Section Controls and Import Conditions
Section Animal Health and Welfare
SECTION A Information and/or discussion -
1. Information on the avian influenza situation in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Asia and Nigeria
2. Update information on the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) situation in Brazil and Argentina
3. Information on the Classical Swine Fever situation from Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary and Germany
4. Information on outbreaks of Newcastle Disease in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey (HLB/AB)
5. Request for Member States to submit results on the amount of product of animal origin removed from personal luggage during 2005 as required under Annex IV of Commission Regulation (EC) No 745/2004 (HN)
6. Information and exchange of views concerning declarations by passengers on animal products in luggage (HN)
7. Information by Italy on African swine fever and the implementation of Commission Decisions 2005/363/EC and 2005/624/EC
8. Information on the rabies situation in Bulgaria
9. Information from Spain on the Bluetongue situation in the Balearic Islands
10. Information from UK on the system for the identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals implemented in Great Britain and Northern Ireland temporarily recognised by Commission Decision 2005/617/EC
11. EFSA request for data from TRACES on the numbers of captive birds imported into the EU, and data from the avian influenza surveillance in 2005, within the framework of its Risk Assessment on the avian influenza threat posed by captive and pet birds, and on the Risk Assessment on the avian influenza threat posed by migratory birds.
12. Distribution of a working document concerning equipment for navigation systems for livestock vehicles used for long distance transport (LVW)
13. Distribution for information/Distribution pour information
· Report of a mission carried out in Romania from 14 to 18/11/2005 in order to review controls concerning animal welfare (DG(SANCO)/7746/2005 – MR)
· Report of a mission carried out in Bulgaria from 10 to 14/10/2005 in order to review controls concerning animal welfare (DG(SANCO)/7717/2005 – MR)
SECTION B Draft presented for an opinion
14. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision on the evolution of animal diseases in the Community and in third countries and in particular in relation to avian influenza
15. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2006/7/EC as regards to the list of countries thereof (SANCO/10151/2006) (LK)
16. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2005/393/EC as regards the restricted zones in relation to bluetongue in Spain (SANCO/10046/2006/Rev.1) (JF)
17. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the list of countries and territories (SANCO/10077/2006 Rev1) (Legal basis: Regulation (EC) 998/2003)(Right of scrutiny of the European Parliament) (JF)
18. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2004/450/EC regarding the standard requirements for the content of applications for Community financing for programmes for eradication, monitoring and control of TSEs (SANCO/707/2005) (VP)
19. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision approving the programmes for the implementation of Member States' surveys for avian influenza in poultry and wild birds during 2006 and laying down reporting and eligibility rules for the Community financial contribution to the implementation costs of those programmes (SANCO/10134/2006) (VP)
20. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2002/613/EC as regards the approved porcine semen collection centres of Canada (SANCO/10791/2005) (HK)
21. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 92/452/EEC as regards certain embryo collection and production teams in the United States of America (SANCO/10081/2006) (HK)
22. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2003/467/EC as regards the declaration that certain regions of Italy are free of bovine tuberculosis and enzootic bovine leukosis (SANCO/10079/2006) (HK)
23. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2004/453/EC with regard to the disease free status of Sweden, and the requirements for maintaining disease freedom in the United Kingdom for certain fish diseases (SANCO/10066/2006/rev1) (YT)
24. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2003/135/EC as regards classical swine fever in feral pigs, the extension of the eradication and vaccination plans in certain areas of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and the termination of the eradication and vaccination plans of feral pigs against classical swine fever in certain areas of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) (SANCO/10004/2006/Rev.1) (JPV)
25. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the committee on a draft Commission Decision amending Decision 2003/526/EC as regards classical swine fever control measures in Germany (SANCO/10138/2006) (JPV)
26. Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission concerning certain protective measures with regard to certain products of animal origin, excluding fishery products, originating in Madagascar (codified version of 1997/517/EC) (JN)
SECTION C Draft presented for discussion
27. Exchange of views on a draft Commission Decision laying down conditions for the importation of fresh meat intended for exhibition, special studies or analysis (SANCO/XXXX/2006) (PB)
Bernard Van Goethem
Acting Director/Directeur f.f.