shall not exceed L/180 of its span when supporting the applicable vertical live loads previously prescribed.


A.Accessories: Except as indicated as work of another specification section, provide components required for a complete roof and wall panel system, including gable and other trim, perforated and non-perforated soffit panels, closures, clips, seam covers, battens, flashings, sealants, gaskets, fillers, and similar items. Match materials and finishes of panels.

1.This Contractor shall provide and install all additional structural material, as required to install the roof and wall systems, that has not been shown on the Drawings.

2.Refer to Section 07600 for additional flashing requirements.

B.Unless noted otherwise, provide the following sheet metal accessories, factory-formed of the same material in the same finish as roof panels:

1.Ridge Covers

2.Vented Ridge Cap



C.Flexible Closure Strips: Closed-cell, expanded cellular rubber, self-extinguishing, flexible-closure strips. Cut or premold to match configuration of roofing and siding sheets. Provide closure strips where indicated or necessary to ensure weathertight construction.

D.Underlayment: Asphalt impregnated roofing felt, No. 30, over roof sheathing

E.Sealing Tape: Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids gray polyisobutylene compound sealing tape with release paper backing. Provide permanently elastic, nonsag, nontoxic, nonstaining tape 1/2" wide and 1/8" thick.

F.Joint Sealant: One-part elastomeric polyurethane, polysulfide, or silicone rubber sealant, as recommended by the building manufacturer.



A.Coordinate metal roofing and wall system with rain drainage work, flashing, trim and construction of decks, parapets, walls, and other adjoining work, to provide a permanently leakproof, secure and non-corrosive installation.


A.Manufacturer's Recommendations: Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with recommendations and instructions of manufacture of sheet metal being fabricated and installed.

B.Separate dissimilar metals from each other by painting each metal surface in area of contact with a bituminous coating, or by applying adhesive polyethylene underlayment to each metal surface, or by other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturers of dissimilar metals.

C.Form and fabricate sheets, seams, strips, cleats, valleys, ridges, edge treatments, integral flashings and other components of metal roofing to profiles, patterns and drainage arrangements shown, and as required for permanently leakproof construction. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction of the work. Seal joints as shown, and as required for leakproof construction. Shop fabricate materials to greatest extent possible.

D.Sealant Type Joints: Where sealant filled joints are used, embed hooked flanges of joint members not less than 1" into sealant. Form joints to completely conceal sealant. When ambient temperature is moderate at time of installation (40 deg. to 70 deg. F), set joint members for 50% movement either way. Adjust setting proportionately for installation at higher ambient temperatures. Do not install sealant type joints at temperatures below 40 deg. F. Comply with requirements of Division 7 - Sealant sections for the handling and installation of sealants.

E.Fabricate and install work with lines and corners of exposed units true and accurate. Form exposed faces flat and free of buckles, excessive waves and avoidable tool marks considering temper and reflectivity of metal. Provide uniform, neat seams with minimum exposure of solder, welds, and sealant. Except as otherwise shown, fold back sheet metal to form a hem on concealed side of exposed edges.

F.Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible in exposed work, and locate so as to minimize possibility of leakage. Cover and seal fasteners and anchors as required for a tight installation.

G.Erection shall be in accordance with the approved erection instructions and Drawings and the requirements herein.

H.Sheets with improper or mislocated drill holes will be rejected.

I.Exposed surfaces shall be kept clean and free from sealant, metal cuttings, and other foreign materials.

J.Field cutting or burning of misaligned connections, openings and/or wall framing shall not be permitted.

K.Stained, discolored, or damaged sheets shall be removed from the site.

L.Arrange and next side-lap joints so prevailing winds blow over, not into, lapped joints. Lap ribbed or fluted sheets one full rib corrugation. Apply panels and associated items for neat and weathertight enclosure. Avoid "panel creep" or application not true to line. Protect factory finishes from damage.

1.Provide weatherseal under ridge cap. Flash and seal roof panels at eave and rake with rubber, neoprene, or other closures to exclude weather.

M.Roof System: Fasten panels in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

N.Spacing of fasteners shall present an orderly appearance and shall not exceed 8" o.c. at end laps of covering, 12" o.c. at connection of covering to intermediate supports, and 18" o.c. at side laps of wall covering except when otherwise approved. Exposed fasteners shall be installed in straight lines within a tolerance of 1/2" in the length of the bay.

O.Side laps and end laps of roof and wall covering and joints at accessories shall be sealed.

P.Exposed fasteners shall be driven normal to the surface and to a uniform depth to properly seat the gasketed washers.

Q.Accessories shall be fastened into framing members, except as otherwise approved.

R.Provide expansion joints in the roofing and/or roof framing as required to prevent damage and distress due to temperature changes.

S.Sheet Metal Accessories: Install curbs and other sheet metal accessories in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for positive anchorage to building and weathertight mounting.


A.Remove protective film (if any) from exposed surfaces of metal roofing, promptly upon installation. Strip with care to avoid damage to finishes.

B.Cleaning and Touch-up: Clean component surfaces of matter that could preclude paint bond. Touch up abrasions, marks, skips, or other defects to shop-primed surfaces with same type material as shop primer.

C.Provide final protection in a manner acceptable to installer, which ensures metal roofing being without damage or deterioration at time of substantial completion.


07610 - 1LK 00000