NBMS MORNING Duty Stations 15-16
1 & 2.Cafeteria from 7:30 – 7:50 –ALL students will be seated in the cafeteria from 7:30 – 7:50. Release students to go to the gym and/or tutoring at 7:48. Actively monitor students to ensure safety and security. Assist with the transition of 7th & 8th grade to the gym. Students will not leave for the cafeteria to put instruments away or anything else (except restroom in the music hall) until 7:50.
3. Cafeteria from 7:48 – 8:15 – Actively monitor students to ensure SR2 behavior. The two tables nearest the windows are for students eating breakfast and our FA students. All other tables are for 6th graders. Students will be seated and stay seated unless they raise their hand for permission to get up. Ensure students stay seated – they should not be getting up to visit or change seats to sit by someone else. 6th grade with dismiss at 8:11 and exit out the west side of the cafeteria (near the concession stand).
4. Hallway between the Gyms and the Cafeteria & area in front of and around the concession stand from 7:48 – 8:15 – Actively monitor the area to ensure students do not loiter in this area. Use the half wall area between the cafeteria and the gyms to issue temporary IDs.
ID DIRECTIONS:Have student sign in on a piece of notebook paper that is dated. The student must write legibly and include grade/ID number. Write the student a temp ID with their name, the date, and their ID number and sign your initials. Return the student signature page to Mrs. Lancaster. She will be keeping track of students so that we can issue warnings and assign further discipline as needed.
5, 6, & 7. Big Gym from 7:48 – 8:15 – 7th Grade will be seated on the WEST side of the gym in the stands (on the locker room side of the gym). 8th Grade will be seated on the EAST side of the gym in the stands (on the cafeteria side of the gym). Students will come in, find a seat in the stands and stay there. Students shall not move seats or leave the gym once they arrive. Actively monitor students to ensure they are SR2.Students may use electronic devices. Please remind students to shut-down and put away all electronic devices when they are dismissed from the gym.7th grade will dismiss at 8:12 and travel out the athletic hallway. Seventh grade will go up the stairway nearest their wing (west side).Eighth grade willdismiss at 8:13, cross the cafeteria in front of the stage and go up the stairway nearest their wing (east side).
8. Foyer Area from 7:48 – 8:15 –Position eight is responsible for keeping this area clear. Actively monitor while circulating in the area between the stairwells and the cafeteria. Direct students to the café, gyms or tutorials. Students may drop off their instruments in the band hall before first period. Ensure they do not hang-out in the long hallway leading to the band hall. Ensure students do not enter the stage, hang-out on the stairs or in the open areas. Students who walk or ride their bikes to school will enter the building through the middle courtyard – if the door has not been keyed open, please watch this door to ensure students can get in the building.
9. Upstairsfrom 7:48 – 8:15– Post about mid-way between the stairwells in front of the Cube (Room 701). Direct students to tutorials. Periodically check the bathrooms and do not allow students to loiter.
ISS students will report to the stage in the morning. The ISS teacher will supervise these students as well as others in the area.
It is imperative you are on time to your duty station. We have tried to schedule the fewest number of people for duty each morning. If you are late, your student area will not be supervised.
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to cover your duty. If you are going to be late, or off campus, YOU must arrange for someone to cover your duty for you.
TESTING DAYS: During campus-wide assessments like benchmarks and STAAR, coaches will assist with morning duties so those who are testing can check out their testing materials
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NBMS MORNING Duty Stations 15-16
Last updated 6/24/15