Minutes of the Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 at the Belconnen Soccer Club, Hawker ACT.

Present: Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee (Chair), Graham Burke, Nick Blackaby, Paul Archer, Jan Banens, Jayne Hardy, Fran Harris, Kathy Sims, Craig Wisdom, Narelle Blackaby (Observer.)

1. Welcome and Apology: The meeting opened at 7:05pm.

2. Adoption of Agenda: The draft agenda circulated prior to the meeting was adopted without change except for the order of discussion of items as shown below. No matters were added to “Other Business.”

3. Minutes of the previous meeting: The draft Minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated and were accepted. Motion 01/090512: “That the draft Minutes of the meeting held on 11 April 2012 be accepted.” (Archer/Banens) – Carried.

4. Correspondence:The following were noted:

  • G Moore re review of the operation of the Daniels Handicap.
  • AMA re Expressions of Interest for World Masters Games Team Manager
  • Email to Brett Lynch re charity fundraising
  • S Lance, AMA re insurance policies
  • Letter to CEO Belconnen Soccer Club re appreciation for use of their facilities for meetings
  • G Sims, YCRC re appreciation of volunteer efforts at the Australian Running Festival, April 2012

5. 2013 AMA National Championships: Discussion held re the state of play. Progress being achieved on sponsorship by Jan and Fran but need access to LOC Co-ordinator to progress possible sponsorships. Action 01/090512: Agreed that Graham would speak to Michael Thomson re a meeting and that Jan would circulate brief details of sponsorships being pursued. Also discussed Jeff’s advice re an offer made by the Centenary of Canberra Fund and Jan/Fran volunteered to prepare material for use in further discussions.

6. Secretary’s Report: Graham advised that formal Notice of the Annual General Meeting to be held on 23 May 2012 had been circulated on 7 May 2012. Also advised that preparation of the Annual Report is on schedule and thanked Narelle for her work.

Graham advised that, except for Directors and Officers cover, all the necessary insurance policies are in place. It was agreed to pursue this out-of-session.

7. Treasurer’s Report: Nick had circulated his comprehensive report covering the past month. Motion 02/090512: “That the committee ratify the Treasurer’s report as circulated.” (Blackaby/Harris) – Carried.

Motion 03/090512: “That the St George Bank Term Deposit be reinvested.” (Blackaby/Hardy) – Carried.

Nick raised a number of matters concerned with fees which will be raised at the AGM. It was agreed that a fee increase for general membership should not be proposed. Motion 04/090512: “That no fee increase for general membership be proposed by the Committee at the AGM.” (Blackaby/Harris) – Carried.

The Committee also agreed that there is not a strong case to adjust the fee for family membership. Also, it was agreed not to increase fees for Track and Field events.

Nick proposed a fee increase for persons who sign up as Day members as a means of encouraging them to take out a full membership. Motion 05/090512: “That the fee for Day members be increased from $1 to $4 so that the cost for non-members to participate in an ACTVAC event will increase from $5 to $8.” (Blackaby/Wisdom) – Carried.

Nick presented a draft Budget for 2012/13, advising that there may be some minor changes to be made. He thanked Audrey Gormley for her invaluable assistance. Because some changes are likely, it was agreed to circulate the proposed final document out-of-session with a Motion that it be accepted. Committee members need to respond to the Motion.

Noting that the Auditor has provided an unqualified report, Nick was congratulated on his work as Treasurer.

8. Track and Field Committee Report: Jayne reported on the recent meeting. Key points were:

  • Cross Country Championships June – need for volunteer officials
  • need for an ex stadia sub committee
  • need volunteers to be series event managers (eg Daniels Handicap etc)
  • decided that, apart from the Pennington series, events cancelled because of the weather will not be rescheduled
  • Jayne Hardy and Bronwyn Calver have stepped down from the sub-committee (our thanks to them) and John Parker and Sharon Allen have replaced them.

Jayne advised about the impending unavailability of the lower throwing field at the AIS. This needs to be confirmed so that alternative arrangements can be made.

The Committee expressed its appreciation of the Sub-Committee’s work over the past year.

9. Run/Walk Handicap Sub-Committee:Craig drew attention to the report he had circulated. John Hunt is to organise a suitable shirt for the occasion of George Hanzar’s 300th Monthly Handicap. Also, the survey of members concerning a Long Walk Handicap closes at the end-May Handicap .

10. Complaints by Members: The Committee noted the AGM Notice of Motion submitted by John Lamb and related complaints that had been separately submitted to the Committee. The Committee considered action it could take to obtain resolution of the complaints and decided that independent external assistance should be sought in consultation with the ACT Sport and Recreation Services. Motion 06/090512: “That ACTVAC engage a suitable independent person to provide advice and/or recommendations on how to deal with the matters raised by the complainants and associated documentation.” (Archer/Harris) – Carried.

On a separate matter involving another member, Rachelle is to raise with Jeff the need to clarify if a complaint has been lodged.

The meeting closed at 10:26pm