PSE2 linked to C&L1,2&3, UW1,PD1&2, M1&2,
EAD1. / Making Sandwiches / Expresses own preferences and interests.
(22-36mths) / CHILD LEAD: Enter into discussions about favourite sandwiches & encourage the children to choose what filling they would like to have inside their sandwich. Demonstrate & support the children in spreading & cutting their sandwiches. Promote thinking skills by asking questions ‘How could we start making our sandwiches?’ & ’What could we do next?’. Give praise for children making their own choices, ideas for process & using fine motor skills to spread and cut bread. Sandwiches to be wrapped in cling film with name label, for the children to enjoy at snack time. / Younger children to make their own choices about what they would like in their sandwich.
Older children to confidently make choices/preferences & share their ideas on the process of making sandwiches.
C&L3linked to PSE1,2,3 PD1,2 M2, UW1,2, EAD1 / Cooked spaghetti / Uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing feelings, experiences and thoughts.
(22-36mths) / CHILD LEAD: Encourage the children to explore the cooked spaghetti. Adults to ask the children to describe and talk about how the spaghetti feels, what it looks like or how it smells. Ask the children if they eat spaghetti at home. Give praise for using descriptive language. / Younger children to enjoy exploring the spaghetti with their hands.
Older children to use descriptive language and talk about their experiences of eating spaghetti at home..
PD1 linked to
PSE1, C&L 1, 2&3, M2, UW1, EAD1&2. / Pouring with coloured rice / Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark making tools.
(22-36 mths) / CHILD LEAD: Demonstrate to the children how to pour and transfer the rice from left to right using small jugs and spoons. Adults to encourage the children to complete the activity slowly and carefully, in order not to spill the rice, which will improve control of their actions. Give praise to children for being careful. / Younger children to persevere with using a jug or spoon as carefully as they can.
Older children to complete the activity in full, with both pouring with jugs and transferring with spoons, without spilling much rice.
L2 linked to
PSE2,C&L1,2&3, M2,EAD1&2,
PD1, UW1. / Mark making in flour / Sometimes gives meanings to marks as they draw and paint.
(30-50mths) / CHILD LEAD: Encourage the children to use their fingers to make simple marks in the flour. Talk about what they have drawn. Ask the children what they think flour is used for and what does it feel like? Can they write the first letter of their name or draw some food items? Give praise for making marks. / Younger children to make simple marks in the flour.
Older children to draw simple representations and attempt to write the first letter of their name.
M2 linked to PSE2, C&L1&3, L1, PD1,
UW1&2, EAD1. / The Giant Jam sandwich story. / Begins to use the language of size.
(22-36mths) / CHILD LEAD: Introduce & read the story to the children. Throughout the story ask the children about some of the different sizes & shapes they can see in the pictures. Give appropriate support and prompts to help. Can the children guess how many wasps they are in the story? Give praise for talking about sizes, naming shapes & counting. / Younger children to listen to story and repeat the name of the sizes/shapes.
Older children to correctly identify the name of the shapes & sizes.
UW1 linked to
PSE 1,2&3, C&L 1&3, PD 1&2, L1&2, EAD2. / Bakery shop / Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life.
(30-50 mths) / CHILD LEAD: Arrange the home corner into a bakery with variety of bread and cakes from around the world. Encourage the children to act out different roles, taking turns at being the shop assistant and customers.Enter into discussions about job roles. Give praise for taking turns & playing cooperatively. / Younger children to explore the area with adult support.
Older children to talk about their own experiences of visiting a bakery.
EAD1 linked to PSE2, PD1,2 C&L1,2,3, L2, M1,2& UW1&2. / Food Plate collage / Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.
(40-60+mths) / CHILD LEAD: Provide a verity of different materials including rice, pasta, paper and material for the children to use to create plates of food. Adults to encourage children to think about what materials they can use to represent different foods. Give praise for sharing ideas and being creative. / Younger Children to use glue spreaders with increasing control and stick items onto plate.
Older children to use the different resources to create new effects when making food items.

CHILD LEAD unplanned learning: mark making, registration/weather, outside play.