ATOM (SG856)


Our team will be representatives of the community of Spruce Grove. Players will be expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times and show respect to everyone, including coaches, teammates, officials, parents, fans and their opponents. Any violations will be met with by the following disciplinary action.


· As representatives of Spruce Grove we want to maintain a high level of standard and need to show respect for all public places we enter

· There will be no throwing snow or tape balls etc. in dressing room

· All garbage & tape needs to be put in trash cans at the end of each game and practice

Bullying - of a coach, teammate, opponent

· As per SGMHA Anti-Bullying Policy

Disrespect - of a coach, teammate, opponent

· 1st offense – warning, discussion between coach and player

· 2nd offense – miss shifts

· 3rd offense – discussion between coaches and parent with possible game suspensions

Negative Comments/Criticism – towards teammates, coaches, officials, opponents

· 1st offense – warning, discussion between coaches and player

· 2nd offense – miss shifts

· 3rd offense – discussion between coaches and parent with possible game suspensions

Fighting with teammates/horseplay - during practice, on the bench, or in the dressing room

· 1st offense – warning, discussion between coaches and player

· 2nd offense – miss shifts

· 3rd offense – sent to dressing room to change with possible game suspensions

Bad Penalties- including “selfish” penalties or retaliation fouls

· 1st offence – warning, discussion between coaches and player

· 2nd offense - miss shifts (in addition to penalty box time)

· 3rd offense - miss one period (in addition to penalty box time)

Laziness- not hustling, not giving 100% at all games and practices

· Discussion with player

· Discussion with player and Parent

· Continuous offense – miss one game


· If you do not change when called in by coach, you may sit the next shift

· If there is any arguing about length of shift time, you may sit the next shift


· You are expected to be at the rink a minimum of 20 minutes prior to a practice.

· You are expected to be at the rink a minimum of 40 minutes prior to the start of a game.

· You are expected to be dressed and ready for the game a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the game.

· If a player is late for the game on more than 2 or 3 occasions without prior notice they will sit the first 10 minutes of the game. Repeated offences will result in sitting out a game. It is understood that some circumstances are out of our control, and situations do arise where we are running late or cannot make a practice or game, however every effort has to be made to live up to the team commitment. Remember it is not just your child that misses out it hurts the whole TEAM… The coach needs a minimum of 48 hour’s notice of a player’s absence from any game or practice. This will allow the coach time to call up affiliates to fill out the game time roster, or ensure enough participation to run an effective practice.

· There will be no parents or siblings allowed in the dressing room after the team warm-up is completed, and up to 10 minutes after the completion of the game. If any of the players need help to tie their skates or put on equipment there are more than enough coaches in the room to help them out.

*Always come to the rink ready to play hard, give your 100%, learn and have fun. Hockey is a team sport and we will win and lose as a team.