Science Research Paper Evaluation Rubric assignment # ______
Student Name: / Score:
This analytic rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed when producing a research paper. If the task has been successfully completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is not complete.
Category / Scoring Criteria / Points / Student
Evaluation / Teacher
15 ponits / Met topic deadline, outline deadline and draft deadline / 15
Title Page
5 points / Title page consists only of: a descriptive title for the paper, author's name, and paper completion date. / 5
15 points / A thesis statement makes the research topic clear. / 10
Background information is provided to establish the importance of the research topic. / 5
Report of
25 points / Scientific terms and concepts are properly used. / 10
Research findings are presented in the student's words, not "cut and pasted". / 5
Table, graphs, and figures properly labeled and referred to in body of report. / 5
Research correctly referenced / 5
15 points / The most important research findings are restated. / 5
Student's final thoughts about the research topic are stated. / 5
No new information is introduced. / 5
5 points / A single page annotated bibliography is provided.
(A brief description of the information contained in the source is proved for each of the references.) Minimum 4 references required. / 5
5 points / Professional Vernacular - a single page with all relevant terms defined. / 2.5
Diagram - at least one diagram or picture of importance related to the research topic is included. / 2.5
15 points / Paper demonstrates an effort to produce a professional paper free of grammar, spelling, and typing errors. / 5
Pagination, spacing, font and margin follow professional format (APA) There are no "first person" statements in the paper. / 10
Score / Total Points / 100
Self-evaluation / Students are expected to honestly evaluate their own work. If the difference between the student evaluation and the teacher evaluation is more than 10 points, 5 points will be deducted from the teacher's score when the grade is recorded.
Deadline / All "turn-in" assignments are expected to be completed by the assigned deadline. Research papers will not be accepted after the deadline and No credit will be given.
Science Research Paper Evaluation Rubric Assignment # __________