Charting Infused Volumes from IView
Start time, stop time, and Infused volume are required documentation for IV billing.
Each nurse charts the volume infused while the patient is in his/her care:
When the IV is discontinued
At handoff
At end of shift
Charting infused volume is achieved most easily from IView at the conclusion of care for the patient.
- Verify in MAR Summary that IV details are charted and correct
- Go to the Intake and Output band in IView
- Begin times and rate changes need to be charted prior to pulling in I&O.
- Locate the date and time columns in which the IV(s) were running
4. Double click on each time column in which you cared for the patient.
5. The volumes pull in (purple text) based on start time and rate changes entered.
6. These volumes can be cleared and manually entered prior to signing if incorrect.
7. Sign the charting when the volumes reflect accurate values.