Biology 2 – Physiology
Spring Semester 2015
Week #11: April 6 - 10
Standard(s): 10.1 – Compare/Contrast Bacteria & Viruses Text: Sections 10.1, 10.17-10.23 16.1-16.10
Interactive Notebook:
35L / Lab: Antibiotic ResistanceResults, Discussion and Conclusion / Lab: Antibiotic Resistance
Title, Purpose, Materials, Procedure /
36L / Output: Characteristics of Viruses 9-Square Study Sheet / Notes: Viruses /36R
37L / Output: Sketch, label, and describe examples of the 4 types oftissue (nervous, epithelial, connective, and skeletal muscle/smooth muscle/cardiac muscle) that make up the human body. / Notes: Introduction to Human Body Systems /
38L / Immune System Labeling / Immune System VocabularyChoose 8 terms from below. Include word, definition and picture w/labels. /
39L / Output: Immune System Concept Map. / Notes: Immune System /39R
Ongoing: Read Text Chapter 10. Article Evaluation for Bacteria, Virus, Immune System.
Mon: Complete Virus 9-Square Study Sheet on 36L.
Tues/Wed: Complete Output 37L and complete Immune System labeling and Vocabulary 38L/R.
Thurs/Fri:Complete concept map.
Vocabulary: antigen, antibody, vaccination, phagocyte, phagocytosis, macrophage, memory B cells, plasma cells,
helper T cells, killer T cells, pathogen, capsid, retrovirus
- Notebook Check #2 Tuesday, April 7 (p.1, 2, 3)/ Wednesday April 8 (p.4, 5, 6)
Biology 2 – Physiology
Spring Semester 2015
Week #11: April 6 - 10
Standard(s): 10.1 – Compare/Contrast Bacteria & Viruses Text: Sections 10.1, 10.17-10.23 16.1-16.10
Interactive Notebook:
35L / Lab: Antibiotic ResistanceResults, Discussion and Conclusion / Lab: Antibiotic Resistance
Title, Purpose, Materials, Procedure /
36L / Output: Characteristics of Viruses 9-Square Study Sheet / Notes: Viruses /36R
37L / Immune System Labeling / Immune System VocabularyChoose 8 terms from below. Include word, definition and picture w/labels. /
38L / Notes: Immune System /38R
Mon: Complete Bacteria 9-Square Study Sheet on 56L. Work on your assigned section of lab report.
Tues/Wed: Complete Virus 9-Square Study Sheet on 57L. Work on your assigned section of lab report.
Thurs/Fri: Complete Immune System Vocab and Labeling 59L/R. Complete lab report – your section must be completed and ready to attach to the other sections when you arrive in class on Monday!
Vocabulary: antigen, antibody, vaccination, phagocyte, phagocytosis, macrophage, memory B cells, plasma cells,
helper T cells, killer T cells, pathogen, capsid, retrovirus
- Notebook Check #2 Tuesday, April 7 (p.1, 2, 3)/ Wednesday April 8 (p.4, 5, 6)