Minutes for the Joint Board of Directors

A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation

March 19, 2013 6:00 p.m.

Secondary Building

I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F.

Mr. Langer called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Atencio, Ms. Graziano, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis and Mr. Langer. Mr. Moss and Mr. Wall had an excused absence. Ms. Clark and Mr. Vierra were tardy. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Ms. Stringari. Mr. Haynes led the Board of Directors and guests in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langer presented the agenda. Ms. Atencio requested that item M. 3.2 Bylaw Change be removed. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

II. General Agenda

A. Home School Update

Ms. Johns stated that she has spoken this week to seven additional, interested families. Ms. Johns reported that the program would need a minimum enrollment of 70 FTE, but perhaps lower with the increase in PPR. Ms. Johns stated that she was confident with the commitment with the current interested families. Ms. Johns and Ms. Lewis have visited potential facilities. Ms. Johns will provide an updated report for the April meeting.

B. Response to Two Roads Letter

Ms. Clark stated that she has drafted the letter and will be sending the letter to Mr. Langer for any revisions.

C. Draft K-12 Budget

Mr. Haynes invited Kate Smith and Joan Larson to participate in the discussion. Mr. Haynes reported that the delay with this budget was due to the Finance Committee. The committee requested that they have the opportunity to view side-by-side the K-12 budget. Ms. Stringari pointed out that line items 746, 840 and 950 have been revised to match up with the district. Ms. Stringari explained that line item 746 is for building improvement and repairs; line item 840 is for supplies such as paint, tools, etc.; and line item 950 is for contracted services. Mr. Haynes requested that the budget be reviewed by Russ Caldwell. Ms. Smith mentioned that anyone reviewing the budget must have a good understanding of the day-to-day operations of a school. Mr. Haynes responded that there is no downside and Mr. Caldwell may point out any ‘red flags’ and offer suggestions in making adjustments. It was suggested that Mr. Caldwell review the budget in June, along with the five-year projection. It was noted that funds be included in the budget for the Board toward conferences and strategic planning. A breakout on staff increases with a detailed list will be presented to the Board in Executive Session in the April meeting. It was suggested that the PTO and Boosters work on combined efforts on their supportive measures, as a part of the K-12 budgeting.

D. Charter Renewal Contract Addendum

Ms. Clark reported that there are no material changes to the document. Ms. Clark stated that there was language added due to the Health Care Act. Ms. Clark mentioned that we must acknowledge that we are part of the district and must comply with all applicable laws on services that we buy back from the district. Ms. Clark explained that this needs approval from this Board to be sent to the district for their meeting in April. Ms. Clark will provide a revised addendum to the Board members. Ms. Clark moved that the Board approve the Addendum to Charter School Renewal Contract subject to any final approval. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

E. Purchased Services for Contract

Ms. Stringari explained that she and Mr. Nolan checked off the purchased services with the break outs, and pointed out there we no increases in the costs. It was stated that this contract will be attached to the addendums. Ms. Atencio moved that the Board approve the Purchased Serviced Contract. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

F. Parking Discussion (Secondary)

The issue of the additional parking for the secondary was discussed. It was noted that the agreement with the business park to the south has been discontinued. Ms. Clark reported that they are trying to set up a meeting with Hill Property to discuss leasing adjacent property for additional parking. Discussion ensued with trying to acquire property to the north and developing a path. Ms. Clark reported that she is awaiting a response on the IGA, and funds from IGA may be used for an additional parking lot, if an agreement is reached. A parent of a high school student stated his concerns of safety and the hazards of having to carry backpack and athletic equipment (golf clubs) from the neighborhood where students who do not have assigned parking spots must park. Ms. Larson offered to look into the possibility of any availability of parking spots through multiple spots assigned to families. Discussion ensued with the handicap parking spots. The Board will seek clarification from JHL on the possibility of moving the two handicap spots that are in the main lot to the front of the building where visitors park.

Ms. Clark excused herself from the meeting.

G. Elementary Pickup

Ms. Atencio reported for Mr. Nolan that the adjustments made in the drop off/pick up has improved the flow of traffic. The revised traffic plan opened up the south gate near the gravel lot. It was also noted that the traffic light may be working over Spring Break.

H. Committee Reports

1. Communications Committee

Ms. Graziano reported that the committee will have a draft for the April Board meeting with their final plan in May.

2. Policy and Governance

Mr. Langer reported that they continue to review other Board composition policies of other schools. Each committee member has taken a set of schools with a matrix and listing the different view points.

3. Accountability-Approve Parent Surveys

Ms. Lewis reviewed the Elementary survey and added that Mr. Nolan had minor revisions. Discussion ensued with having more options than a yes or no answer, and if the answer is no, than a parent must place in a comment why to be able to continue. It was mentioned that a statement to parents regarding keeping their comments honoring and constructive be added to both surveys. Ms. Lewis moved that the Board approve the Elementary and Secondary Parent Surveys as amended and that they be available online for two weeks after Spring Break. Ms. Graziano seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Facilities

Ms. Lewis stated that the committee has not met yet and requested direction from the Board.

5. Capital Development

Mr. Vierra reported that the committee has met with the PTO and Boosters has a plotted a course and the committee will have a report for the April meeting.

6. PTO/Boosters

Ms. Graziano reviewed the PTO report. Ms. Graziano highlighted the profits from scrip and the upcoming events. Ms. Graziano noted that the PTO is working with Mr. Nolan on a wish list.

Ms. Lewis reported that she was not able to attend the Boosters meeting. Ms. Lewis mentioned that Boosters is working on after prom.

7. Create Committee to Explore Vendors for Secondary Lunch Program

Ms. Atencio explained that a committee is needed to explore this program. Ms. Larson volunteered to be on the committee. Ms. Atencio moved that the Board approve this ad hoc committee to explore vendors for the Secondary lunch program. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion that passed unanimously. It was noted that any program must factor in free and reduced students. It was noted that it is optional to charge students added fees to cover any overhead costs.

8. Principal Evaluation Survey for teachers/Board Distribution

Ms. Atencio reported that these documents were used last year and that they were updated at that time. It was noted that these will be distributed after Spring Break.

9. IGA Report

Ms. Stringari reported that they have requested the use of the baseball fields. The City of Broomfield may not be interested unless we build a track. JHL is developing a bid at different levels incorporating CHSSA rules. Ms. Stringari mentioned that should this development go through it would be beneficial to build outdoor restrooms and a concession stand. The concession stand would be run by the Boosters. It was noted that that the IGA would include both JA sites. However, JA would have the rights at the calendar first.

10. Monthly Review of School Activities-Board Attendance (S.3(d)(d.1)

These items were reviewed and Board members will commit next month with the events they will attend.

11. Future Committee Meetings

The Policy and Governance Committee will meet on April 2. The Communications Committee will meet on April 10. The PTO will meet on Apri8l 3.

12. Schedule Workshop with SlaterPaull

Mr. Haynes reviewed that this workshop is for the master plan and the costs. Mr. Haynes stated that the following dates are available; March 25, 26, 27 and April 2, 3, 4. Mr. Haynes will also inquire if there are any dates available for the following week in April. Mr. Haynes will email all the dates to the Board members and then set the meeting.

III. First Reading

A. None

IV. Second Reading

A. None

V. Reports

A. K-12 Financials and Budget

These were reviewed. Mr. Haynes reported that there is nothing out of line to report.

It was pointed out that line item 942 for the modulars needs to be moved and this has been brought to the attention of the district.

B. Principals Reports

These reports were reviewed.

VI. Miscellaneous Board Items

A. Approval of Minutes February 19, 2013, Minutes February 28, 2013

Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of February 19, 2013. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of February 19, 2013 as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of February 28, 2013. Revisions were made. It was also requested that the list of items in the Minutes for repurposing the Elementary be included with the Minutes. Mr. Haynes requested that the Board approve the Minutes of February 28 2013 as amended, with the list items for repurposing the Elementary, be approved. Ms. Graziano seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

B. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items

These items were reviewed and revised.

VI. Adjournment

Mr. Langer reviewed the items listed in Executive Session. It was determined that Executive Session was not necessary. Mr. Langer moved that the Board amend the agenda removing the Executive Session. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Mr. Langer moved that the Board adjourn at 8:44 p.m. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Cohen, Clerk

Jefferson Academy Board of Directors