Quality Inn, Woodstock
November 1, 2013
9:00 a.m.
- Welcome
The meeting was brought to order by Donna Hollands-Hurst, who welcomed those present and introduced the executive members. Those attending for the first time were recognized. Pauline, the book table vendor, was also welcomed.
- Opening Worship
The students of Colleen Lashmar’s current CPE unit, accompanied by musicians, led the membership in a time of worship.
- Business
- Presentation of the agenda – Donna Hollands-Hurst
- Minutes from November 2, 2012 CASCSWONT AGM
Donna Hollands-Hurst provided a report on the executive’s process and decision to form a standing committee with the focus of Advocacy following the requested action from the 2012 CASCSWONT AGM.
- The spelling of Alida van Dijk’s name was corrected in the appended Regional Admissions Chair report
Jane Smith-Eivemark moved that the Minutes be accepted as ammended.
Mike Chow seconded.
Motion was passed.
- Constitution and Bylaw – Heather Vanderstelt
The region’s Constitution and Bylaws was circulated prior to the meeting with the executive’s recommended amendments.
- Details regarding the formation of the Advocacy Committee were provided including its relationship to the executive through the current Regional Admissions Chair and Peer-Review Coordinator.
- Article VI.3 in constitution: “my” was corrected to “may”
- 4.a in Bylaws “band” was corrected to “bank”
- Ciaran McKenna requested Heather Vanderstelt’s work on the updating of the Constitution and bylaws be recognized on record.
Kalvin Mutter moved that the nomenclature in our region’s Constitution and Bylaws document be changed as was circulated.
Lucinda Landau seconded.
Motion was passed.
Colleen Lashmar moved that the executive positions of secretary and Public Relations Chair be struck from the Constitution and Bylaws and replaced with that of the Communications Officer, as was circulated.
Janet Young seconded.
Motion was passed.
Bob Bond moved that all other changes in practice and wording to the Constitution and Bylaws be accepted as amended.
Alida van Dijk seconded
Motion was passed.
- Presentation of Reports
- Professional Practice Report – Marvin Shank
Report was circulated prior to meeting.
- Work being done in comparing CASC standards to those of the College of Registered Psychotherapists was highlighted; in particular that the CASC standards emphasize our unique specialization in the provision of spiritual care
- Our region’s work towards forming an Advocacy Committee was highlighted
- The Spring Networking Day in conjunction with the SPCR conference hosted at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary was highlighted
- Due to the weak position of CASC’s Associate members to claim specialization within the College of Registered Psychotherapists, a need exists to differentiate scopes of practice for those members
- Deb Cripsin was recognized for her work with organizing peer-reviews, as well as those who have agreed to participate in the peer-review process
Marvin Shank moved the acceptance of the professional practice report, as circulated.
Colleen Lashmar seconded
Motion was passed.
- Regional Admitting Chair Report – Ellen Faubert
Report was circulated prior to meeting.
- Bob Tees (3rd provisional) is also currently running a CPE unit at Brantford General Hospital, and is being supervised by Kathleen O'Neill.
- Cambridge Memorial is jointly running the unit with the Grey Bruce County Health Centre
- Stephen Yeo (2nd provisional) ran a CPE unit at St. Joseph’s Regional Mental Health Care, London, under the supervision of Marvin Shank.
- The spelling of Robert Heintz name was corrected.
- Those who have accomplishing advanced standing were recognized.
- A call for volunteers to the new “Promotion and Marketing Committee” (the region’s Advocacy Committee) was extended; and a reminder was issued that advocacy is not limited to those who join this committee, but is the responsibility of all members
- Congratulations were expressed to Marvin Shank in his retirement and thanks were extended for all the work he has accomplished.
- Thanks was extended to those who have participated in the various consultations
Ellen Faubert moved that the Regional Admissions Chair report be accepted as amended.
Gary Payne seconded
Motion was passed.
- Regional Ethics Chair Report – Bob Tees
Report was circulated prior to meeting
- The change in National Ethics Chair from Jan Temple-Jones to Kim Bustard was highlighted
- The new section in CASC’s code of ethics on social media was highlighted. It was recommended from the floor that further clarity may be achieve through a workshop or presentation at an upcoming networking day. Stephen Yeo has volunteered to conduct such a presentation/discussion if the opportunity is made available
- November 22, 2013 is the date for the next ethics education module. Completion of such an ethics module is a requirement for all those seeking recertification through peer-review
- Changes to the grievance procedures were highlighted and can be found online
- Work comparing CASC’s code of ethics to the College of Registered Psychotherapists’ code of ethics has begun, and the two documents have been found to be very harmonizable
- Questions and concerns around consent and documentation practices were voiced in relation to the College’s Jurisprudence module
Mike Chow moved that the regional ethics report be accepted as circulated
Kathy McLellan Lant seconded
Motion was passed.
- Treasurer’s Report – Claire Gosselin
Balance in Account is $ 13,660.62
- Balance Above includes $ 2,450.00 for regional transfers
- Balance includes Book Fund $ 7,863.28
- CASCWONT balance $ 5797.34
We have 2 term investments.
Three bursaries of $150.00 are awarded:
Wilma Boyce
Shannon Cook
Mary Farmer
We have no outstanding debts.
Claire Gosselin moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented.
Lillian Porter Seconded
Motion was passed.
- Budget – Claire Gosselin
The budget for the 2013-2014 year was presented.
- The Coalition for Mental Health Professions is now called Ontario Alliance of Mental Health Practitioners
- Thanks was extended to Claire Gosselin for her hard work as treasure over her extended two terms
Claire Gosselin moved that the Budget be accepted as amended.
John Vlainic seconded
Motion was passed.
- Announcements
- Donna Hollands-Hurst recognized the hard work and strengths Ciaran has brought to CASCSWONT through his role as chair and vice-chair on the regions executive. His energy, balance, and deep commitment to the work of CASCSWONT as well as his faith that “a good will come” were specific strengths named.
- CASC National Conference:
- The Planning Committee for the 2015 CASC National Conference was introduced
- Hamilton will be the hosting city, and the venue for the conference is being decided.
- Ken Pargament will be one of the key note speakers
- The dates for the conference will be April 15-18 2015
- The working theme for the conference is “Thriving on the Edge: building on the backbone of our past”
- Nominations
Ciaran offered words of farewell as he steps down from the executive.
Nominations were accepted for the positions of Regional Ethics Chair, Communications Officer, Vice Chair, and Treasurer.
- Ethics Chair
Bob Bond moved that nominations for Regional Ethics Chair be closed
Mike Chow Seconded
Motion was passed
Bob Tees will serve a second term as Regional Ethics Chair, by acclamation.
- Communications Officer
Bob Bond moved that nominations for Communications Officer be closed
David Jones seconded
Motion was passed
Heather Vanderstelt will serve a second term as Communications Officer, by acclamation.
- Vice Chair
Bob Bond moved that nominations for Vice Chair be closed
David Jones seconded
Motion was passed
Chris Baron will serve as Vice Chair, by acclamation.
- Treasurer
Erin Poole moved that nominations be closed for Treasurer
Chris Baron seconded
Karen Eade will serve as Treasurer, by acclamation.
- CASC ON Update
There will be a teleconference on Wednesday November 6, 2013. Those with access to OTN may participate; however the presentations will be archived and available. The morning presentation will be the same as that given by Marvin Shank this afternoon. The afternoon presentation will be by Tom O’Connor.
- A recommendation was made that in the future such teleconferences should be hosted by CASC such that all members can equally have access to participation.
- Presentation of the 2013-2014 CASCSWONT Executive
Donna Hollands-Hurst shared David Johnston (Governor General) words about what it means to be a professional.
Chair: Donna Hollands-Hurst
Vice Chair: Chris Baron
Communications Officer: Heather Vanderstelt
Treasurer: Karen Eade
Regional Admissions Chair: Ellen Faubert
Regional Ethics Chair: Bob Tees
Professional Practice Chair: Marvin Shank
- Book Draw
Ann Vander-Berg was drawn as this year’s recipient of the book draw prize.
- Words from the new Executive Members
Karen Eade and Chris Baron briefly shared about their work experience and training in CASC.
- Presentation
Marvin Shank offered a presentation entitled “Steps to being Grandparented”
- Closing
Thanks was offered to Pauline for her work with the book table
Thanks was offered to Quality Inn Staff for their service
Thanks was offered to the members and new members for their energy and participation in the day’s events
Members were encouraged to consider attending the 2014 CASC National Conference in Winnipeg
The next CASCSWONT Spring Networking Day date will be announced at a later time.
- Meeting Adjourned at 1500