
Location:Lowry House, 17 Marble Street, Manchester, M2 3AW

Date:16th March 2017


1. Attendees

Members Name / Company / Initials / Members Name / Company / Initials
Mohammed Anwar / Ind / MA / Bruce Prentice / Ind / BP
Chris Dagnall / CCA / CD / Helen Smith / CCA / HS
Aneet Kapoor / Ind / AK / Adam Irvine / GM LPC / AI
Ifti Khan / CCA / IK / Judith Goodwin / GM LPC / JG
Peter Marks / AiMp / PM / Lisa Mather / GMLPC / LM
Phil Maslin / CCA / PhM
Gary Pickering / CCA / GP
Jennie Watson / CCA / JW
Gillian Stone / CCA / GS

Apologies: Apologies received from: Karen Rice and Mohamed Patel. It was advised that Gill Stone would arrive later (11.30 arrival).

It was noted that this should be KR’s final meeting.

It was also noted that the Board wished to formally thank Karen for her time and effort during her time with the LPC.

1. Declaration of Interest (DOI):No changes to DOI declared.

Minute Review

The minutes were reviewed and accepted as a true and accurate record.

Actions from previous meeting

All actions were discussed and are either completed or ongoing.

TOR work should be completed today. Slack may not be continued but SW to send anyway.

There was a discussion around safeguarding and the requirements for Quality Payments.This is being built into wider training. It was noted that there is a mandatory CPPE element which needs to be completed by all and this needs to be communicated to contractors. This is to be included in the newsletter with a reminder that locums must also be compliant with QP criteria.

Sharps disposal; NHSE are going back to LA’s with a reminder of their obligations.

PhAG -The ToR are being updated and will be updated to include all providers would be welcome to attend, input from providers is welcome.

It was decided that the Action list is to be sent two weeks prior to the meeting as a prompt for anything allocated and outstanding. Actions to be dated for completion by the next meeting date and the ongoing to be completed (these to be incorporated into the main list).

Action: SW to send out Slack information.

Action:GS to contact locum agencies to share communications with locums on QP

Action: Include CPPEsafeguarding element in newsletter together with a reminder about locums.

Action: SW to liaise with Stockport contact and emphasise incomplete without CPPE element.

Action: JG & AI to look at ongoing actions.

2. CEO Update

AI gave the CEO report. There was a request for the plan to be updated to remove Q4 2016 it was advised that the plan would be revamped after agenda item 6.

Primary Care reform and the papers to be submitted to SPB were discussed and it was agreed that two online meetings are to be arranged on Tuesday and Friday of next week for further deliberation of this item.

The remainder of the CEO report was detailed by AI.

Action: LM to send invites to Committee for online meetings.

3. Finance Update

CD delivered the finance update. The Committee were advised that all expenses need to be in by the end of the month so as the financial year can be completed.JG now doing more on the day to day accounts as taking over from Keith Williams. Keith is in the process of winding up the old No.2 accounts. JG advised that the accounts /expenses would be action on 1 day per month. Committee to be advised if date.

Income 13K in excess if expenditure.

CHL have requested to draw down the remainder of the loan monies and this is currently with the scrutiny committee.

Salford and Trafford are paying £14K back to the contractors by way of cheque as they do not have BACs payment facility. The question was asked regarding OTG and the finance position since the merger, no clear answer was given so attempts will be made to contact the previous treasurer regarding this.

Action: JG to advise of expenses due date.

Action: PhM to find out position of OTG finances.

4.Self-Evaluation and Strategy

The summary of responses to the self- evaluation was looked at by the committee. It was agreed that this was not a true reflection of where we are. It was made known to the committee that this was based on only 10 responses as not all did respond as asked. It was agreed that the responses be configured to show breakdown rather than predominant outcome and that the survey be sent to the office teamand those Committee Members who didn't respond when the original survey was sent outfor their input. To be reviewed again at the next meeting.

Action: JG to send survey to office team and applicable Committee Memberswho haven’t already completed


PM gave the committee a summary of the new Adult Inhaler project. It is to be put to NHSE that pharmacy technicians can be utilised as an appropriately trained person to make the project more appealing to contractors to get involved. It was agreed to change the wording to “under the supervision of a pharmacist”. If the area team do not agree to this or a compromise it is to be brought back to the board.

The PSNC Update to be part of the closed session.

End of Open Session

6. Roles and Responsibilities

AK presented a suite if slides which showed how the LPC currently works with regards to localities meetings etc. Explaining that AK, AI and JG were tasked to look at this and come up with an alternative that would mean less duplication and more streamlining of resources.

Locality leads, office support (additional staff) and bi- monthly meetings were discussed together with the size of the committee. It was discussed that although the committee meetings would be a half day meeting, the remainder of the day would be spent on sub-group meetings and this would enable proposals to be put to the board already set rather than it being debated at length during the board meeting.

AK to revise the plan after comments and send out the revision in two weeks’ time.

JG asked if the room booking should be for a full day, this was confirmed.

Action: AK to revise plan after comments and send out in two weeks.

7. Committee Governance – Closed meeting

Date of next meeting Tuesday 16th May 2017.


Meeting date / Agenda item/number / Action / Actioned by: / Outcome / RAG rating
14.02.17 / 4.3 / TOR’s to be finalised for all sub groups. / Sub groups
14.02.17 / 7.1 / Update the LPC directors re process and what is their role within CHL. / AK / Deferred to next meeting due to Governance
14.02.17 / 8.2 / Sharps information to be circulated when full details available / AI / Update received not complete
16.03.17 / 1.2 / Contact locum agencies re QP criteria / GS
16.03.17 / 1.3 / Include CPPE Safe Guarding element in newsletter together with a reminder about locums. / SW/ Office
16.03.17 / 1.4 / Liaise with Stockport contact and emphasise incomplete without CPPE element. / SW
16.03.17 / 1.5 / Look at ongoing actions / JG/AI
16.03.17 / 2.1 / Invite for online meeting to committee / LM / Done
16.03.17 / 3.1 / Advise of Expenses due date / JG
16.03.17 / 3.2 / Position of Oldham finances / CD
16.03.17 / 4.1 / Send survey to office team / JG
16.03.17 / 6.1 / Revise plan and send out-
2 wks. / AK
Report to be built into QP TOR / SW / Ongoing
Member access to SharePoint / AI / Ongoing
Produce a report for contactors Q1 / AI / Ongoing

•Not started - Yellow

•Completed - Green

•Overdue – Red

•In progress - Blank

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