2nd Partnership Meeting


Summary of the minutes of the muse meeting in Rhodes, 16/6/2003
The following institutions were represented:
1.University of Aegean (UoA, Coordinating institution)
2.Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA)
3.Insitute of Education – University of London (IoE)
4.University of Cadiz (UCA)
5.Chudenius Institute (CI)
6. C.P.R Campiña De Tarifa primary school(CPR)
7. Veileko Vionoja primary school (VVP)
The Salakos primary (SP) school (Greece) and the second Finish school (Vintturi Tastula primary school ,VTP)were not represented.
The Hellenic Pedagogical Institute (HPI) and the University of Dundee(UoD) are not
participating any more in the project and the coordinator has already informed the Commission and arranges the administrative matters for their replacement.
A. Initially the administrative issues of the project were presented by
S. Sotiriou (EA). Exact details were given and a very specific plan of the
documents to be send by the partners was discussed and explained in
detail. The Coordinator will send all the appropriate tables to partners
and they have to fill them in and send them back as soon as possible.
B. Points raised:
1. The curriculum was presented by EA. No concrete connection between
the needs analysis and the curriculum was mentioned by IlE.

2. No efficient involvement of all partners in the tasks of the project

3. Lack of communication with the partner school in Spain was indicated.

4. The project has organised the teachers’ workshop within the framework of
the EDEN conference. UoA was the organiser of the Annual EDEN conference.
The workshop was a first step in the effort to disseminate the case of multigrade schools in Europe.
5. The evaluation plan is almost final. Recommendations were asked from
the partners.

6. Instruments for the evaluation are still not available.

7. Redesign of the observation and assessment procedure including
"ethnographic" research with extended visitsto partner schools and
video captures.
C. Actions to be made:

1. Prof. Angela Little (IoE) proposed that the participating institutions (UoA,
CI, UCA) to discuss in depth the proposed curriculum by EA with
the partner schools and propose modifications in the structure but also
to the content. It has to be noted that the modular and open structure
of the proposed curriculum allows for further modifications and
improvements. The aim of the partnership is to finalise the curriculum
by the end of August (the next meeting is foreseen at September) by
including the comments and proposal from teachers and modify the current
framework according to the outcomes of the needs analysis which is
currently performed by the UoA.

2. A new list of participants was build and being used. All partners were asked to try
to increase the level of the communication with the coordinating institution. After establishing a good communication line further tools (BSCW, VC, bulletin boards etc) will be used.

3. The representatives of the Spanish school gave new email addresses
and hopefully with the support of UCA they will finally manage to cope
with the project activities.

4. The coordinator will make an effort to publish the proceedings of the
workshop by the 1st of July in order to be send to the EC.

5-7. The IOE will present a modified evaluation plan and samples of
instruments to be used.
D. Conclusions
The project has gone through very difficult situations mainly because of
many reasons which were discussed during the meeting. The main problem
seems to be the lack of effective communication between key players for
the success of the project. Hopefully the necessary explanations and
arrangements were made during the second meeting. In this way the
smooth flux of the project's activities can be safeguarded.