
What's wrong?

  1. She has a broken leg.
  2. She has a broken arm.
  3. She has a broken foot.
  4. She has a headache.
  5. She has a stomach-ache.
  6. She has a broken leg.
  7. He has a tootheache.
  8. He has a stomach-ache.
  9. He has a backache.
  10. She has a cough.
  11. She has a fever.
  12. She has a headache
  13. She has a fever.
  14. She has a sore throat.
  15. She has a stuffy nose.
  16. She has a headache.
  17. She has a cough.
  18. She has an earache.
  19. She has a sore throat.
  20. She has a stuffy nose.
  21. She has an earache.
  22. He has a stomach-ache.
  23. He has a backache.
  24. He has a cut leg.
  25. He has a headache.
  26. He has the flu.
  27. He has a stomach-ache
  28. She has a broken foot.
  29. She has a broken arm.
  30. She has a broken hand.
  31. He has a toothache.
  32. He has a sore throat.
  33. He has a stuffy nose.
  34. She has the flu.
  35. She has a cut finger.
  36. She has a backache.
  37. She has a toothache.
  38. She has an earache.
  39. She has a stomach-ache
  40. He has a bleeding arm.
  41. He has a cut leg.
  42. He has a bleeding finger.
  43. She has a broken leg.
  44. She has a cut leg.
  45. She has a cut foot.


Visit to the Doctor

A = Doctor * B= Patient

A:Hi. Come on in and have a seat.

Now what seems to be the problem?

B: I have a rash on my arm.

A: How long have you had the rash?

B: It’s been about a week.

A: Are you taking anything for it?

B: I put some cream on it but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

A: I see. Are you allergic to any medications?

B: Not that I know of.

A: I’m going to give you this ointment. I want you to apply itthree times a day.

You should also avoid scratching your skin. And it’s important to use as little soap as possible.

Make an appointment to see me next week if it doesn’t get better over the next few days.

Doctor’s Activity Sheet

You are a doctor and patients are going to come into your office. Ask them about their condition, prescribe some medicine, and give them some advice.
Name / Medical condition / Duration / Pror medication / Allergic to medicitin Y/N
1-Fahid / rash / 1 week / cream / No

Patient’s Activity Sheet

You are a patient. Visit your doctor and tell them about your condition. Write down your doctor’s recommendations in the table below. You should ‘get a second opinion’. Visit two doctors.
Doctor’s Name / Medical condition / Prescription / Medication / Other advice
1-Dr Adnan / rash / cream / apply 3 timesa day / avoid scratching skin.
2-Dr Fuad / rash / ointment / apply 3 timesa day / Don’t use soap

Ailment Role Cards

Photocopy one of these sheets for each student who is role-playing a patient.

Ailment: You have high blood pressure
Duration: You have had it for 2 months.
Previous Medication: You haven’t taking any medication for it. / Ailment: You have a rash on your arms and legs.
Duration: You have had it for about four days.
Previous Medication: You have put a cream on it. / Ailment: You have diarrhoea.
Duration: You have had it for three days.
Previous Medication: You have taken some pills that you bought at the drugstore, but they didn’t help.
Ailment: You have the flu.
Duration: Two days.
Previous Medication: You took some aspirin. / Ailment: You sprained your ankle.
Duration: You sprained this morning.
Previous Medication: You took a painkiller. / Ailment: You have a sore throat
Duration: You have had it for two days.
Previous Medication: You have been taking some throat lozenges (throat candies).
Ailment: You have indigestion.
Duration: You have had it for three weeks.
Previous Medication: You have been taking some ant-acid but it hasn’t helped. / Ailment: You have constipation.
Duration: You have had it for two weeks.
Previous Medication: None. / Ailment: You have a bad cut.
Duration: You cut yourself this morning.
Previous Medication: None.

Doctor Treatment List

Photocopy one of these sheets for each student who is role-playing a doctor.

Ailment: diarrhoea
Prescribe: some medicine
Take twice daily.
Extra Advice:
(a) Drink plenty of fluids.
(b) Avoid foods containing milk. / Ailment: flu
Prescribe: antiviral medication. Take three times daily after meals.
Extra Advice:
(a) Get lots of rest.
(b) Drink plenty of fluids / Ailment: constipation
Prescribe: laxative. Take every morning when you wake up.
Extra Advice:
(a) Get some exercise.
(b) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Ailment: sore throat
Prescribe: some medication
Take every four hours.
Extra Advice:
(a) Drink plenty of liquids.
(b) Drink warm tea with honey. / Ailment: rash
Prescribe: an ointment. Apply four times a day.
Extra Advice:
(a) Avoid scratching your skin.
(b) Use as little soap as possible. / Ailment: indigestion
Prescribe: antacid. Take after meals.
Extra Advice:
(a) Avoid spicy food.
(b) Cut down on eating and drinking.
Ailment: cuts
Prescribe: an antibacterialointment. Apply three times daily.
Extra Advice:
(a) Wash carefully with mild soap.
(b) Keep dirt out of it. / Ailment: sprained ankle
Prescribe: some pain killers
Take whenever you have pain. (maximum five times daily)
Extra Advice:
(a) Keep your foot elevated.
(b) Keep ice on it for 24 hours. / Ailment: high blood pressure
Prescribe: some pills. Take after meals three times daily.
Extra Advice:
(a) Exercise daily.
(b) Loose some weight.
(c) Cut down on salt and alcohol.

A Telephone Call

-Hello, MedicalCenter. May I help you?

-Hello, My name is Abudalla Al-Marri. I would like to make an appointment with the doctor.
-Who is your doctor?
-My doctor is Doctor Fahid
-What is wrong with you?
-I am not feeling well. I think I have the flu.
-The doctor can see you today at 4:00. Can you come at 4:00?
-Yes, I can come today at 4:00. Thank you. Goodbye.

Choose the correct answer

1-Why did Abudalla call on the telephone?

  1. To talk to a friend
  2. To ask for medicine
  3. To make an appointment

2-What is the doctor's name?

  1. Doctor Ali
  2. Doctor Fahid
  3. Doctor Ahmad

3-When is Abudalla's appointment?

  1. Today at 3:00
  2. Today at 4:00
  3. Today at 5:00

4-What is wrong with Abudalla?

  1. He thinks he has the flu
  2. He thinks he has a broken arm
  3. He thinks he has a cold

Complete the sentences below with the best answer:

أعلى النموذج

1. Be sure to ask the doctor if there are any ______to taking that medication. Otherwise, you run the risk of having complications, and the drugs that should be helping you can make your condition worse.

A. symptoms B. exams C. side effects


2. If you think you are running a fever, then you ought to ______to see how hot you are.

A. take your temperature B. get a shot C. take some aspirin.


3. There are several ______in the lobby waiting for medical consultations.

A. doctors B. nurses C. patients

Useful Vocabulary

O-Rewrite the following words in your copybook and try to find the Arabic equivalents:

Clinic/doctor's office/examination room /health insurance/hospital/ medical condition /medical exam /medical history /medicine /nurse /patient prescription /side effects/symptoms /consult a doctor /get a shot /make an appointment /take your temperature. tablets/a medicine/ syrup/ fit/


Student 1: Is something wrong with your body?

Student 2: Yes, there is.

Student 1: Do you have a sunburn?

Student 2: Yes, I do.

Student 1: You'd better put on some lotion.


Student 1: Is something wrong with your eye?

Student 2: No, there isn't.


Student 1: Is something wrong with your head?

Student 2: Yes, there is.

Student 1: Do you have a bump?

Student 2: No, I don't


Student 1: Is something wrong with your nose?

Student 2: Yes, there is.

Student 1: Do you have a nosebleed?

Student 2: Yes, I do.

Use thesepictures and try to write a usefulstory:

أسفل النموذج

Fahid ,who was on holiday in London, ate too much food. He got stomach-ache……………………………………………………………………………..


Prevention is better than cure

How can we keep fit and healthy?

To keep fit and healthy we should…………………………………………………………….


Read this story then answer the questions below:

Jape goes to the doctor

Jape wakes up with a sore throat. He looks in the mirror and sees he is covered with red spots! Jif tells jape that he should go and see a doctor who will help him to get better. So, they go to the doctors and wait until it is jape's turn. The doctor calls Jape into her room. She asks him to open his mouth and say "Ahh". Then she listens to Jape's heart with her special stethoscope. The doctor is very nice and tells Jape that he will feel better again soon. She gives him some medicine and tells him to rest in bed for a few days. The next day, Jape starts to feel a bit better. He will be able to play with Jif soon.

Read this passage then answer the questions below:

Peter smoked cigarettes for 25 years. He is not feeling welllately. He gets tired easily and coughs a lot. He also hashigh blood pressure. He has two young children. He doesnot smoke in the house or the car. He knows that secondhandsmoke makes his children cough, gives them breathingproblems and more colds. He wants to stop smokingbecause he wants to have a healthier heart. He will seehis doctor next week to get help.


1. How long has Peter been smoking?


2. What is smoking doing to Peter’s health?


3. Why is second hand smoke good for Peter’s children?


4. Who can help Peter stop smoking?


O-Circle the right answer for each statement.

True False 1. Peter wants to stop smoking.

True False 2. passive smoke does not make Peter’s children cough.

True False 3. Peter is feeling well because of his smoking.

True False 4. Peter does not smoke in the house.

True False 5. Smoking is good for your health.



Draw a line from each word to its correct picture.





5. CAR