POOLS-3 Kick-off Workshop
EfVET Offices, Rue d’Arlon, B-1000, Bruxelles, Oct 29-31, 2013
In attendance:
Kent Andersen, SDE, Denmark
Alex Castell, Stucom, Barcelona, Spain
Valentina Chanina, EfVET, Brussels, Belgium
Charo Cuart, Stucom, Barcelona, Spain
Gareth Long, GLPM, External Evaluator
Caoimhín Ó Dónaill, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Malachy Ó Néill, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland (from Day 2)
Dagmar Ráček Pelikánová, Pelikan, Brno, Czech Republic
Gordon Wells, SMO, Scotland
Štefan Zábojník, Pelikan, Brno, Czech Republic
Day 1, 29th October
A - General
Gordon, SMO – projects officer with “Scotland’s Gaelic College”.
Kent, SDE – electrician and language teacher. Long involvement in European projects, language teaching methods, and CALL.
Caoimhín – language teacher. UU involved in technology-assisted language teaching and in dissemination and teacher training networks.
Dasa and Stefan presentedPelikan. European projects linked to teacher training. Having worked with primary and secondary educational sectors, Pelikan is now in the process of transforming into a vocational college, aiming to inform policymakers with a view to adopting innovations in language teaching.
Gareth – external evaluator. Ten-year background in European projects and evaluation.
Valentina presentedEFVET. Non-profit organisation. Conference organisation, brochures, newsletters.
Charo and Alex presentedStucom, which has 30 years’ experience. Student exchanges. Using technology and the web, particularly Facebook.
B – Exporting partners
SMO and SDE described their own contexts and background in POOLS-related projects in more detail.
Gordon gave a presentation on project leader SMO - the college, its mission, and European project work.
Kent for SDE described links with other projects on methodologies (including CLIL) and CALL.
Brochures for other projects were distributed. The languages.dk website was introduced and attention was drawn to the hits count, and the tendency to spike at or following dissemination events, such as the EfVET conference.
The importing partners offered some initial responses to the presentation, in terms of their own aspirations for the project, as well as observations from their own previous experience:
Charo felt it was important for the project work to be practical and useful, and felt that there was a significant age factor in computer use, with younger teachers taking to it more easily.
Stefan reinforced this point and related that Pelikan had some experienceof dealing with the age issue through a previous project - APLaNet.
Caoimhín stressed that it would be important to have a strong social media identity for the project. Facebook, in particular, offers opportunities and poses challenges. The relationship between the professional and the personal is easily blurred.
Gareth said it was important to be clear on the relationship between Internal and Final Reports (to ECORYS) on the one hand, and the reporting process(to SMO) on the other. The need for sensitive handling of potentially delicate issues needs to be balanced with factual reporting of progress against milestones.
The full list of Work Packages was introduced to outline the shape of the project and confirm the proposed division of roles between partners.
WP1 (project management) – SMO will lead on this
WP2 (quality management) – SMO will lead on this with substantive input from GLPM.
WP3 (communication platform) – Pelikan will lead on this in close co-operation with all partners, with SDE looking after the project website
WP4 (exploitation and impact) – SDE will lead on this, but dependent on importing partners
WP5 (dissemination) – EfVET will lead on this in collaboration with all partners.
WP6 (POOLS CALL guidebook adaptation) – Stucom will lead on this, but dependent on all partners to contribute to adaptation
WP7 (POOLS course units book adaptation) – Pelikan will lead on this, but dependent on all partners to contribute to adaptation
WP8 (creation of audio/video source materials) – SMO will lead on this (guiding Pelikan, Stucom, Ulster)
WP9 (piloting in-service training) – Ulster will lead on this
WP10 (DIY instructional videos/DVDs) – SDE will lead on this. NB The development of Clilstore out of the old Textblender will mean the addition of translated voiceover recordings rather than subtitles to some elements.
WP11 (Final editing of course guide, course book, sample e-learning units) – SDE will lead on this, starting in March with Lone Olstrup’s attendance (from SDE) at Barcelona to talk about e-books.
3.ECORYS feedback
Each item of feedback was considered in turn and discussed in detail.
- “Clarify the reason for producing course materials in English”
English is the working language of the project and hence the source language for translation into the three new languages. POOLS 3 offers an opportunity to fine-tune and update materials to reflect the state of the art. English exemplars will enable wider dissemination.
Gareth also remarked, in relation to the feedback comment over evidence of testing, that further independent evidence through ongoing evaluation of future pilots will also reinforce/validate past work.
- “Consider involving ICT professionals, social partners or learners' representatives in the project, for example through a steering group”
The introductory presentations and remarks from the importing partners were very reassuring on the ICT front, and learners will be involved in piloting. In light of this there was not felt to be a need for an additional formal overall steering group. However, the feedback is helpful in serving to remind participants of the importance of consultation with other stakeholders, not least connected experts in Eurocall and the wider community of previous POOLS project participants.
- “Confirm that lead roles in WP6 and WP7, each related to the adaptation and transfer of existing materials, are attributed to partners with the required skills and understanding”
In discussion it was confirmed by both Stucom and Pelikan that they were confident in their professional expertise and European experience to be able to co-ordinate the co-operative effort required in these WPs, with substantive input expected from all partners.
Gareth further noted that this issue was also highlighted in the comments on the Quality of the Work Programme and advised the team to bear these comments closely in mind as the project progresses.
- “Develop a dissemination strategy for the 24-month project period ensuring that all partners are involved in the activities”
It was agreed that partnership-wide involvement in dissemination is central to the project’s success. A summary is needed to show how each partner will contribute, with language-specific bullet points in relation to Catalan, Czech, and Irish. Gareth also commented on the cost-effectiveness issue. Dissemination should not be, nor be seen as, the “poor relation”.
- “Translate the project website into all partner languages”
It was agreed that summary information, such as that contained in the language-specific brochures already produced, should be placed on the website in Catalan, Czech, and Irish, as well as English.
- “During the first project year, confirm that those policy and decision makers are able to promote wider take-up of the developed materials and approaches in each recipient country, and target these as a part of the project valorisation strategy”
Importing partners confirmed they have contacts and networks through which to make appropriate approaches (eg Catalan and CECE, Ulster and curriculum development bodies, Pelikan in dialogue with policymakers). Persuading sometimes institutionally “conservative” stakeholders to keep pace with CALL developments may be one of the most significant challenges for some partners.
- “Clearly outline the potential impacts on target groups which might result from the materials being adapted in the selected languages”
Kent will draft a grid for recording impacts on language learners.
- “Please provide further details for “quality Monitoring/control costs” of 10,000 euro”
The work programme outlines a three-stage strategy for the external evaluator, with an initial outline strategy paper to be circulated and agreed in the first quarter of the first year, followed by key inputs in preparation for both the Interim and Final Reports. Gareth is included on the partnership e-mail list, as well as the project dropbox folder, and so is able to monitor all correspondence and developments as they arise. His attendance for the duration of the kick-off workshop enables him to be in at the start of the partnership formation, to be complemented by a further attendance at a workshop around the time of the Interim Report.
4.Project Management and reporting
Progress report forms (already available in Dropbox) were presented for consideration. SMO will require 6-monthly reports from each partner on project activity, and 6-monthly reports on financial details. This will include timesheets for staff days. Kent suggested anew timesheet template, which was agreed in principle subject to confirmation by the SMO Finance Office. The importance of correctly assigning timesheet days to correct staff categories was stressed.
Dissemination evidence should be regularly added to 6-monthly reports. Photos can be useful evidence.
Discussion ensued on the distinction between dissemination activity and external activity and mainstreaming impacts. The “communication”category could include “internal” communication (between formal project partners) and/or a wider interpretation including “associate partners” – not a formal category in POOLS-3, but potentially including local (importing) partners’ contacts at local/regional/national “community” level.
In the final analysis the 6-monthly reports should incorporate a summary of all relevant local activities.
The presentation on external evaluation was held over for the following day.
Summary of the day
Transfer of innovation is a 2-way process. “Importers” can reciprocate the work of “exporters”. Pelikan has ideas on dissemination that can usefully inform the project as a whole, for presentation tomorrow.
Day 2, 30th October
5.Dissemination and external evaluation
Valentina presented EfVET’s dissemination outlets. This is an important part of the overall dissemination strategy – but the project must not be wholly reliant on EfVET.
Forms were presented, based on the Interim Report form, for recording dissemination activities, to be submitted on a 6-monthly basis.
At this stage Kent also presented updated timesheets and activities report forms, taking into account the previous day’s discussion on these topics.
Pelikan then presented their preliminary dissemination ideas, including some video examples. Stefan talked about the whole Pelikan team, those in attendance in Brussels and those at the home base in Brno. Pelikan stressed the importance of form as well as content in dissemination activity, and recommended that the partnership’s Social Media strategy should include Wordpress, FaceBook, Twitter, and YouTube.
It was agreed to create a POOLS-3 FB page, Wordpress blog, and Twitter account. The FB group which Kent had initiated need not be continued. It was also decided that there was no need for a Linked In account.
Gareth delivered his presentation on external evaluation. He introduced his company and website. After his time with Technical Assistance in Brussels GLPM has been going for about 8 years.
GLPM is a consortium of experts. Gareth will be the main evaluator with likely support from Lydia and Katarina.
The next meeting he will attend will be around IR time.
No matter how strong the project he will always try to make recommendations.
Relevance to the ToI actions is important, and needs to be shown at reporting time. The same is true for the transfer processes (geographical/sector-based etc...)
Discussion and clarification of Application Feedback must be conveyed clearly to ECORYS.
He also made some additional comments:
Continuity – the news section on the website, and project outcomes, should synchronise with timesheet evidence, showing periods of more or less intense activity.
Workshop agendas – it may be prudent to allow some slots for national teams to work together.
Both qualitative and quantitative indicators of impactare needed.
All partners must have seen, and must work to, the finalised application and budget.
Everyone must read the IR and FR feedback.
Highlighting reciprocal benefits to and from all partners is positive. (Eg Pelikan’s presentation on dissemination.)
Keep the dissemination fresh – with the focus on target groups.
In response to Caoimhín’s question about the balance between passing on innovation from previous projects and keeping uptodate within the current project, it was acknowledged that a balance must be struck with awareness of “state of the art” development also important.
6.Materials Development (A) – Updates and Translations (WP6 & 7)
The group inspected the Guidebook List of Contents as a preliminary exercise in assessing the need for updating.
Retention of the analogue to digital section was felt to be unnecessary.
Adaptation should be seen as a “refreshment” process.
Sections on hearing and visually impaired access should be retained.
Likewise the section on preparing exercises for paper-based use should be retained. (Many schools may block online access.)
Stucom will lead the partnership through the process of more detailed assessment and recommendations for adaptation between now and the next workshop, where final edits will be agreed before subsequent translation into the 3 new languages.
On the “Course Units Book” it was decided that a new and clear title should be agreed. Among the suggestions: Course Manual, Course Modules Book, Courses. This should be settled after some reflection. Pelikan will lead the partnership through the process of more detailed assessment and recommendations for adaptation between now and the next workshop, where final edits will be agreed before subsequent translation into the 3 new languages.
7.Materials Development (B) – first recordings
20 digital clips will be produced by each importing partner – in a mix of video and audio recordings. Some Island Voices samples were shown by Gordon, followed by an introduction to a simple online audio platform – Ipadio. The session was concluded with all partners learning and recording some simple phrases in the three new languages, and placing them online.
Day 3, 31st October
(By Thursday morning the new POOLS 3 FB page and Twitter account, set up by Pelikan colleagues in Brno, were already operational. The Wordpress blogsite came online the same day.)
8.Project management and reporting (B) OR Materials development (B) concurrent sessions
Financial reporting
Kent presented on Financial reporting to Caoimhín, Dasa, and Charo, (with Gareth also present.)
Some uncertainty over the impact of current economic conditions in Spain on Stucom needs further discussion. ECORYS should be contacted for discussion/guidance.
Valentina asked for clarification on which WPs she should enter on timesheets for EfVET work during this workshop.
Materials Development
Gordon, Stefan, Alex, Malachy, and Valentina made some initial video recordings, building on the audio work done the previous day. Gordon’s video clips were shared with all partners. They may be useful both as promotional material within the dissemination strategy and as building blocks towards the more intensive video-recording workshop to be undertaken in Barcelona.
9.Meeting summary and action points, workshop evaluation
The group went through the Milestones and Products sheet, refining the development stages and adding or amending target dates for completion.
Checklist of Results and Milestones
1. 6-monthly partnership reports. Compiled by SMO from contributions by all partners. 31/03/14, 30/09/14, 31/03/15, 30/09/15. On target. Iain Gordon (SMO finance office) will attend the Barcelona workshop, just prior to the first 6-monthly report.
2. Interim/Progress Report. Compiled by SMO from contributions by all partners. 31/10/14. On target
3. Final Report. Compiled by SMO from contributions by all partners, 31/10/15. On target
4. First year quality report. Compiled by external evaluator, 05/10/14. On target
5. Second year quality report. Compiled by external evaluator, 31/08/15. On target
6. Project website, blog, and social media. Website mastered by SDE, overall co-ordination of online dissemination by Pelikan. Ongoing from project inception. On target
7. Exploitation report. Compiled by SDE and SMO from contributions by all partners. 30/09/15. On target
8. Brochures/flyers. Circulated through EfVET, produced by SDE, 15/10/13. Completed
9. Quarterly project newsletters. Circulated through EfVET and other outlets, produced by SDE. Ongoing from project inception. On target. Kent will require articles from each partner once every 3 months
10. Conference and marketing materials. Circulated through EfVET and other conferences, produced by SDE(?). 31/08/14. On target. SMO will source a supplier for POOLS 3 t-shirts, based on the POOLS/TOOLS pattern with a “language map” on the back including Catalan, Czech, and Irish. Kent will circulate some ideas for colours
11. Updated and translated POOLS CALL guidebook. Co-ordinated by Stucom with contributions by other partners, principally Pelikan and Ulster. 30/06/14. Updated contents agreed at next meeting. Translation work to start after that.
12. Updated and translated POOLS course units book. Co-ordinated by Pelikan with contributions by other partners, principally Stucom and Ulster. 30/06/14.Updated contents agreed at next meeting. Translation work to start after that.
13. Audio/video source materials. Co-ordinated by SMO, produced by Pelikan, Stucom, Ulster. 08/09/14. On target. Each partner will set up their own YouTube channel. We may also consider using Vimeo – for further discussion in Barcelona
14. Web-based CALL example units. Produced by Pelikan, Stucom, Ulster, under Ulster’s leadership. 31/08/15. (Introduction to webquests, Hot Potatoes, Clilstore etc by SDE in Barcelona.) On target.
15. Instructional DVDs and online Videos. Produced by SDE with contributions from Pelikan, Stucom, Ulster. 31/08/14. On target for 31/12/13 for completion.
16. Final edited versions of course guide, course book, eLearning materials. Produced by SDE with contributions from all partners. 30/09/15. On target. Kent has circulated files to the new partners for voiceover recordings