Calcasieu Parish Schools Balanced Score Card - August 2016
/ SCHOOL NAME2016-2017
Balanced Score Card for School Improvement
Mission: Building Foundations for the Future
Vision: High Academic Achievement
1 / Improve student achievement
2 / Promote a safe and nurturing environment
3 / Provide strong leadership for effective and efficient processes
4 / Enhance teacher capacity through professional development
5 / Strengthen collaboration with stakeholders
6 / Increase parent and community satisfaction
1 / High Academic Achievement
2 / Safe Productive Environment
3 / Stakeholder Satisfaction
4 / Operational Efficiency
Strategic Objectives for High Academic Achievement / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-2016
Historical Data
(h) / 2016-2017
Target / 2016-2017
(a) / 2016-2017
(b) / 2016-2017
1.1 To increase % of students scoring proficient in ELA, K-5. / Admin Team,
Lead Teacher,
Instructional Coach,
Teachers / Elementary DCAs / % of students that met target on 2015-16 SLT.
K- 96% Met Target
1- 96% Met Target
2- 39% Met Target
3-40 % Met Target
4- 32% Met Target
5-52 % Met Target
(This historical data was based on an 80% attainment and 20 points growth.) / 15 Percentage Point Growth from Pre to Post OR 50% or above Attainment / % of students scoring 50% or higher on DCA Pretest
K- __7#/44Total=
16 % Met Target
1- __25__#/35Total=
71 % Met Target
2- 6#/49Total=
12 % Met Target
3- 3 #/32 Total=
1 % Met Target
4- 10 #/35 Total=
29 % Met Target
5- 14 #/43 Total=
33 % Met Target / % of students meeting target from Pretest to DCA Mid-Year
K #/Total=
% Met Target
1- #/ Total=
% Met Target
2- #/Total=
% Met Target
3- #/Total=
% Met Target
4- #/ Total=
% Met Target
5- #/Total=
0 % Met Target / % of students meeting target from Pretest to DCA Posttest
K- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
1- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
2- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
3- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
4- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
5- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
1.2 To increase % of students scoring proficient in MATH.
(1.3 and 1.4 do not pertain to Elementary Schools. See the District BSC for information regarding these two objectives.) / Admin Team,
Lead Teacher,
Instructional Coach,
Teachers / Elementary DCAs / % of students that met target on 2015-16 SLT.
K- 84 Met Target
1- 84 Met Target
2- 71% Met Target
3- 76% Met Target
4- 44% Met Target
5- 52% Met Target
(This historical data was based on an 80% attainment and 20 points growth.) / 15 Percentage Point Growth from Pre to Post OR 50% or above Attainment / % of students scoring 50% or higher on DCA Pretest
K- 12#/42Total=
29 % Met Target
1- 20 #/36 Total=
56 % Met Target
2- 11#/52 Total=
21 % Met Target
3- 2 #/34 Total=
1 % Met Target
4- 5 #/41 Total=
12 % Met Target
5- 1 #/44 Total=
0 % Met Target / % of students meeting target from Pretest to DCA Mid-Year
K- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
1- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
2- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
3- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
4- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
5- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target / % of students meeting target from Pretest to DCA Posttest
K- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
1- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
2- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
3- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
4- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
5- ____#/____Total=
____% Met Target
1.5 To decrease the number of student absences / Admin Team / School Attendance Report
Screen Shot in
JCampus w/Directions and guidance in BB under August Prin. PLC in BSC folder / # of students missing 10 or more days in 2015-16.
47 students
Grades K-5 Only / Target: Decrease of 5% from 2015-2016 EOY data.
Ex) 67 students X.05=3.35 so you would want to decrease by four student for the end of the year.
47 x .05 = 2.35
45 students / # of students missing 10 or more days
Actual # to this point: 3 / # of students missing 10 or more days
Actual # to this point: ______/ # of students missing 10 or more days
Actual # to this point: ______
Overall decrease in student absences for 2016-2017 was ______.
1.6 Reduce the number of students identified as At Risk for RTI / Admin Team
RTI Committee
Counselor / RTI Tracking
RTI team tracks number of referrals or Counselor could for academics
Assistant Principal/PBIS Team could for behavior / # of students identified for Academic Interventions:
Overall K-5 numbers at the end of the 2015-16 School Year
97 ELA
_____Math / Target: Decrease of 5% from 2015-2016 EOY data
Ex) 75 students X.05=3.75 so you would want to decrease by four students by the end of the year.
97 x .05=4.85
92 ELA
_____Math / # of students identified for Academic Interventions:
130 ELA
_____Math / # of students identified for Academic Interventions:
_____Math / # of students identified for Academic Interventions:
# of students identified for Behavioral Interventions:
Overall K-5 numbers at the end of the 2015-16 School Year
21 students
5 S’s Tier II
16 S’s Tier III
Positive Connections / Target: Decrease of 5% from 2015-2016 EOY data
Ex) 12 students X.05=.6 so you would want to decrease by one student for the end of the year.
21 x .05 =
20 students / # of students identified for Behavioral Interventions:
4 students / # of students identified for Behavioral Interventions:
_____students / # of students identified for Behavioral Interventions:
Strategic Objectives for Safe Productive Environment / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-2016
Baseline / 2016-2017
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
2.1 To increase positive behavior through monitoring school-wide results in PBIS / Admin Team
PBIS Committee / *School-wide Plans w/ documentation
*PBIS walk-through, District or external assessments / Total number of referrals (ODRs) for 2015-2016.
331 referrals / Target: Decrease of 10% from 2015-16 EOY data
Ex) 77 students X.10=7.7 so you would want to decrease by eight students for the end of the year.
331 x .10 = 33.1
298 referrals / Actual:
total referrals to this point / Actual:
______total referrals to this point / Actual:
______total referrals to this point
2.2 To reduce the number of missed days of instruction due to ISS/OSS / Admin Team
Teachers / WebPams Documentation / Total missed days of instruction in 2015-2016 due to ISS/OSS:
ISS: 35
OSS: 110 / Target: Decrease of 10% from 2015-16 EOY data
Ex) 77 students X.10=7.7 so you would want to decrease by eight students for the end of the year.
35 x .10 = 3.5
ISS: 31
110 x .10 =11
OSS: 109 / Actual:
2 total ISS to this point
6 total OSS to this point / Actual:
______total ISS to this point
______total OSS to this point / Actual:
______total ISS to this point
______total OSS to this point
2.3 To ensure technology users will abide by the mandates and are aware of the consequences of utilizing network resources and electronic communications with students / Leaders / AUP & Electronic Communications Policy signed by all technology users / 100% of users in 2015-2016 / Target: 100% / Actual: 98%
List the names and reasons of the personnel that have NOT signed AUP here.
Paul Griffin-medical leave / Actual: / Actual:
Strategic Objectives for Safe Productive Environment / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-2016
Baseline / 2016-2017
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
2.4 To maintain a safe, orderly, civil, and positive learning environment so that students and employees do feel safe while at school or school-related activities / Leaders / The following policy signed and dated as required:
*Bullying and Hazing Policy
*Mandated Bullying Training
*Sexual Harassment *Employee Code of Conduct
*Child Abuse Policy & Mandated In-service Training
*Employee Alcohol, Drug and Substance Abuse Training / 100% of school staff completed required training in 2015-2016 / Target: 100% / Actual: 98%
List the names and reasons of the personnel that have NOT signed mandated policies here.
Paul Griffin-medical leave / Actual: / Actual:
2.5 To preserve the public trust, personal and institutional integrity, all CPSB employees will be informed of the expectations and legalities of professional and ethical behavior. / Leaders / # of certificates submitted by staff as evidence of completing Ethics Training / 100% of school staff completed required training in 2015-2016 / Target: 100% / Actual: 0 %
(2/53 turned in)
List the names and reasons of the personnel that have NOT completed ethics training here.
Not Due / Actual: / Actual:
Strategic Objectives for Stakeholder Satisfaction / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-16
Baseline / 2016-17
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
3.1 To improve communication methods with stakeholders / Chief Academic Officer
Public Information Officer / *Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys
*Parents Registered on JCampus
*Community Meetings
*Web Postings
*Daily interaction with media outlets
*Focus Group Sessions
Community Forums / Current Methods:
CPSB website, social media (Facebook, Twitter), School Messenger, SHARE newsletter, school newsletters, press releases, FYIs, KPLC breakfast bar, informational fliers / Target:
*weekly take home (signed papers)
*school-wide calendar or newsletters- (minimum monthly)
*15 school messengers p/yr.
*15 CPSB website updates/Black Board announcements/yr
*15 social media (Facebook, Twitter), SHARE newsletter, school and district press releases, informational fliers, public committees, video publications / Actual # to this point:
4 Signed papers
4 Sch.calendars/
5 Sch. Mess.(5)
5 Website/Bb
Updates (5)
5 Social media or
press releases(5)
3 Remind 101 / Actual # to this point:
____Signed papers
____Sch. Mess.(10)
Updates (10)
____Social media or
press releases(10) / Actual # to this point:
____Signed papers
____Sch. Mess.(15)
Updates (15)
____Social media or
press releases(15)
3.2 To host family involvement activities focused on increasing student achievement.
*ACADEMIC FOCUS / Family Involvement Coordinator
ATP Committee
Admin Team / Calendars or Similar Documentation to C & I Administrative Directors / Actual # of activities for 2015-16: 8 / Target:
8 activities
(Minimum of 2) / Actual # of activities to this point: 2 / Actual # of activities to this point: ____ / Actual # of activities to this point: ____
Strategic Objectives for Stakeholder Satisfaction / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-16
Baseline / 2016-17
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
3.3 Increase Employee Capacity and Leadership
**School Data**
Please keep all Plus/Delta and Staff Survey Information on file at the school that pertains to job related training. / CAO
C &I
Principals / Job related training across the district for instructional employees (including leadership)
Job related training across the district for non-instructional employees (including leadership)
/ List all of the PD opportunities that fell in the appropriate BSC period that built a pipeline of teacher leaders. / Mentor Sentences
Focused Reading
Trip Tracker
JCampus/Lesson Book
New Teacher Academy
Eureka Math
Curriculum Leader
Strategic Objectives for Operational Efficiency / Lead Person(s) / Measures / 2015-16
Baseline / 2016-17
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
4.1 To decrease the number of days teachers absent from school / Admin Teams / Aesop Data
TEACHER Absences
OTHER than school-related, professional development, and sabbatical / Total number of days from final 2015-16 BSC.
336 / Target: Decrease of 5% from 2015-2016 EOY data
Ex) 98 days X.05=4.9 so you would want to decrease by five days for the year.
336 x .05 = 16.8
319 / Actual # of absences to this point: 20.5 / Actual # of absences to this point: ____ / Actual # of absences to this point: ____
Strategic Objectives for Operational Efficiency / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-16
Baseline / 2016-17
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
4.2 To increase the number of personnel participating in health events sponsored by Risk Management. / Risk Management
School Wellness Warrior(s) / Risk Management Data / Total Participants in 2015--16:
20 participants / Target: Participant Increase 2% by EOY
.4% increase
20 participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants
Employees & Retirees Wellness Fair Participants
6 / Target:
6 participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants
Employees & Family Member 5K
12 / Target:
12 participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants
Preventive Care Participants
2 / Target:
2 participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants / Actual:
____ participants
4.3 To increase the student: computer ratio. / Technology Leaders / ● IMPACT trained personnel
● Ratios provided by Tech Center
● # AIR participants / student: computer ratio 2015-2016
341students :
273 computers / Target: 280
329 students 1.2: 1
273 computers / Actual:
____students :
____computers / Actual:
____students :
____computers / Actual:
____students :
Strategic Objectives for Operational Efficiency / Lead Person(s) / Measures / Funding
Source / 2015-16
Baseline / 2016-17
Target / BSC #1 / BSC #2 / BSC #3
4.4 To improve teacher and leader effectiveness. / C & I
Principals / % of teachers scoring proficient and highly effective on Compass evaluations /
91 %
21 of 23 teachers scored effective on Compass evaluations EOY 2015- 2016 / Target: Maintain or increase current proficiency level
(Individual schools set this target based on baseline data.)
22 of 24 teachers will score effective on Compass / Actual:
___ of ___ teachers scored effective on Compass for the first semester. / Actual:
___ of ___ teachers scored effective on Compass for the 2016-17 school year.
% of leaders scoring proficient and highly effective on Compass evaluations
4.5 Improve recruitment and retention of quality staff
**District Data** / District Personnel
Principals / # of teacher positions vacant
Novice classroom teachers (0-3 yrs.) retained, excluding subs and termination
p. 1