August, 2009
Dear New Student:(Please share this letter with your parents.)
We are happy you have chosen St. John’s University. The residential experience at St. John’s is a positive and meaningful part of each student’s college education. We urge each student to participate in the programs and activities offered. The following information has been compiled for new students and parents in order to make the transition to St. John’s as smooth as possible.
How to Get to St. John’s:
The campus is located off I-94, 12 miles west of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, Exit 156. If you plan to arrive by train or bus, travel plans should be made to Saint Cloud. Greyhound serves the area as does AMTRAK. The AMTRAK toll-free number is 1-800-872-7245. Greyhound has numerous buses routed to and from St. Cloud. If you take the bus to St. Cloud, you will need to make arrangements for transportation to the St. John’s campus. The cab companies in St. Cloud are: Yellow cab – 251-5050; Taxi Plus – 252-8080 and Allied Cab – 253-1234.
If you plan to fly, you should book reservations directly to the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. Upon arrival, you still have a 90-minute trip to Collegeville. There are several options to get to the St. John’s campus. 1) Once in the Twin Cities, you can fly into St. Cloud via the Mesaba-Northwest Air link from the Mpls./St. Paul Airport (320-251-8574); 2 )Take the Greyhound (at the Mpls. terminal) to St. Cloud; 3) The CSB/SJU Transportation Office (320-363-5982) provides a shuttle to and from the Mpls./St. Paul Airport) You can arrange with Executive Express shuttle service to pick you up at the airport and bring you to the St. John’s campus. Please call Executive Express at (320-253-2226) for scheduling, cost and reservation information.
Sending Luggage and Packages:
You may send luggage or boxes of personal items to St. John’s via United Parcel Services (UPS) or parcel post. You may want to check shipping rates and times to determine which will provide the best service for you. All items should be addressed to yourself, c/o St. John’s University, Campus Mail Center, Collegeville, MN. 56321. You can check the following website additional mail information: Packages are delivered to the St. John’s Mail Center in the Sexton Commons Annex. You can pick up your packages Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8-12 or 1-4:30. The St. John’s Mail Center will be open Sunday, Aug. 23 from 10 am to 4 p.m. If you are arriving before Sunday, Aug. 23 and need access to mailed items, please contact Ms. Mary Gouge, (320-363-2097).
When and Where to Report:
You may occupy your residence after 8:30 am, Sunday, August 23rd. We strongly encourage you to arrive before noon. If arriving before Sunday, you must make arrangements with the Campus Life/Housing Office (320-363-3512).
When you arrive on campus, you will be directed to your assigned residence area. (Note: There will be students at the entrance to campus to direct you to your residence area and help you unload.) You will find signs posted on the hallway doors of each residence area, indicating the name and room number of the Resident Assistants (RAs). Go to your RA’s room to pick up your room key, sign your Residence License (lease), pick up your: Confirmation of Registration papers (includes a copy of your Schedule of Classes) and your SJU Saints Student ID Card. (*If you are unable to send your ID photo electronically via the Orientation website, the SJU ID Office, in the basement of St. Thomas Hall, will be open 9:30am-3:30pm on Move-In Day to take your photo and issue your ID.)
The Resident Assistants conduct room checks before residents move in and at the end of the school year, when residents move out. Your resident assistant will give you a Room Condition Report, when you pick up your room key. Please go over it carefully and thoroughly check out the room. Give any additions or corrections to your RA, so he can note it on the report. Your RA will give you a copy of the report to keep for your records. Copies will remain on file at the Campus Life/Housing Office and Custodial Services. Reminder: When you move out of your room University beds must be assembled, sitting on the floor and not lofted or bunked.
Unloading and Parking:
Some areas near residential buildings will be open to vehicular traffic for unloading convenience.Please do not park or drive on any unpaved areas.The parking space around each residential area is rather small and can quickly become congested. Please follow the parking direction of Life Safety Services security staff. You will be allowed to unload your belongings near the building, but then must immediately move your vehicle to a parking lot to allow others to unload as well.
Registration Changes:
Monday, August 24th and Tuesday, August 25th from 8:00 am - 4:30 p.m. registration changes can be made in the Registrar’s Office at SJU or CSB.
Monday, August 24th through Monday, August 31st, first-year students can make registration changes at the Registrar’s Office at SJU or CSB, between 8:00 am and 4:30 p.m. Monday, August 31st is the last day to add a full term course to your schedule.
Registrar’s Office CSB- Academic Service Building 208 8:00 - 4:30 M-F Phone: 363-5260
Registrar’s Office SJU – Quad. 1638:00 - 4:30 M-FPhone: 363-3396
Fall classes start Wednesday, August 26th with a special President’s Convocation in the Abbey Church before classes begin. There will be shortened class periods Wednesday, August 26th.
Cars on Campus – Parking Permits:
All students attending St. John’s are allowed to keep cars on campus. All SJU students must obtain a parking permit annually. Please note that a parking permit is required by Wednesday, August 26th, of all students who bring cars to campus. Parking permits will be available in the 1st Tommy Lounge, Sunday, August 23rd from 9:30 am to 3:30 p.m. and at Life Safety Services, basement St. Thomas Hall during the school year. If you have pre-registered your vehicle you can pick up your permit 24/7 at Life Safety Services. Permits are $100.00 for the school year, $10.00 for motorcycles and $5.00 for a temporary 1week permit, plus state sales tax. Parking permits will be charged to your student account. Please make sure you have accurate vehicle information when purchasing permits (i.e., license plate number, year, make and model of vehicle). Without accurate information, no permit will be issued.
Family Liturgy:
All new students and their families are invited to attend the Family Liturgy Sunday, August 23rd at 5:00 p.m. in the Abbey Church. Families of all denominations and faiths are welcome to participate in this community celebration.
Off-campus Students:
Fall Orientation begins with the Parent Orientation Sessions at 1 p.m. Sunday, August 23rd and continues through the Opening Convocation at 9:00 am on the first day of classes, Wednesday, August 26th. All first-year students must attend fall orientation and check-in at Sexton Commons between 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Sunday, August 23rd, including those who arrived earlier in the week for fall sports. Fall Orientation involves activities with the first-year and transfer students from the College of Saint Benedict, sessions with your faculty advisor and members of the monastic community, time to purchase books, confirm student employment and meet other students. If you have any questions, please call the Orientation Office (320-363-5012).
Shirt and Tie Reminder:
President Robert Koopmann, OSB hosts an annual dinner for all new students on Monday, August 24th as part of Fall Orientation, 5:15 – 6:30 p.m., Guild Hall. Students are expected to wear a shirt and tie for the dinner.
Transfer Students:
Transfer students are encouraged to move in Sunday, August 23rd and attend both First-year Orientation events and participate in Transfer Orientation. There will be opportunities to meet with transfer students, faculty advisers and your symposium classmates.
Meal Plans:
For information about meal plans contact Dora Shay (320-363-3487).
Health Insurance:
Students are expected to have health insurance. If you are not covered under your parent’s health insurance-a majority has this type of coverage-you may purchase a policy through our Health Center. A group accident and health insurance policy is available to any full-time student. For information, brochures and applications contact the SJU Health Center (320-363-3142) St. John’s University does not cover personal injury while participating in athletic events except those catastrophic injuries which exceed $30,000. Athletes must be covered by their own policies as a condition of participation in varsity sports. Additional information is available at the Business Office (320-363-3166).
Please do not forget to return your medical examination papers. All students must have written documentation of the month and year of immunizations prior to registering for classes.
Personal Property Insurance:
The University does not cover personal property loss. Please check your parent’s home owner’s insurance to make sure it covers your personal possessions. Most agencies offer renter’s insurance for sale if you are not currently covered.
Lofts: Only lofts rented from Campus Lofts, Inc. are allowed on campus, except University built lofts, in some upper class areas. If you want to bunk your bed, you can get bunk extenders from your RA or Custodial Services free of charge. Beds cannot be stacked on cement blocks or any other material. If you are interested in renting a loft, please contact Campus Lofts, Inc. at: Code: GEKA or call toll free: 1-800-875-0457.
Halogen lamps/bulbs, lava lamps and extension cords without surge protectors: Halogen lamps/bulbs, lava lamps and extension cords (without surge protectors), are not allowed in any residence area on campus, nor are candles and incense, due to fire code.
Pets: Pets, except for fish, are not allowed on campus.
Weapons: Weapons of any kind (including guns) are not allowed anywhere on the SJU campus.
The 4 Year Residency Requirement:
St. John’s students are required to live on campus all 4 years, unless granted permission from the Campus Life/Housing Office, to live at home (with parents) or off campus. Students requesting to live off campus must file a Request to Live Off Campus Form with the Campus Life/Housing Office. A Housing Committee determines, based on specific criteria, which students will be granted permission to live off campus. If you are a current freshman or sophomore, do not sign a lease for off campus housing, now or in the future, without first receiving permission to live off campus from the Campus Life/Housing Office.
You are reminded not to sign a lease for off campus housing, now or in the future, without first receiving permission to live off campus from the Campus Life/Housing Office. Signing an off campus lease does not constitute a reason for SJU to release students from the on campus living requirement. You may still be held to the on campus living requirement.
Residence areas close for all extended breaks at 8:00 p.m. on the last scheduled class day. Students are required to receive permission from the Coordinator of Housing to remain on campus during a break. Reminders about extended break policies and instructions on how to access the Extended Occupancy Request form are emailed to campus residents at least one week before each break.
The first few days of fall orientation are filled with both educational and social activities. They are hectic days, but fun and rewarding. If you have any questions, at any time, please do not hesitate to stop by the Campus Life and Housing Office (Sexton 210) and see us. We look forward to meeting you.
Barbara A. Frank Michael Connolly Mattie Hawley Dan McAvey
Coordinator of Housing Dean of Students Asst. Dean of Students Director of Residential Life
Residence Dates to Remember:
Family Weekend October 23-25
Thanksgiving Break 8 p.m. Nov. 24 – 9 am Nov. 29
Semester Break 8 p.m. Dec. 17 – 9 am Jan. 10
Spring Break 8 p.m. Feb. 26 – 9 am Mar. 7
Easter Break 8p.m. Mar. 31 – 9 am Apr. 15
End of semester all residence areas close 8 p.m. May 7