This four-step checklisthelps to confirm that the curriculum package is complete prior to submission.

For more detailed information about the content guidelines for curriculum proposals, please refer to the Curriculum Guidelines:

  1. UBCO Curriculum Proposal Form-Change to Course / Program(

This two-column form is used for the Academic Calendar statement. The following information must be confirmed on this form for all proposals:

☐ either Category 1 or Category 2 is indicated (top of form) / ☐ Faculty Approval Date is indicated
(usually the Faculty Council meeting date at which the proposal was approved)
☐ if Effective SessionandAcademic Year are in the past, Rationale explains why
☐ URL of intended DRAFT Calendar location (not required for individual courses) / ☐ All other fields completed
  1. Curriculum Proposal Package: select the proposal type fromthe chart below and please ensure that the package includes the required items indicated:

Category 1New Program Proposals / Category 1 New Course Proposals;or
Category 1 Substantial Program Revision Proposals / Category 2 Proposals
☐ Executive Summary (max. 3 pages)
☐ Additional supporting documentation (e.g.,
program proposal)
☐ Academic Calendar statement for the program
(if the program requires new course codes and courses,
seeNew Course Proposalsfor additional requirements)
☐ Signed Budget Impact form with Provost’s
signature and, if applicable, the Librarian’s
☐ Signed Library consultation
☐ Curriculum consultations with appropriate
UBC units / ☐ Academic Calendar statement
☐ Course syllabus
☐ Signed Budget Impact form, for which the
Provost’s signature may be required
☐ Signed Library consultation
☐ Curriculum consultations with appropriate
UBC units / ☐ Academic Calendar statement
☐ Course syllabus, if applicable
(for revised courses)
☐ Consultations, if applicable (Budget Impact,
Library, or Curriculum)
  1. File Formats: prepare the curriculum proposal documents (as required from the list above) in the file formats indicated below:

Microsoft Word (.docx) / Acrobat Reader (.pdf)or Other Format
☐ Academic Calendar statement
☐ Course syllabus (preferred format)
☐ Executive Summary
☐ Program proposal / ☐ Budget form
☐ Curriculum consultations
☐ Library consultation
☐ Additional supporting documentation
  1. Submit the curriculum package

☐ email to:

Enrolment Services | Senate and Curriculum ServicesVersion: August, 2015