(The Oldest Continuously Active High School Alumni Association in the United States)
This organization shall be known as: Miamisburg High School Alumni Association.
The objectives of this non-profit organization shall be:
The Miamisburg High School (MHS) Alumni Association held its first meeting on June 11, 1888 and has met each year to celebrate the graduates of Miamisburg High School. A Dinner/Dance annually celebrates every graduation class and as the years passed, celebrates anniversary classes, acknowledging especially the 50 and 25 year classes. Over time, the purpose and function of the Association have changed to an educational focus. To further support the students, teachers, and activities of Miamisburg City Schools, the Association sponsors fund raising events throughout the year to raise money for the schools. The proceeds from these events are to be used to further the Association’s commitment to the Miamisburg City Schools and it students.
The primary purpose of the Association has now evolved from its original purpose into operating exclusively for educational purposes. Miamisburg High School Alumni Association is a non-profit association and shall be operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. A majority of the receipts from various fund raisers shall be used to fund MHS Student scholarships, Teacher educational projects and other educational activities by Miamisburg City School teachers, staff and administration. Permissible uses may include, but not be limited to post -secondary scholarship awards, educational grants and education loans. The Executive Committee and/or Officers may form subcommittees for fundraising and purposes which shall be appointed by the Executive Committee or President.
Said Subcommittee may be comprised of both Miamisburg High School graduates and non-graduates.
The Association hereby elects to seek 501 (c) (3) charitable / educational status and exemption under the Internal Revenue Code as a Public Charity or Private Foundation. The Offices and Executive Committee are hereby authorized to request a change status, apply to the IRS for such and convert its exemption from 501 (c) (7) to 501 (c) (3). The Officers and Executive Committee of the Association shall take reasonable steps to insure the Association is operated, functioning, and complaint with those responsibilities imposed upon a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.
Once granted by the IRS, the Association and its Officers and Executive Committee members shall refrain from engaging in any activities that benefit an individual Association member, Executive Committee member, Officer, or other insider. In their official capacity, the Association Officers and Executive Committee members shall refrain from engaging in political activities that attempt to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of an individual to a federal, state, or local public office, or which constitute lobbying activities sought to influence legislation or intervene in any political campaign for or against any candidate.
- Membership shall include all Graduates of Miamisburg High School, Miamisburg, Ohio
- Membership shall also incorporate any individual who has attended Miamisburg High School for a minimum of two(2) years and subsequently taken all of the required General Educational Development tests to obtain their High School Equivalency Diploma or General Equivalency/ Education Diploma.
- The President shall select the Executive Committee from applications completed and turned in at the Annual Dinner/Dance with an effort being made to have a cross section of graduation years and male and female members
- The Executive committee shall consist of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of twenty (20) members.
- The officers of this organization shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint an Executive Secretary who shall be retained as long as he/she fulfils the duties satisfactorily or resigns.
- No President shall be allowed to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms
Officers shall be elected by the Executive Committee and voted for by a majority present at the first or second meeting held in September or October. If no members are nominated for any elected position, the President shall have the authority to fill the vacancy with an alumni member of his/ her choice,
- If any member of officer of the Executive Committee resigns during his/her term on the Committee, the President shall have the authority to appoint another Alumni member.
- If any member or officer, elected or assigned, of the Executive Committee conducts him or herself in a manner that is unbecoming and/or embarrassing to the Alumni Association, a motion may be made and voted on to remove that person from the Committee. A special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called to discuss this matter. The Executive Committee will send a formal letter via certified mail as to their decision.
President: The President shall preside at the Dinner/Dance, have general supervision of the Association, assume the duties of chairperson at all Executive Committee meetings, see that the bylaw are enforced and that the officers and committee work together for the purpose of the organization, and make appointments to fill any vacancies occurring in the committee.
First Vice President: The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in their absence. The First Vice President shall move up to the office of President the following year.
Second Vice President: The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the First Vice President in their absence. The Second Vice President shall move up to the office of First Vice President the following year.
Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and the Dinner/Dance, which shall be accurate record of business transacted. He or she shall keep a copy of the bylaws of this organization.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all funds of this organization and shall disburse funds only on the order of the President. The Treasurer shall submit an accurate report of all funds, including receipts and disbursements within two months following the Dinner/Dance. The Treasurer shall submit each year the appropriate completed form for the previous year to the Internal Revenue Service no later than April 30.
Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary shall strive to keep and accurate record of all members’ names and addresses, and any other permanent records as requested by the Executive Committee. All records will be made available to the organization and its’ members upon request. The Executive Secretary will receive a salary of $250 and two (2) complimentary Dinner/Dance tickets.
- The incoming Alumni President should have the first Alumni Committee meeting in September to introduce the committee and elected officers.
- An annual Dinner/Dance for the alumni members shall be held the third (3rd) Saturday of June. Alumni who are not married to graduates are permitted to bring one guest. The Alumni Association shall be liable for all debts incurred pertaining to the Dinner/Dance.
Upon dissolution of the organization, it shall be the obligation of the Officers and/or Executive Committee to see that all debts and liabilities are paid. Any Assets remaining shall be forfeited and surrendered to the Miamisburg Historical Society.
- The bylaws of the organization shall become effective upon their adoption by a majority vote of the membership present at the Annual Dinner/Dance after they been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee present at the stated meeting. When requested, a copy of the proposal shall be available to an Alumni member.
- The bylaws of this organization may be amended upon submittal of a proposed amendment in writing to the Executive committee at any stated meeting and distributed to all members present and absent. At the next stated meeting the bylaws may be amended by a two-third (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee present. Final approval shall be obtained by majority vote of the membership at the Annual Dinner/Dance.
- The Current graduating class, the twenty –fifth (25th), and fifth (50th) anniversary classes shall be honored at the Annual Dinner/Dance.
- All alumni members whose graduation was more than fifty (50) years ago shall be designated a “Golden Oldie” and be honored at the Annual Dinner/ Dance.
- Member of tri- and quad-generation families will stand and be acknowledged at the Annual Dinner/Dance.
- An alumni member(s) may be selected to be honored at the Annual Dinner/ Dance. Nominations for the honor graduate(s) shall be received by the Executive Committee and voted on by paper ballots. If the committee does not receive a nomination or if they do not receive an appropriate nomination, there will be no honored graduate that year. If more than one (1) qualified nomination is received, the committee has the right to select a maximum of two (2) nominees for that year. Cost of tickets for the honored graduate(s) and one (1) guest per recipient shall be paid from the Association treasury. An inscribed plaque shall be presented to the honor graduate(s).
- The Annual Dinner/Dance shall open with a parade of the fiftieth (50th), twenty-fifth (25), and the graduating classed.
- Following the entrance of the honor classes, the Pledge of Allegiance shall be recited followed by an invocation.
- Following the dinner, the secretary will call the roll of each graduating class whose members shall stand for an accurate count.
- Alumni who have died since the last annual meeting shall be memorialized by having their names read immediately followed by the tolling of a school bell.
- The President of his/her designee shall welcome the graduating class.
- A member from each of the three honor classes shall briefly address those in attendance at the banquet.
All other provisions of the By-Laws of the Association dated June 19, 2010 shall be and remain in full force and effect.
At a scheduled meeting of the Executive Board, prior to the Annual Meeting of the MHS Alumni Association, by over a 2/3 vote approved an amendment t replacing Article II of the current By-Laws passed on the 19th day of June, 2010, and then approved by a unanimous vote at the Annual Meeting (Dinner/Dance) of the membership present June 21, 2014.
_____/s/ KAREN SCHNAPP_____President
(Karen Schnapp)
____/s/LEE D. HIERONYMUS___First Vice President
(Lee D. Hieronymus)
_____/s/ROBERT MITMAN_____Second Vice President
(Robert Mitman)
____/s/WINIFRED MORGAN____Recording Secretary
(Winifred Morgan)
_/s/CHERYL WILLIAMS STOCK_Executive Secretary
(Cheryl Williams Stock)
______/s/LEAH LAUVER______Executive Committee Member
(Leah Lauver)
____/s/SAMANTHA PALMER____Executive Committee Member
(Samantha Palmer)
____/s/WINIFRED MORGAN_____Executive Committee Member
(Winifred Morgan)
_/s/CHERYL WILLIAMS STOCK_Executive Committee Member
(Cheryl Williams Stock)
___/s/BARBARA L. GILMAN____Executive Committee Member
(Barbara L. Gilman)
__/s/DIANE M SCHWARZMAN__Executive Committee Member
(Diane M Schwarzman)
__/s/EVA MAE COX TREASURE_Executive Committee Member
(Eva Mae Cox Treasure)
______/s/JULIE ZINK______Executive Committee Member
(Julie Zink)