Podcasting 101 in School Center
Things to know before starting:
1) You will need a mac account to post your Podcast to iTunes – what this requires is for you to sign up for an account – you will need to provide a credit card #, but you are not charged unless you purchase from iTunes
2) Mac users must use Safari to submit Podcasts, so be sure when you are doing this part, you quit out of Firefox and log in using Safari.
Step 1:
Log on to School Center to access your home page using Safari as the browser (yes, Safari)
Step 2:
Click on “Edit Page” button in menu bar
Step 3:
Choose “Add a Page” and add a Document Manager Page
Step 4:
On the pop up window, rename your page if you want and select “Enable subscribe” and any other options you wish.
Step 5:
Your Document Manager/Podcast page will display like the following image. To add audio files, you do the same as you would if you were adding documents, choose to add Categories first if you want to categorize and then “Add New Document”
Step 6:
The next window you will click to browse for your audio file and upload – you can then rename or select the category for it to belong to. When finished click “Done”
Step 7:
**VERY IMPORTANT: In order to choose Podcast Settings and submit Podcast to iTunes, you must be in Safari (if Mac user)
Click on the Podcast Setting button
Step 8:
The next screen, choose to name your podcast and fill in the blanks
Step 9:
This is where you submit your Podcast to iTunes. You must copy the URL that is given on #2, then click on the link to “submit the podcast . . . “
Step 10:
After clicking the link to go to the iTunes site you will see the page listed below. You will need to past the URL that you copied from the previous page, into the space provided. Then click “Continue”. You will be prompted to enter in your mac account information
You have successfully submitted your podcast – Within 24 – 48 hours you will receive an email from iTunes regarding your Podcast and its URL – you will need to copy that URL link and paste it into the “Podcast Settings” menu in School Center – Log back into your webpage, click on your Podcast page, go to “edit”, click on the “Podcast Settings” button and paste in the link iTunes supplies you with. Click “Done”