Nassau Baseball Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 293, Nassau, NY 12123

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Registration for Nassau Baseball Association’s Spring 2018 season is being offered to all children between the ages of 4 and 12 from any township. We encourage you to join our league and enjoy the many benefits we have to offer. Our in-house league runs from approximately late April to mid-June.

There are three divisions that a child can be eligible to play. The requirements to play in each are as follows:

Tee Ball: 4 years old before April 30th, 2018 and not over 6 years old by April 30th, 2018.

Minor League: 7 years old before April 30th, 2018.

Major League: 10 years old before April 30th and not over 12 years old by April 30th, 2018.

*Please note: Registration forms must be completed and paid in full by opening day for your child to be eligible to play. Please contact a board member if you need assistance with payment or need to make alternate payment arrangements.

Registration fees: Early Bird by 12/31/2017 - Regular from 1/1/18 to 3/3/18 - Late on orafter 3/4/2018

T-Ball$50$60 $70

Minor/Major$70$80 $90

Each additional child$30 (The additional child fee is applied to the youngest child’s fees.)
Registrations can be completed online or must be post marked by the dates indicated.

* Each player is required to sell raffle tickets as a fundraiser for the league – minimum $20

** Each player is required to sell one box of candy or opt to ‘buy-out’ for $30. The ‘buy-out’ option must be paid with registration.

Patron Donor: Help support our league and consider being a patron donor for $10 and have your name posted on the concession stand.

Please check our web site for more information and forms

Also “like” us on to keep up to date on all activities and news within our league!

Registration options include:

  1. Mail – please mail payment, copy of birth certificate^ (new players only) and completed registration form to the address above prior to 3/10/18
  1. PREFERRED – Register online at

For the 2018 season all players will get to keep their jersey. Any player registered before March 3rd will get to pick a number and have their name on the back of the jersey. Please pick a jersey size and number below.

Sizes: YS__ YM__ YL__ AS__

Preferred number ___ Second choice___

Please continue to the second page



Player #1 Name DOBAge on 04-30-18


Player #2 Name DOBAge on 04-30-18


Player #3 Name DOBAge on 04-30-18


Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number Email Address


Health Insurance Company Insurance ID# School/Grade/Teacher


Full Address

I understand that Nassau Baseball is a 100% parent volunteer run league. As such I am required to provide a minimum of 3 hours of concession stand coverage per child per season. I also understand that I am expected to assist with field cleanup after each game and my child will be expected to help their coach clean up the field before leaving the dugout. ______(please initial)

hereby authorize Nassau Baseball Association Inc.and its employees, volunteers,assigns, and sponsors, to use photographs or video clipsof my registered child(ren)taken at league games or league sponsored events, onits public website, printed league relatedmaterials,or in cooperationwith external media organizations, solely for the purpose of reportingabout or promoting the league and its events. I agree to indemnify and hold harmlessNassau Baseball Association Inc. from any claims related to the use of photos/video clipsforthe purposes set forth above. I understand I have the right to rescind this authorization at any time by written request to any duly elected Board member or officer of the Nassau Baseball Association Inc.

As the parent/guardian of the above child, I hereby certify that my child is physically fit to play baseball and has my approval to participate in all Nassau Baseball activities including transportation to and from the activities. I acknowledge that participation in baseball may result in serious injury and that protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do hereby waive, release absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Nassau Baseball Association, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and persons transporting my child to and from activities for any claim arising out of injury whether the result of negligence or any other cause except to the amount covered by accident or liability insurance. In my absence, Nassau Baseball Association or its agents are authorized to obtain medical care as deemed necessary for the safety and well-being of our child. Individual health and accident insurance or coverage is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.



Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian signature: Date