Linda Kemp
Negative Painting Obsessed!
June 17-22, 2012
Supply List
For this workshop you may work in waterercolor or acrylic. There will also be some exciting projects that specifically incorporate both mediums!
Along with the supplies in your preferred medium all painters require the following supplies:
Smooth Gesso (I recommend Holbein “S”)
Water spray bottle
Note book and pencil
Small sketch book
Sketches or photos of florals and landscapes
3 sheets of tracing paper
Fine point Sharpie marker
Water bucket - large
Paper Towels
Hand-held hair dryer
Assorted favorite painting and mark-making tools
Cheese cloth
Apron and gloves - I clean brushes with Murphy’s Oil Soap
Plastic Cover for your table
A small synthetic kitchen sponge
Zinc White Liquid Acrylic (Golden)
2 or 3 Ampersand Claybords 11 x 14” or 12 x 12”
1/2” to 1” “bright” (flat with short hair) brush. Found in Acrylic supply section of your art store.
Digital camera if you wish to photograph demonstrations etc.
Your sense of adventure!
Supplies For Watercolor Painters
Bring your usual watercolour supplies. The minimal listed paint colours are suggested, but not mandatory. Paint should be artists’ quality in tubes - your choice of manufacturer. I use freshly squeezed Holbein watercolour but have included pigment code for substituting manufacturer.
Transparent Non-Staining Pigments: Cobalt Blue (PB14), Burnt Sienna (Pbr7), Raw Sienna (Pbr7 or may contain (PY43)
Transparent Staining Pigments: Marine Blue (Phthalo Blue PB15), Bamboo Green (Phthalo Green PG36), Rose Violet (Quinacridone Violet PV19)
Opaque Sedimentary Pigments: Cobalt Turquoise (PB28) or Cerulean Blue (PB35), French Ultramarine Deep PB29), Cadmium Yellow Orange (PR108), Vermillion (PR108) or Cadmium Red (PR108)
Brushes Bring your usual brushes. My favourites include: Flat wash brushes 1" and 11⁄2"- Loew-Cornell 7750 or Robert Simmons Sky Flow
Round- Sable or sable/synthetic mix #10, 12, 14 or larger - such as Stratford and York Rydal Gold 001 or Loew-Cornell 7000
1" flat "Kemp Badger" bristle type brush (Cheap Joe’s Skipper or inexpensive painters brush from the hardware store) I will bring some along for the class to use and for purchase.
Paper Good quality paper- 3 full sheets. Strathmore Gemini or Arches 140lb cold press or Saunders Waterford 200lb watercolour paper. If you can find Strathmore Aquarius II, bring 1 sheet. Buy paper as single sheets not in coil or glued pads. Do not stretch and tape paper before class. For most class exercises I recommend working on 1/4 sheets and smaller.
Claybord 2 boards (see above)
Palette of your choice
Plexi-glass will be used instead of a board to mount your paper. It should be slightly larger than your piece of watercolour paper eg. for 11x15 paper (1⁄2 sheet), plexi should be about 14x18. You can purchase at a glass shop, or building supply store. Plexi doesn’t need to be perfect, ask for a second. You should not pay more than $12-15.00
Workable Spray Fixative such as Krylon or Mat Acrylic Spray by Golden.
Supplies For Acrylic Painters
Bring your usual acrylic supplies. These are the basics that I frequently use for your reference. My preference is for heavy body acrylic paints in tubes or jars. I use a variety of companies including Golden and Holbein. If you also have liquid acrylic bring some along. Here are some of my standard colors.
Transparent: Phalo Blue, Phthalo Green (any shades), Raw Sienna,, Quinacridone Red (Rose Violet or Alizarin Crimson), Ultramarine Blue or Cobalt, Cerulean, Marigold, Golden Transparent Yellow Oxide (liquid or tube), Golden Transparent Red Oxide (liquid or tube)
Opaque: White, Black, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Cad Red Med, Yellow Ochre
Although we can mix many of the following, I like the convenience of: Violet, Neutral Gray, Jenkins Green or Olive Green (Graham). If you have them, bring them along, but do not purchase otherwise.
Acrylic glazing medium
Acrylic gel medium
Brushes Bring your usual brushes. My favorites include the following:
Flat wash brushes 1½"- soft synthetic wash brush (worn or inexpensive watercolour flat wash)
Brights - # 6, 8, 10 ie Robert Simmons TT41)
Round - # 4 or 6
Bristle 1½ - 2" flat brushes (such as Escoda 8247 size 18 and 24) or inexpensive painters brush from the hardware store - please bring at least 3 or 4
Soft hair hake or fan brush (don’t buy anything new for this - you will most likely have something with will work)
Supports no less than 4 stretched canvas, canvas boards or panels. Min size 16 x 16" or 14 x 18, 16 x 20 etc.
One piece of inexpensive watercolour paper approximately 11 x 15”
Claybord 2 boards (see above)
Palette of your choice
If you have questions about the required supplies contact me at
A perfume-free environment is appreciated!