Partner search from Central Denmark
Title of the project: Social inclusion through urban farmingin multicultural cities
Outline of the project idea
Our project proposal aims to combinesocial work with urban farming in order todevelop a European model for socialinclusion through the promotion ofsustainable environment approaches. Byworking directly with under-representedgroups, the project will enhancemeaningful and value-creatingcommunities in multicultural cities.
The objectives are to empowermarginalized groups, personally as well associally, and to promote social solutionswithin urban farming. Our target groups aredisadvantaged young people (16-30years), refugees, and immigrants outsideof the job market.
- Identification and qualification of effectiveways to engage and work with underrepresentedgroups in urban farming
- Development and implementation ofsocial work into urban farming enterprisesby knowledge exchanging with projectpartners
- Promotion of new ways to create socialinclusion in multicultural cities
Activities and outputs:
- Knowledge exchanging where partnersmeet each other through workshops andsocial medias that creates platforms forexchange of materials, advices and otheruseful resources that qualify andcompetency development the targetgroups
- Development of urban farming know-howand social inclusion activities by qualifyingnew and existing learning materials andapproaches based on a peer-to-peerlearning strategy
- Creation of role models and mentors forother young people, refugees andimmigrants - acting as local `agents ofchange´
- Prepare for and give access to the jobmarket for young people, refugees andimmigrants
- Promotion of social work in urban farmingactivities as a new way to support urbansustainable environment
Lead organisation
BISTAD (meaning "beehive" in Danish) isa social enterprise that makes local, urbanhoney by employing marginalized citizens,which find themselves on the edge ofsociety. BISTAD is a local communitydriven by 4 marginalized citizens, 6volunteers, 1 part time and 2 full timeemployees. We take care of severalbeehives spread across the city, some ofwhich are owned by BISTAD. Our corevalues are natural balance, socialresponsibility and local support.
Relevant partners We are looking for partners in Europeancities:Social enterprises, organizations, associations, businesses, job centers, integrationnetworks, urban farmers or similar that have social or environmental responsibility astheir core value.
They should have one or two of the following competences:
- experience in working with marginalized groups, especially young people and refugees
- experience in urban farming
Urban farmers should either work with or have an interest in social work/inclusion of
marginalized citizens.
Programme and call
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnershipssupporting exchange of good practices.Please take a closer look into theErasmus+ guidelines page 120-138:
Foreseen project duration The project will run for 24 months from 1stof September 2017 until 1st of September2018.
Partner meeting A partner meeting will take place inBrussels Wednesday 25 January 2017.
Deadline for expression of interest Deadline for response from interestedpartners is Sunday 18 December 2016.
Deadline for call Erasmus+ call deadline is Wednesday 29March 2017.
Contact information
Project Coordinator,
Julie Sand Jørgensen
Phone: +32 499 48 92 03