Course Syllabus

Course Name: Chemistry

Instructor: Mrs. Steel & Mrs. Joseph

Course Description: Chemistry will be a class that is geared to touch on the fundamental concepts with an emphasis in problem solving in the form of factor dimension analysis. Other concepts that will be covered are: the periodic table, parts of the atom, ions, the mole, stoichiometry, and balancing equations. Labs will be used to clarify and/or reinforce concepts as well as helping the students become comfortable in a lab setting. Scientific calculators are required for this course.

Course Objectives:

The students will be able to:

1.  maintain a portfolio with daily assignments and completed work

2.  pass a lab safety test with a minimum of 95%

3.  describe the parts of an atom, how atoms form ions, and the relevance this has to the periodic table

4.  identify the difference between physical and chemical changes as well as physical and chemical properties

5.  name various types of compounds, describe the type of reactions they are involved in and balance the equations

6.  use factor dimension analysis to solve problems

7.  become aware of the proper lab equipment and procedures

Expectations of Students:

1.  Be prepared – bring all necessary materials to class

2.  Keep up with all assignments – no late work is accepted

Student Evaluation:

1.  Quizzes & Tests = 50%

2.  Labs = 25%

3.  Daily Assignments & Homework = 25%

Instructor’s Signature: ______Date:______

Tentative Schedule


Week 1: June 10

·  Introduction of students, class expectations & requirements

·  Lab Safety Power Point and Information

·  HW: Lab Safety Study Guide

Week 2: June 13

·  Grade Study Guide

·  Lab Safety Test

·  Intro to Chemistry & Measurements & Scientific notation

o  Slides#1-11

·  HW:SI units & System International worksheet

June 14

·  Nature of Measurements, SI Units, & Uncertainty of Measurement

o  Slides #12-22

·  HW:

June 15

·  Math Quiz

·  1 Step & Multiple step conversions

o  Slides #23-28

·  HW: Chemistry Problem set

June 16

·  Temperature conversions

o  Slides #29-35

·  HW: temperature & measurement worksheet

June 17

·  Quiz-conversion problems

·  Density

o  Slides #36-41

·  Factor dimension analysis & temperature conversion & Density Work Sheet

·  HW: finish worksheet

Week 3: June 20

·  Matter, chemical and physical properties

o  Slides #42-50

·  Do Prelab: Temp, Density & Matter

·  HW: Physical vs Chemical properties Worksheets

June 21

·  Lab: Temp, Density & Measurements

·  HW: Element Symbols Worksheet

June 22

·  Finish Lab

June 23

·  Physical & Chemical Changes, Elements & Cmpds,

o  Slides #51-60

·  HW:

June 24

·  Quiz – Chemical & Physical Properties & Changes

·  Pure Substances vs Mixtures

o  Slides #61-71

·  HW:

Week 4: June 27

·  Organization of Matter & Chemical Formulas

o  Slides #72-82

·  HW:

June 28


June 29

·  Quiz: Organization of Matter & Chemical Formulas

·  Pre Lab: Flame Test

·  HW:

June 30

·  Flame Test Lab

July 1

·  Atomic Structure

o  Slides #83-91

·  HW:Atomic Structure Worksheet

Week 5: July 4


July 5

·  The Periodic Table

o  Slides #92-104

·  HW:

July 6

·  Evidence of Chemical Reactions

o  Slides #105-110

·  Demo – show types of chemical changes in chemical reactions & have students ID them

·  HW:

July 7

·  Balancing Chemical Equations

o  Slides #111-125

·  HW:

July 8

·  More Balancing Equations

·  HW:

Week 6: July 11

·  Masses of Atoms & Moles

o  Slides #126-139

·  HW:

July 12

·  Quiz: Balancing Equations

·  More Moles & Masses

·  HW:

July 13

·  Conceptual Problem Solving

·  Slides #140-146

July 14

·  Begin Comprehensive Final

July 15

·  Complete Comprehensive Final

·  Teacher Evaluation