Camp Dates
June 23-29 2013
9500 Gilman Dr MC0078
La Jolla, CA 92093
Belle: (408) 784-8804
Elbow: (619) 793-9758
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the Camp Kesem family! We are excited to be in the final stages of preparation for the magical week of camp. We are looking forward to making your camper’s stay at camp a very delightful and memorable one.
To help you prepare for camp we have created this handbook in hopes that it will help you and your child understand what to expect while at Camp Kesem. You will find very important information in this packet, including:
*Pre-camp Tips
*Suggested Packing List
*Camp Kesem Contact Information
*Opening and Closing Day Information
*Camp Kesem Honor Code
*Emergency Contact Information
Please read the information in this handbook thoroughly and share it with your camper. Camp Kesem is fast approaching, and we look forward to seeing you soon. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
Belle & Elbow
Camp Kesem UCSD
(Belle)Preparing your child for going to camp
There are several things you can do to prepare your camper for going away to camp, if it is his/her first camp experience or even if he/she is a camp veteran. The following are a few helpful tips that other parents and camp professionals find helpful when preparing your child for camp:
● Be Honest: Make sure they know what Camp Kesem is, and that they’re aware that other campers also will have a parent who has or has had cancer.
● Camp is an exciting place, and there are many reasons to be excited about it! Be sure to talk about all of the fun activities that we’ll be doing at camp, like zip lining, swimming, archery, and more!
● Emphasize that your child is getting to “go to camp” rather than that you are “sending your child to camp.” This allows them to get involved and excited, rather than feel like the decision was made for them.
(Elbow) Homesickness Prevention
Most campers are too busy having fun at camp to get homesick. Occasional homesickness may occur, and this is not unusual with first time campers or younger children. We realize that with the unique situations that exist among our campers and families, homesickness may be symptomatic of other feelings of fear and anxiety. Our staff members are trained to work with homesickness, and they will do everything possible to help your child feel more comfortable. Here are a few steps you can take before camp to prevent homesickness:
● Talk to your child about what being away from home will be like. Listen to their fears and excitement about camp.
● Write a letter! Due to the short nature of our camps, you can write to your camper at camp and give the administration staff the letter when you arrive at camp on the first day.
○ Try not to emphasize the fun things going on at home or how much the camper is missed
○ Do emphasize how much fun you hope he/she is having at camp!
● Please do not tell your child before camp that he/she can call you if he wants. We do not allow campers to call home, as that tends to make homesickness worse. If homesickness persists, our camp administration staff will call you to discuss additional strategies to work through it. Please read our communication section for more information on keeping in touch at camp.
● When looking forward to camp, encourage your child to give camp a chance rather than talking about them coming home if they don’t like it. It often takes campers a day or two to get into the swing of camp life.
(Belle) Communication During Camp
Camp Kesem Staff will provide the support campers need to overcome the occasional challenges of camp life. We do not allow cell phones at camp—please do not allow your child to bring one. On opening day, you will receive the contact information for the Camp Kesem Administrative team if you need to reach us during the week of camp.
In order to create a magical environment at camp where children can focus on their camp experience, campers will not be allowed to call home during the week of camp. We assure you that at camp, no news is good news, and we will contact you if necessary during the week. Your child(ren) are in safe hands.
Since camp is only one week, if you wish to give letters to one of your child’s counselors at Opening Day Check-In on June 23rd to be distributed to your child(ren) during the week of camp, we will be happy to facilitate this for you. Your campers may also write you a letter during the week. Our administrative team will ensure that you receive these letters at the conclusion of camp.
(Elbow) Building Lifelong Friendships
We believe in the importance of relationships and encourage each camper to give everyone a chance. When campers arrive to camp we play games to help all the campers feel more comfortable and get to know the other campers in their cabin and unit. During the day, campers will attend activities and make friends with campers in their cabin, a co-ed unit of campers in a similar age group, and all campers at all-camp activities.
An activity that is unique to Camp Kesem is Cabin Chats. Each night, counselors and campers in each cabin sit in a circle and take turns discussing a question. The questions can be funny, serious, or anything campers wish to talk about. Cabin Chat gives campers the opportunity to form a very special bond with the other campers and counselors in their cabin.
At camp, we make it clear in an age-appropriate manner to all campers that camp is not a place for romantic relationships. Romantic relationships are strictly prohibited between campers and other campers and staff. Counselors are trained on how to appropriately handle questions and any issues that might arise among campers. To ensure camper safety, campers are never allowed to be alone with another camper or another counselor.
We also recognize that our staff often become role models for our campers, and they take that responsibility very seriously. We have trained our counselors how to appropriately build relationships with campers as counselors, mentors, and friends. Often campers will want to keep in touch with our counselors following camp. As Camp Kesem seeks to be a supportive community year-round, campers and counselors may be in contact outside of camp electronically or via phone. However, as per Camp Kesem’s Staff Policy, counselors are not allowed to be “friends” with campers on internet social networking sites such as Myspace or Facebook. And, as is the case at camp, counselors are never allowed to be in person and alone with a camper. These items are explained in the Camp Kesem Honor Code; please go over them with your child(ren).
(Belle) Health and Safety
The health and safety of your camper is our primary concern at Camp Kesem. There are a few additional people at camp to help ensure emotional and physical camp safety.
● Camp Advisor: Experienced Camp Kesem Alum who ensures safety by training all counselors on best safety practices. The Camp Advisor’s main focus all week is to ensure counselors are always safety-focused.
● Camp Nurse: The Camp Nurse provides basic medical care for campers and staff and is our on-site medical expert. If necessary, she/he will communicate with the on-call doctor.
● Camp Therapist: The Camp Therapist provides support and guidance to staff in dealing with behavioral and emotional issues of campers. The Camp Therapist does not provide one-on-one therapy with campers, and is never alone with a camper.
In order to have fun at camp, there are certain rules we must follow. For the safety of your camper, medications are not allowed in cabins. All medications, including non-prescription medication, will be kept by the nurse, who will administer the medications. In addition, counselors will be supervising the children at all times and present while the campers unpack. The only time that your camper may take any medications during camp is when the nurse gives your child medication.
(Elbow) Camp Kesem Honor Code
At the end of this packet, we have included the Camp Kesem Honor Code. The honor code is a list of expectations and rules that we expect all campers to follow at Camp Kesem. Please go over this list of expectations with your camper and explain what it means to sign and agree to this code. We will also have age-appropriate rules discussions with campers in cabins right at the start of camp. Thank you for your cooperation, and please let us know if you have any questions.
(Belle) Camp Kesem Packing List
(NO bedding will be provided.)
___ Blanket & sheets or sleeping bag
___ Pillow
___ T-shirts
___ Shorts
___ Long sleeve shirts
___ Long pants/jeans
___ Jacket, sweatshirt
___ Pajamas
___ Underwear (10 pairs)
___ 10 pairs socks
___ Swimsuit
___ Sunscreen
___ Hat
___ 2 pairs shoes (tennis shoes and shower shoes)*
___ 2 towels (bath towel and swim towel)
___ Washcloth
___ Soap, shampoo, comb, toothbrush & toothpaste
___ Laundry bag
___ Flashlight with new batteries
___ Insect repellent (stick or bottle)
___ Medication (if necessary, 1-week supply)
___ clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on or getting dirty
___ Disposable Camera
___ Musical Instrument
___ Notebook or Journal
___ Items for talent show
Items to Leave at HOME:
-Radios, Cell phones, Gameboys, IPods, MP3 Players, Video cameras, Weapons, Alcohol or illicit drugs. Please see the Camp Kesem Honor Code for more information. We would like to remind you that Camp Kesem is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Also, there is limited space in the cabins at camp. Please only bring essential items.
*Close-toed shoes must be worn at all times (except in the shower). Please plan accordingly.
Camp Kesem Opening and Closing Day Information
June 23, 2013, 8:00AM, UCSD Parking Lot 702
All campers and staff will meet at P702 and will depart for camp via chartered busses from there.
**Please arrive NO LATER than 8:00AM. The busses will leave for camp promptly at 9:00AM.**
*Please see the enclosed map for directions*
Campers and staff will return to UCSD East Ballroom in Price Center (nearest parking is Gilman Parking Structure) on June 29th in the afternoon (around 1-2pm).
We invite you to enjoy a Potluck and Award Ceremony with your children and the Camp Kesem staff to conclude our camp session.
This year’s theme is Mexican Food! Please bring an item for the picnic according to your last name:
A-G Main dish
H-L Side dish
M-Q Drink
R-Z Dessert
*Please see the enclosed map for directions.*
Please contact Belle or Elbow, Camper Care Coordinators at (408) 784-8804 or (619)793-9758. Or email us at
(Elbow) Camp Kesem Honor Code
Please go over the following Camp Kesem Honor Code with your camper. Please bring a signed copy to camp with you on the first day of camp.
As a Camp Kesem Camper, I, ______understand that:
I agree to our 3 Main Camp Rules:
● No Physical Violence
● No Unsupervised Activity
● No Put-Downs
I agree to the following other rules and principles when I am at Camp Kesem:
● I will act safely by staying with my counselors at all times.
● I will never be alone with another camper or counselor.
● I will try to have a positive attitude and will take time-out if I am frustrated.
● I will take chances and try new activities with the support of other Campers and Staff.
● I will support my fellow campers as they try new activities.
● I will be a positive role model for my peers by following rules and encouraging others to do so.
● I will treat others as I wish to be treated.
● I will listen to and respond to the requests of all staff.
● I will not bring or use valuable electronics to camp, including cell phones.
If any of the above principles or rules are broken, I understand that the following steps apply:
● 1st time -- Warning
● 2nd time -- 1st Strike – talk with cabin counselor
● 3rd time -- 2nd Strike – talk with unit leader
● 4th time -- 3rd Strike – talk with Camp Advisor, create a behavior contract, and call parent/guardian
● If the behavior contract is broken, call parent/guardian and sent home
I agree to the following principles after I attend Camp Kesem:
● I will never be alone with another counselor.
● I will treat campers or counselors in the same way I would at camp.
● I will support my fellow campers.
● I will treat others as I wish to be treated.
● I understand that counselors cannot be my “friend” or in any way connected on social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, or other such sites.
CAMPER: My signature means that I understand and accept the terms of the Camp Kesem Honor Code.