Sridhar Nerur
Associate Professor of Information SystemsTelephone:
Department of Information Systems &Office: (817) 272-3530
Operations ManagementHome: (817) 472-5722
501 Business BuildingE-Mail:
Arlington, TX76109
Doctor of PhilosophyMajor: Information Systems
University of Texas at Arlington Minor: Computer Science
Arlington, Texas
(Dec., 1994)
Post Graduate Diploma in ManagementMajor: Management/Business
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Bangalore, India
(April, 1988)
Bachelor of EngineeringMajor: Electronics
BMSCollege of Engineering
Bangalore University, India
(Dec., 1983)
Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems & Operations Management, University of Texas at Arlington (August 2008-present)
Undergraduate & Graduate Courses:
INSY 3305 – Systems Analysis & Design
INSY 4325 – Information Resource Management
INSY 5373 – Information Systems Project Management
INSY 6392 – Doctoral seminar on information systems and systems thinking
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems & Operations Management, University of Texas at Arlington (August/September 2002-2008)
Undergraduate Courses:
INSY 4325 – Information Resource Management
INSY 4306 – Advanced Design
INSY 3305 – Information Systems Analysis and Design
INSY 3300 – Java Programming
Graduate Course(s):
INSY 5309 – Object-Oriented Business Programming
INSY 5341 – Analysis and Design
INSY 6392 – Advanced Analysis & Research
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer & Office Information Systems, CentralMissouriStateUniversity (August/September 1998-June 2002)
Undergraduate Courses:
Management Information Systems
C/C++ Programming
Advanced C++ (undergraduates and graduates)
Systems Analysis & Design (structured analysis & design, ERDs, DFDs, etc.,)
Unix with emphasis on Linux (undergraduates and graduates)
Graduate courses:
Advanced Analysis & Design (OO concepts, use cases, interaction diagrams, class diagrams, RMI, CORBA, and patterns)
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting/Information Systems, TexasA&MInternationalUniversity, Laredo, Texas (September 1995-July 1998)
Undergraduate Courses:
Computer Literacy
Database Design & Implementation (using Progress)
Information Systems Design and Implementation (started with a 4GL and then moved to Smalltalk)
Teleprocessing and Distributed Systems
Java Programming (graduates and undergraduates)
Graduate Courses:
Information Systems Concepts
Database Management and Design
Third Generation Programming (The language taught was C)
Networks and Distributed Systems
International Issues in Information Systems
Problem Formulation and Decision Structuring
Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Information Systems and Management Sciences, University of Texas at Arlington (August 1990-August 1994)
Introduction to Business Data Processing
Business Statistics I
Systems Analysis
Introduction to Computers & Information Systems
As a Graduate Teaching Assistant, I made presentations to various graduate classes on topics including AI, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, IEF, and System Theory.
Continuing Education, UTA
Introduction to UNIX
UNIX Shell Programming & Utilities
UNIX Systems Administration
Intellectual Contribution
Refereed Articles:
1.Ramanujan, S. and Nerur, S. “An exploratory analysis of the state of software maintenance research: an author co-citation analysis,” Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2009, 117-130.
2.Mangalaraj, G., Mahapatra, R., and Nerur, S., “Acceptance of Software Process Innovations –The Case of Extreme Programming,” European Journal of Information Systems, 18(4), August 2009, 344-354.
3.Balijepally, V., Mahapatra, R., Nerur, S., and Price, K. “Are Two Heads Better Than One for Software Development? The Productivity Paradox of Pair Programming,” MIS Quarterly, 33(1), March 2009, 91-118.
4.Raghupathi, W. and Nerur, S. “Research Themes and Trends in Health Information Systems,” Methods of Information in Medicine, 47(5), 2008, 435-442.
5.Nerur, S., Rasheed, A., and Natarajan, V., “The Intellectual Structure of the Strategic Management Field: An Author Co-citation Analysis,” Strategic Management Journal, 29, 2008, 319-336.
6.Song, S., Nerur, S. and Teng, J. “Understanding the Influence of Network Positions and Knowledge Processing Styles on the Success of Knowledge Management,” Communications of the ACM, October 2008.
7.Song, S., Nerur, S.and Teng, J., “An Exploratory Study on the Roles of Network Structure and Knowledge Processing Orientation in Work Unit Knowledge Management,” The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 38, Number 2, May 2007, p.8-26.
8.Nerur, S. and Balijepally, V., “Theoretical Reflections on Agile Development Methodologies,” Communications of the ACM, March 2007, Vol. 50, Issue 3, p. 79-83.
9.Balijepally, V., Mahapatra, R. and Nerur, S. “Assessing Personality Profiles of Software Developers in Agile Development Teams,” Communications of the AIS, Volume 18, August 2006.
10.Vinekar, V., Slinkman, C. and Nerur, S. “Can Agile and Traditional Systems Development Approaches Co-exist? An Ambidextrous View,” Information Systems Management Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, Summer 2006, pp. 31-42.
11.Mahapatra, R., Nerur, S. and Slinkman, C. “Teaching Systems Analysis and Design – A Case for the Object Oriented Approach,” Communications of the AIS, Volume 16, December 2005.
12.Nerur, S., Sikora, R., Mangalaraj, G. and Balijepally, V., “Assessing the Relative Influence of Journals in a Citation Network,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 48, 11, November 2005.
13.Nerur, S., Mahapatra, R. and Mangalaraj, G, "Challenges of Migrating to Agile Methodologies", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 2005, pp. 72-78.
14.Kesh, S., Ramanujan, S. and Nerur, S., “A framework for analyzing e-commerce security”, Information Management and Computer Security, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2002, pp. 149-158.
15.Kesh, S., Nerur, Sridhar, and Ramanujan, Sam, “Quality of service – technology and implementation,” Information Management and Computer Security, Volume 10, Numbers 2 and 3, 2002, pp. 85-91.
16.Nerur, S., Ramanujan, S., and Kesh, S., “Pedagogical Issues in Object Orientation”, JCSE Annual, ISTE publication, 2002, pp. 54-58.
17.Sircar, S., Nerur, S., and Mahapatra, R., “Revolution or Evolution: A Comparison of Object-Oriented and Structured Systems Development Methods,” MIS Quarterly, Volume 25, Number 4, December 2001, pp. 457-471.
18.Raghupathi and Nerur, ”Research Themes and Trends in AI: An Author Co-citation Analysis,” Intelligence Magazine, V10, No. 2, Summer 1999, pp. 18-23 (Intelligence was previously published as SIGART Bulletin)
Conference Papers and Presentations:
1.Balijepally, V., Nerur, S. and Mahapatra, K., “IT Value of Software Development: A Multi-theoretic Perspective,” to be presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado, August 2007.
2.Mangalaraj, G., Nerur, S. and Mahapatra, R. “Adoption of Software Process Innovation – The Case of Extreme Programming,” presented at the 1st International Symposium of Information Systems at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India.
3.Nerur, S., Mahapatra, R., Balijepally, V. and Mangalaraj, G. “Is Information Systems a Reference Discipline?” Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Volume 8, Jan. 2006, Page(s):203 – 203.
4.Wang, A., Whiteside, M., Nerur, S. and Teng, J. “Citation Analysis for Studying the Interchange between Statistics and Data Mining,” proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute Conference, San Francisco, November 2005.
Mangalaraj, G. and Nerur, S. “Software Development Process Change Management: Implementation of ASDM,” presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2005, AMCIS 2005 online proceedings.
5.Mangalaraj, G. Nerur, S. and Mahapatra, R. “Adoption of Newer Software Development Methodologies: An Institutional Theory Perspective,” proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Boston, 2004.
6.Brown, R., Nerur, S. and Slinkman, “Philosophical Shifts in Software Development,” presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2004. AMCIS 2004 online proceedings. Received “best paper” nomination.
7.Ballijepally, V., Mahapatra, R. and Nerur, S.” Social Capital: A Theoretical Lens for IS Research,” presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2004, AMCIS 2004 online proceedings.
8.Ballijepally Venugopal, Mahapatra R, and Nerur, S.,”Cognitive Dispositions of IS Personnel and Implications for Pair Programming,” AMCIS 2003 On-line ConferenceProceedings.
9.Nerur, S., Mahapatra, R., and Sircar, S.,”Paradigmatic Changes in Software Development: A Philosophy of Science Perspective,” AMCIS 2002 On-line ConferenceProceedings.
10.Kesh, S. and Nerur, S., "A Framework for Selecting Corporate Network Security", Proceedings of the 2002 Information Resources Management International Conference, Seattle, Washington, May 2002.
11.Kesh, S., Ramanujan, S., and Nerur, S.,"QOS Alternatives and Its Implications for Organizations" Proceedings of the 2001 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Toronto, BC, Canada.
12.Nerur, S., Ramanujan, S., and Kesh, S.,”Curricular Issues In Management Of Distributed Computing - A Workshop “, 2000 DSI conference, Orlando, FL.
13.Kesh, S., Ramanujan, S., and Nerur, S.,”Pedagogical issues in Object Orientation “,1999 DSI conference, New Orleans, LA.
14.Kesh, S., Ramanujan, S., and Nerur, S.,”Recent Data Communication Technologies and Small Business “,1998 DSI conference, Las Vegas, NV.
15.Sridhar Nerur, Jim Chen, and Stephen Lunce, “Pedagogical Issues in Object Orientation,” Proceedings of the 1998 Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 133-135, 1998.
16.Jim Chen, Ruidong Zhang, and Sridhar Nerur,” Intranet and Extranet: Implications for Corporate Information Management,” Proceedings of the 1998 Academy of International Business Southwest Chapter Meeting, pp. 288-293, 1998.
17.Sridhar Nerur, W. Raghupathi, L. L. Schkade, and M. K. Raja, “Understanding the OO Phenomenon: An Author Co-Citation Analysis,” Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 1997 Annual Meeting, Nov. 22-25, San Diego, California.
18.Sridhar Nerur, Jim Chen, and Bala Maniam, “The Intellectual Challenges of Migrating to a New Paradigm: The Case of Object-Orientation,”Proceedings of the 1997 Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference, March 11-15, New Orleans, 1997, pp. 6-8.
19.Jim Chen and Sridhar Nerur, “An Interactive Computer Support System for Scenario-Based International Investment Planning,” Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of International Business Southwest Regional Meeting, March 11-15, New Orleans, 1997, pp. 391-399.
20.Sridhar Nerur, Jim Chen, Stephen Lunce, and Bala Maniam, “A Technique for Mapping Conceptual Relationships,” (Table Topic) Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 1996 Annual Meeting, Nov. 24-26, Orlando, Florida, pp. 812.
21.Jim Chen and Sridhar Nerur, “Development Of A Scenario-Based Strategic Planning Support System,” Proceedings of the 1996 ACME VI International Conference, Aug. 16-18, 1996, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 87-92.
22.Sridhar Nerur and Wullianallur Raghupathi, “Software Process Improvement: Toward a Comprehensive Framework for Research,” Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems 1996 Americas Conference, Aug. 16-18, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 377-379.
23.Raghupathi, W. and Nerur, S., ”Healthcare Information Systems: A Review of Issues Toward Research Themes and Agendas into the 21st Century,” Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems 1996 Americas Conference, Aug. 16-18, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 25-27.
24.Sridhar Nerur, James Wood, and L. L. Schkade: "A Neural Network Approach to Enterprise Modeling," Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Vol. 2, p. 696-698, 1992.
25.Nerur, S., Hunton, J. and Jaska, P., "Using Neural Networks to build Adaptive Expert Systems," Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Vol. 2, p. 592-594, 1993.
26.Hogan, P., Jaska, P. and Nerur, S., "Evaluating Computer Performance Using Data Envelopment Analysis," (Table Topic) Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Vol. 2, p. 1050, 1993.
27.Nerur, S. and Schkade, L.L., "Paradigmatic Issues in Software Process Innovations: The Case of Object-Orientation," accepted for presentation at the ORSA/TIMS Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, June 1994. Paper was presented by Dr. Hensel, UT Arlington on behalf of the authors.
28.Nerur, S. and Schkade, L.L., "New Systems Thinking in Software Development," Proceedings of the International Society for the Systems Sciences Conference, Asilomar, CA, June 1994.
29.Nerur, S., ”World of Software Integrated Classes,” presented at the National Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Boston, November, 1995.
Book Chapters:
Sachdev, V., Nerur, S. and Teng, J. “Social Computing Interactivity: Interactivity redefined for the Social Web,” forthcoming in Manuscript for the Handbook of Research on Social Software and Developing Community Ontologies, IGI Global.
Balijepally, V., Nerur, S., and Mahapatra, R. “IT Value of Software Development: A Multi-theoretic Perspective,” forthcoming in Advanced Principles for Improving Database Design, Systems Modeling, and Software Development, IGI Global.
Work in Progress
Mangalaraj, G., Nerur, S., Mahapatra, R. and Price, K. “Enhancing Software Design Task Performance: An Experimental Investigation of the Role of Design Patterns and Collaboration,” to be re-submitted to MIS Quarterly.
Iyengar, K., Teng, J. and Nerur, S. “Like Herding cats? CIO Leadership, Role Effectiveness, and IT Ambidexterity,” under review at Journal of Management Information Systems.
Sullivan, D., Balijepally, V., and Nerur, S. “"Is IB a Reference Discipline? Implications of IB's Performance in a Knowledge Network," to be revised and re-submitted (first revision) to Journal of International Business Studies.
Working Papers:
Nerur, S. (with Mani Subramani and Mahapatra, R), “Examining the Intellectual Structure of Knowledge Management, 1990-2002 - An Author Co-citation Analysis”, MIS Research Center at the University of Minnesota,
Poster Session
The following paper was accepted for a poster session at the SEPG 97 Conference (sponsored by the Silicon Valley SPIN and the Software Engineering Institute), March 17-20, 1997:
W. Raghupathi and Sridhar Nerur, “Research Themes and Trends in Software Process Improvement: An Author Co-Citation Analysis.”
HICSS 2006
ICIS 2003, 2008
AMCIS 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008
Decision Sciences Institute National Conference 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1999
Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference 1997
AITP Collegiate Conference 1998, 1999, and 2000
Bijoy Bordoloi, Vincent Lai, and Sridhar Nerur: "A Guide to VAX/VMS," Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1992, 60 pp.
Classroom Support:
Co-authored two tutorials, one on DOS and the other on BASIC programming. These were used in an undergraduate course on Computing Concepts.
General Service Activities:
- Reviewed a proposal for a book entitled,”Java: A Graphical Approach” and proposed changes to the new edition of the Lambert and Osborn book on Java, both from Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning.
- Reviewed an article for Decision Support Systems
- Reviewed an article for Information Technology and Management.
- Reviewed a few chapters of a manuscript entitled, “Windows Programming Using MFC” for Addison-Wesley Longman.
- Reviewed the book, “Database Systems Management and Design,” (third edition) by Philip J. Pratt and Joseph J. Adamski
- Reviewer for Communication of the ACM
- Associate Editor of the European Journal of Information Systems (starting February 2006 – Dec. 2008 )
- Co-chair of the mini-track on Agile Systems Development Methods at AMCIS 2007.
- Served on the program committee of XP 2008, the Tenth International Conference on Agile Processesand eXtreme Programming in Software Engineering.
UTA Service Activities
Co-chair (with Dr. Teng) of four doctoral dissertations.
Co-chaired two dissertations with Dr. Mahapatra.
Served or currently serving on thirteen dissertation committees.
Committee on Student Organizations
Curriculum Committee
Department/College Committees at CentralMissouriStateUniversity
Department Curriculum Committee
College Curriculum Committee at CMSU
AACSB committee
Chair, Selection committee for the position of Instructor in the COIS department
Professional service at TexasA&MInternationalUniversity
Merit and Evaluation Committee (1995)
Undergraduate Curriculum (1995)
WWW Home page Committee (University-wide)
Faculty Research
Committee on Teaching Enhancement
Advisor to the Student Systems Group
Supervised a master’s thesis
Judge for C++ and Java student competitions at the Annual AITP Collegiate Conference, March 2000
Judge for C++ at the Annual AITP Collegiate Conference, March 1999
Professional Interaction
Professional Membershipsand Leadership
Decision Sciences Institute
Association of Information Technology Professionals
Consulting and Professional Experience
Contracting with Step1 Inc., Overland Park, Kansas, to teach the following (Summer 2000):
- Object Oriented Analysis & Design using the UML
- Fundamentals of C++
- Fundamentals of Java
Programmer, Compucom Systems Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Sept. 1994 - Aug. 1995)
Successfully completed two major projects that involved an in-depth understanding of database principles and UNIX. The RDBMS used was Progress.
Senior Customer Support Executive, Wipro Information Technology Ltd., India (Nov. 1988-Aug. 1990)
Responsibilities included:
Technical and marketing support of Electronics Design Automation (EDA) software on Sun Workstations
Training customers
Technical presentations to organizations
Technical coordination with US collaborators
Management Trainee, Sundaram Clayton Ltd., India (May 1988-Sept.1988)
Responsibilities included:
Technical support of Electronics Design Automation software (e.g., PSPICE, OrCAD)
Providing technical training to engineers and users of Electronics CAD software
Had an opportunity to work on an Expert Systems application using PROLOG
Member Design Development Team, Semiconductor Complex Ltd., India. (Dec. 1984-May 1986)
Responsibilities included:
Designing CMOS Gate Array chips (digital)
Other Consulting and Professional Experience
- Offered a five-day course on Java (introductory and advanced topics) to IT professionals at Osborn Group Inc., Olathe, Kansas, 2001.
- Trained some Yellow Technology Services associates on Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML, 2001.
Honors and Awards
Recipient, Outstanding International Student Award in April, 1992 (all-university competition)