Present: Chris Neill (Chairman), Carolyn Read, and Bob Matthews
Apologies: Jaqi Mason, James Walker.Also Present : John Woodley- Shead (SODC), Lorraine Lindsay -Gale (OCC), / Action / By date
56 /
The Minutes of the meeting of 17th June 2015 were agreed as drawn. / AD57 /
Report on Actions taken
The head teacher of Clifton Hampden Primary School has agreed to ask OCC for flashing lights warning motorists of the school’s presence.58 /
SODC Councillor’s Report
Jon Woodley -Shead , recently elected Councillor for SODC introduced himself to the meeting. SODC have now moved into 135 Milton Park, and are waiting to hear form the insurers of the Crowmarsh building before considering other options for the future. He reported that Morells are looking at options for the development of the Wagon and Horses in Culham including building a new public house nearer the River in Culham.Great Western park will now undergo further development until 2024.
Mr Woodley –Shead explained that, he is a Culham resident, and he plans to make his allowance from SODC available in small sums for local groups to bid for.
59 /
OCC Councillor’s Report
Lorraine Lindsay gale reported that the crossroads in Clifton Hampden would be closed for resurfacing on 23rd July, and that the Long Wittenham to Clifotn Hampden Road is closed for 5 days for re surfacing.OCC’s Chief Executive will be leaving at the end of September, and Cultural Services ( Ms Lindsay Gale’s portfolio) will be moving to Environmental services.
She reported that OCC’s expenditure was £196K under budget on a total spend of £424M.
OCC have been successful in gaining government funds to carry out major infrastructure works, including road works, mainly to the North of Oxford city.
60 / Community Plan/ Neighbourhood Plan
Ongoing. / CN
61 / Gravel
Ongoing. / JM
63 / LTP 4 /Transport consultation
Ongoing. / BM
64 / SODC Local Plan
Ongoing. The Council noted the letter from Adrian Duffield (SODC Head of Planning) concerning the results of 2 planning appeals and the present extent of SODC’s bank of consented housing land. / All
65 / Green belt study meeting
Ongoing. / all
66 / Scouts
Nothing to report. / AD/CN
68 /
It was reported that OCC engineers will visit the village on w/c 20th July to advise on traffic calming and other options.The Speedwatch Group are still waiting for the police to provide a radar gun to enable the group to carry out more speed monitoring activity.
Recreation ground
The safety inspection will take place shortly.
It was reported that the Tennis Club will shortly be resurfacing the tennis court on the Recreation ground.
The Parish Council agreed in principle to make a contribution towards the cost.
The Cricket Club needs a strimmer to clear the weeds and grass form around the play equipment.
The Parish Council agreed in principle to purchase a strimmer for use on the Recreation ground. / BM
69 /
OCC have made safe the damaged duckboards on the Wharf . / AD70 /
Planning Applications.
P15/S1273/FUL Moonfleet BurcotP15/S1224/FUL Land east of Main Way and north of High Way Culham Science Centre
P15/1504LB Lower Town Farm House High Street Clifton Hampden OX14 3EQ + LB consent
Both “no strong views”. / AD
71 /
None72 /
Parish Assets/ Community Assets
The Clerk has been given plans of the Village Post Office and the School , which will now be registered as Community assets. / CN/AD73 /
Village Hall
It was reported that a playgroup will be using the Hall 4.5 days a week, with the Primary school have the use of the hall for half a day on Fridays.There will be substantial work carried out to the Hall, including retiling the kitchen, some plastering repairs and other repairs in the kitchen and toilets, the floor stripped and re varnished and the hall repainted. OFSTED will be inspecting the premises before the playgroup opens. / CR
74 / Finance
Balance brought forward £45796.41
Donation from patients group £ 400.00
Total £46196.41
Less payments
Creative Badger / website / 100882 / 810.00
SODC / election / 100883 / 100.00
CH Village Stores / open meeting expenses / 100884 / 131.70
St Grounds Maintenance / village maintenance / 100885 / 150.00
O Bowden / cleaner / 100886 / 244.00
Wicksteed Leisure / safety check / 100887 / 45.00
Monthly expenditure for June £1480.70
Balance at end of June : £45796.41
Clifton Hampden Village Hall £2500.00
Tetbury Accounting £ 120.00
Wicksteed Playground (Vat) £ 9.00
Martin Drew £ 210.00 / AD
75 / Correspondence
None other than already discussed.
76 /
Any Other Business
The Chairman reported problems with fishermen using the Wharf. It was agreed that, subject to the approval of the Trustees the parish Council would arrange for the long grass to be mown. It was also agreed that he should raise the matter with the jon Woodley – Shead of SODc and see if the District Council could offer any solutions.Gigaclear are offering to provide fast broadband to the Village and it is reported that some residents are taking up the service. / CN
77 /
Wednesday 26th August 2015 at 7.30pm / AD