Overall Goal Calculation

The Gulf Coast Center (Center) follows the guidance of FTA Region VI’s DBE Goal Calculation Instructions and Submission worksheet, which uses a two-step process basedon documented evidence of the availability of ready, willing and able DBE firms relative to all ready, willing and able firms for all FTA-assisted contracts within the next three fiscal years.

Step 1 – Establish Base Goal

The Center considered all possible FTA-assisted contracting opportunities for award in FY 2018 through 2020 and compiled the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for the work included in the contracting opportunities. The Center established a market area of the TxDOT Houston Work District. In the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP), DBE Directories were searched by NAICS codes by availability in the location of the businesses for the six counties in the TxDOT Houston Work District. The 2014 US Census County Business Patterns were used to determine the total ready, willing and able firms. Both the ready, willing and able DBEs and total firms were for the six counties in the TxDOT Houston Work District, including Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and Waller Counties. A directory of all list firms, as of June 5, 2017, is included in Attachment 5.

The Center searched on the NAICS codes below that correspond with upcoming procurements. The Center estimates that there will be four procurements within the next three fiscal years. Tasks involved in one facility construction, transit planning professional services, automotive repair and maintenance, commuter bus service, and non-emergency medical transportation contracts.

Code / Definition
237110 / Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction
238110 / Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors
238120 / Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors
238150 / Glass and Glazing Contractors
238160 / Roofing Contractors
238210 / Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors
238220 / Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
238310 / Drywall and Insulation Contractors
238320 / Painting and Wall Covering Contractors
238330 / Flooring Contractors
238910 / Site Preparation Contractors
541618 / Other Management Consulting Services
8111 / Automotive Repair and Maintenance
485210 / Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation
485113 / Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems

The Center used the suggested calculation tables to determine the weighted base goal.

Determine the weight of each type of work by NAICS Code

NAICS Code / Project / Amount of DOT funds on project: / % of total DOT funds (weight)
1) / 237110 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $305,736.00 / 0.0246
2) / 238110 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $1,528,680.00 / 0.1231
3) / 238120 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $1,528,680.00 / 0.1231
4) / 238150 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $305,736.00 / 0.0246
5) / 238160 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $305,736.00 / 0.0246
6) / 238210 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $611,472.00 / 0.0493
7) / 238220 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $305,736.00 / 0.0246
8) / 238310 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $183,441.60 / 0.0148
9) / 238320 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $122,294.40 / 0.0099
10) / 238330 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $305,736.00 / 0.0246
11) / 238910 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / $611,472.00 / 0.0493
12) / 541618 / Transit Planning Consultants / $1,500,000.00 / 0.1208
13) / 8111 / Automotive Repair and Maintenance / $300,000.00 / 0.0242
14) / 485210 / Interurban Transportation Services / $1,000,000.00 / 0.0805
15) / 485113 / Demand Response Transit Services / $3,500,000.00 / 0.2819
Total FTA-Assisted Contract Funds / $12,414,720.00 / 1.0000

Determine the relative availability of DBE's by NAICS Code

NAICS Code / Project / Number of DBEs available to perform this work / Number of all firms available (including DBEs) / Relative Availability
1) / 237110 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 53 / 188 / 0.2819
2) / 238110 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 46 / 253 / 0.1818
3) / 238120 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 17 / 91 / 0.1868
4) / 238150 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 3 / 102 / 0.0294
5) / 238160 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 18 / 217 / 0.0829
6) / 238210 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 36 / 981 / 0.0367
7) / 238220 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 16 / 1,505 / 0.0106
8) / 238310 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 28 / 236 / 0.1186
9) / 238320 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 34 / 265 / 0.1283
10) / 238330 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 21 / 121 / 0.1736
11) / 238910 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 41 / 334 / 0.1228
12) / 541618 / Transit Planning Consultants / 25 / 378 / 0.0661
13) / 8111 / Automotive Repair and Maintenance / 12 / 2,563 / 0.0047
14) / 485210 / Interurban Transportation Services / 0 / 0 / 0.0000
15) / 485113 / Demand Response Transit Services / 0 / 23 / 0.0000
Combined Totals / 350 / 7,257 / 0.0482

(Weight) x (Availability) = Weighted Base Figure

NAICS Code / Project / Weight / x / Availability / Weighted Base Figure
1) / 237110 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.02463 / x / 0.2819 / 0.2819
2) / 238110 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.12313 / x / 0.1818 / 0.1818
3) / 238120 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.12313 / x / 0.1868 / 0.1868
4) / 238150 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.02463 / x / 0.0294 / 0.0294
5) / 238160 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.02463 / x / 0.0829 / 0.0829
6) / 238210 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.04925 / x / 0.0367 / 0.0367
7) / 238220 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.02463 / x / 0.0106 / 0.0106
8) / 238310 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.01478 / x / 0.1186 / 0.1186
9) / 238320 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.00985 / x / 0.1283 / 0.1283
10) / 238330 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.02463 / x / 0.1736 / 0.1736
11) / 238910 / Texas City Admin. Facility Construction / 0.04925 / x / 0.1228 / 0.1228
12) / 541618 / Transit Planning Consultants / 0.12082 / x / 0.0661 / 0.0661
13) / 8111 / Automotive Repair and Maintenance / 0.02416 / x / 0.0047 / 0.0047
14) / 485210 / Interurban Transportation Services / 0.08055 / x / 0.0000 / 0.0000
15) / 485113 / Demand Response Transit Services / 0.28192 / x / 0.0000 / 0.0000
Total / 0.0786
Expressed as a % (*100) / 7.86%
Rounded, Weighted Base Figure: / 8%

Step 2 – Base Goal Adjustment

Previously, the Center had a FTA-approved, race-neutral DBE Program Goal of 13.02%. In the previous goal setting, the Center estimated more contracts then were awarded, including a large construction contract which was not awarded in the last three years. The FY 2015 – 2017 DBE Goal’s weighted base goal was 6.21%, but was adjusted to 13.02% due to past performance, especially with construction projects.

In the past three years, the Center has awarded three prime contracts with no DBE Participation. The three contracts were for automotive repair and maintenance, non-emergency medical transportation services, and transit planning professional services and all were awarded in FY 2015. All of these contracts are multi-year contracts and will need to be re-procured during this DBE Goal period.

Past Performance
Total Amount Awarded / Number of Contracts / DBE Program Goal / Actual DBE Participation
FY 2015 / $3,563,003.00 / 7 / 13.02% / 0.00%
FY 2016 / 0 / 0 / 13.02% / 0.00%
FY 2017 / 0 / 0 / 13.02% / 0.00%
Total / $3,563,003.00 / 7 / 13.02% / 0.00%

Using the guidance from FTA Region VI CRO, the Center averaged the rounded, weighted base figure with the last three year’s past performance to determine the adjusted goal. The Center will use 3.93% adjusted DBE Goal for the overall program goal for the next three fiscal years.

Rounded, Weighted Base Figure: / 7.86%
Past Performance / 0.00%
Adjusted Goal / 3.93%

Since the Center did not achieve their previous DBE Goal, the Center will set a race-conscious portion of the goal. Using the guidance from the FTA Region VI CRO, the Center determined the overall achievement of the past goal was 0%.

Race Neutral/Race Conscious Breakdown
Past Participation from Past Year / 0.00%
Actual Goal for Past Year / 13.02%
Overall Achievement / 0.00%

Usually to determine the race neutral and race conscious breakdown, the overall achievement is subtracted from the actual DBE Goal, but since the Center cannot have a 100% race conscious program, the Center determined the breakdown through the number of ready, willing and able DBEs available for each NAICS Codes. The Center chose the construction and transit planning consultant contracts for race-conscious measures based on relative availability.

Amount Breakdown
Construction Contract / $6,114,720.00
Transit Planning Consultant / $1,500,000.00
Total Race Conscious Contracts / $7,614,720.00
Total Contracts / $12,414,720.00
Percentage Breakdown
Percentage of Contracts - RC / 61.34%
Total DBE Goal / 3.93%
Percentage of DBE Goal - RC / 2.41%
Percentage of DBE Goal - RN / 1.52%

The Center estimates that, in meeting our overall goal of 3.93%, the Center will obtain 1.52% from race-neutral participation and 2.41% from race-conscious participation.