July 29, 2003
Steve Aloway / Phil Jimerson / Jack RamboGloria Barrera / Margaret Manley / Jim Ratcliff
Dan Boggio / Bruce McNabb / Pamela Sands
Jim Brady / Scott Milder / Robert Sands
Fred Calhoun / Fred Montes / Roy Sprague
John Farrell / David Moss / Bill Stice
Joel Hernandez / Irene Nigaglioni / Brian Uhlrich
Bob Hunnicutt / Brad Pfluger / Mark Vander Voort
From: Jean Campana
Re: CEFPI Southern Region Strategic Planning Summary
Thank you for your dedicated and enthusiastic participation in the CEFPI Southern Region Strategic Planning retreat held July 25-26, 2003 at the Barton Creek Resort. The contributions made by everyone resulted in the development of some very important initiatives.
Read through the summary and pay special attention to any of the Tactical Plans where you have been assigned an action. Quite a few actions have no one assigned and no completion date. I strongly urge the Team Champions to work with the Team Members in assigning those remaining items and securing due dates for completion.
Please contact me if there are any changes or corrections to the summary.
Warm regards,
Common goals
Ideas to take back to Chapter to strengthen
To do and share
Plan and clearly communicate back to members
Plan aligned with International
Contribute to establish future
Clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations of leadership
Coming up with ladder to grow, not too structured
Stay fun
Clear on what to do to improve and how
Keep International strategic plan in mind and support it
Alignment with International strategic plan
Standardize exchange of information
Strategy for increasing school people in association
Develop entire Region
Create future of Region
Help grow business partner segment
Better understanding of what business partners can do
Stronger Chapters
Expand member base; curriculum people, etc. more school districts
Take back strategies to Chapters
Challenge ourselves with our focus
Continue to be the leading edge Region
Get ideas on growing the smaller Chapters
International Goals and Southern Region Goals
Goal 1: Be a growing, diverse, participative organization
- Identify and target groups within ISDs and higher education – 24
- Review expenses of CEFPI ISD members; Program to sponsor ISD membership; Tier membership dues – 18
- More joint activities with similar organizations - 10
- Increase participation, not numbers – 9
- Adopt a chapter – 9
- Take programs to target groups – 7
- Dynamic directory of CEFPI participants (not only members) – 6
- Adapt current by-laws to reflect needs – 5
- Outreach to remote membership – 5
- Highly selective of programs – 4
- Organize new chapters around special interests – 3
- Increase recognition of REFP – 2
- Develop survey feedback – 2
- Retain members – 1
- Grow student participation – 1
- More recognition of membership
Goal 2: Be a resource communicating knowledge through
effective mediums and technology
- E-newsletter – 28
- Chapter level feeding region level
- Chapter coordinators
- Standardized format
- Webmaster – 18
- Regional
- Local
- Technical resources – 14
- Articles
- Categorized directory by expertise
- Devise method to recruit – 10
- TASB, etc.
- Communications Director
- As a region / chapter position
- Historian
- Calendar requirement
Goal 3: Be a leading provider of education and training
for educational facility planning
- Develop curriculum / partner with a university – 19
- Develop series of lectures / publications referencing the Guide (soon to be released) – 12.50
- REFP “re-do” from Southern Region (reorganize and restructure) – 12
- Seek external exposure (outside CEFPI) – 8
- SWAT team response as needed to Districts – 6.50
- Develop curriculum sources for ISD staff educators (also use ISD curriculum writers for assistance in developing curriculum) – 6
- Use vendor / business partners to develop programs and FP curriculum – 6
Goal 4: Be the leader promoting, partnering, collecting, and disseminating research
- Regional facility cost data base – WEB – 24
- Regional presentation team – 16
- Involve vendors (expertise) – 9
- Public relations Board position / or team – 7
- Develop Southern Region research topics (relevant) – 7
- Regional information reviewed and approved by team – 4
- Formalize responsibility for International for WEB page upkeep – 2
Goal 5: Be recognized as the advocate for and authority
on education facility planning
- Strengthen the CEFPI REFP program – 21
- Actively support the “Guide” – 20
- Consistently expose superintendents to benefits of CEFPI – 14
- Archive presentations on website – 8
- More regional publications – 7
- Cosponsor events with other organizations – 6
- Presenting programs at TASA, TASB, etc. – 6
- SWAT team to present to universities – 5
- Sponsor / invite school officials to our convention – 3
- Get “e-link” with TASA, TASB, etc.
Goal 6: Be a financially viable organization that is governed and
managed in support of the strategic plan
- Develop operating budget annually with reserve account – 22
- Establish foundation to protect designated funds – 12
- Identify other revenue generating activities – 9
- Fund Bev & Milt Miller Dev. Fund - $100,000 w/ identified fund activities – 7
- Develop pro-forma for Southern Region conference – 7
- Increase administrative support of chapters and region – 6
- Develop investment guidelines for Treasurer – 5
- Initiate annual financial review – 2
Goal 1: Be a growing, diverse, participative organization
Team: Steve Aloway, Gloria Barrera, Jim Brady, Joel Hernandez, Bob Hunnicutt, Phil Jimerson, Brad Pfluger, and Pamela Sands
Key Result Area 1-1: Identify and target groups within ISDs and higher education
InternalStrengths / Weaknesses
Information is available through TASA, etc.
What CEFPI provides-what we do / We don’t know who they are
They don’t know how we can be of benefit to them
Unknown value
We perceive participation same as membership
Leadership development
Chapters are struggling
Opportunities / Threats
Non members that participate
Spirit of “co-opetition” (TASA, TASBO) / Competing organizations
Limited funds
We are 2nd choice
TASA 1st
- Target and involve fast growth school districts, curriculum directors, business managers, facility directors, maintenance and operations staff, assistant, and superintendents in activities, events, and publications
- Use directories to get list and track
- Determine how to best approach new prospects
- Interactive directory of all participants to enhance engagement
- Take relevant programs to targeted groups
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Create data base/directoryMembership Director10/1/03
and maintain& Membership Chairs
from each Chapter
- Develop plan to establish liaisons Bob & persons with
with target organizationsconnections to other
- Pursue reciprocating with sister
organizations on continuing
education credit
Performance Measurement:
- Five programs or activities with sister organizations
- One member from each org. at annual Southern Region Conference in 2004
Champion: Brad Pfluger
Goal 1: Be a growing, diverse, participative organization (cont.)
Team: Steve Aloway, Gloria Barrera, Jim Brady, Joel Hernandez, Bob Hunnicutt, Phil Jimerson, Brad Pfluger, and Pamela Sands
Key Result Area 1-2: Review expenses of CEFPI ISD members; program to sponsor ISD membership; tier membership dues
InternalStrengths / Weaknesses
Southern Region established precedent
Membership sponsorship
Southern Region financial strength / Unknown value
International CEFPI not receptive
Don’t know why people leave
Don’t know what affordable is
Opportunities / Threats
Southern Region conference is in line with other conferences / International CEFPI conference more expensive than others
Shrinking budget
Objective: To make participation affordable
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Fund local participation, public
- Assist ISD’s with 2004Gloria8/30
conference costs (package
within conf. costs)
- Empower local chapters
with discretionary fund
- Discount conference
registration for public sector
sister organization members
- Survey our members
and non members (why they
leave or don’t participate,
what’s affordable
- $30 corresp. part. fee
Contingency: Through private sector sponsorships “Adopt a District”
Budget: Fund each chapter with $1,500
Performance Measurements:
- Increase participation in Southern Region conference within confines of conference budget
- Increase of 10% in public sector
Champion: Second VP 2004
Goal 1: Be a growing, diverse, participative organization (cont.)
Team: Steve Aloway, Gloria Barrera, Jim Brady, Joel Hernandez, Bob Hunnicutt, Phil Jimerson, Brad Pfluger, and Pamela Sands
Key Result Area 1-3: Adopt a chapter
InternalStrengths / Weaknesses
Benchmarks in Chapters / Time commitment
Lack of leadership development in local chapters
Opportunities / Threats
Knowledge exists
Objective: Strengthen chapters by mentoring
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Gulf Coast Chapter to be model
for mentorship
- Identify good practices throughout
Time Schedule:
- Share programs region wide
- Program Coordinator teleconference monthly
Contingency: Pull best practices and support from other chapters
Budget: Free beer
Performance Measurements:
- Attract more people to meetings
- Increase participation 100%
Champion: Irene Nigaglioni
Goal 2: Be a resource communicating knowledge through
effective mediums and technology
Team: Dan Boggio, Scott Milder, David Moss, Jack Rambo, Jim Ratcliff, Roy Sprague, Brian Uhlrich, Mark Vander Voort
Key Result Area 2-1: E-Newsletter
InternalStrengths / Weaknesses
Technical/graphic skills
No cost / Time availability
Need template and schedule
Opportunities / Threats
Reach out to members & non members
Improved communication/sharing
International resources if desired / Time availability
Technical delivery problems
Updated membership list
Cost for International involvement
- Newsletter is up and running
- Improved communication (internal and external)
- Improved opportunity for diversification
- Growth, visibility, information sharing
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- By law changes to create Board8/03
Communications Director
- Create Committee of Chapter 8/03
- Committee to develop 9-10/03
Communications master plan
and schedule/template
Contingency Plans:
- Use International to publish E-mail
- Farm out to private member firm
- Use International to publish hard copy
- No newsletter
- Newsletter on web page
Budget Considerations:
- No cost if internal
- Ad revenues
- International publishing = $4,000 per year
Performance Measurements:
- First E-Issue by 4th quarter 2003
- Committee assembled by August 2003
- Master plan review by Regional Board September/October 2003
Champions: Communication Director at Board position; Mark Vander Voort; and Jack Rambo (Board Liaison)
Goal 2: Be a resource communicating knowledge through
effective mediums and technology (cont.)
Team: Dan Boggio, Scott Milder, David Moss, Jack Rambo, Jim Ratcliff, Roy Sprague, Brian Uhlrich, Mark Vander Voort
Key Result Area 2-2: Technical Resources
InternalStrengths / Weaknesses
Diversity of experience / Time availability
Lack of structure
No identification of expertise
Identification of subject matter
Opportunities / Threats
Coordinate with International
Coordinate with other organizations
Improved CEFPI reputation / Overwhelming volume
Unauthorized or non-qualified “crap” info.
- Information sharing
- Perceived value to membership and non-members
- Increase CEFPI visibility
- User friendly access
- Better facilities for kids/districts
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Need a Regional Director and aBoard9/03
Committee of Chapter Reps.
- Create and maintain a matrix 2/1/04
directory of expertise
- Create submission format2/1/04
- Identify hot topics for “Region” 4/1/04
- Solicitation of authors at
conferences-local regions new
and old
Contingency Plans:
- Fall back on International
- No change
Budget Considerations:
- Minor webmaster expenses
- Hard copy $$$ postage
Performance Measurements:
- Director and Committee appointed by September 2003
- Develop and approve matrix format and process by February 1, 2004
- Region-wide survey/solicitation of experts by April 1, 2004 (including bios)
Champions: David Moss and Jack Rambo (Board Liaison)
Goal 3: Be a leading provider of education and training
for educational facility planning
Team: Fred Calhoun, John Farrell, Margaret Manley, Bruce McNabb, Fred Montes, Irene Nigaglioni, Robert Sands, and Bill Stice
Key Result Area 3-1: Develop curriculum / partner with a university
InternalStrengths / Weaknesses
CEFPI exposure (TA&M already there)
Best background knowledge
Great desire/strength education buy-in
Planning Guide / Not known in University “world”
Inexperience in writing curriculum
Lack of instructional leaders
Opportunities / Threats
“SCUP” is not strong in Texas / Diluting ourselves from our K-12 comfort zone
Objective: Obtain a certification from a university that will tie to REFP (CEFP)
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Southern Region will work with Lee Burch, Robert Sands,
International to take on “revamping John Farrell, Fred Calhoun,
task REFP and writing curriculum Irene Nigaglioni, Jim Brady,
of facilities planningMargaret Manley,
Bill Stice, Fred Montes
- Contact Nancy Meyers,
Sue Robinson &
Lisa Warner
- Contact Lee Burch
(Where is he and what is
he doing with task?)
- Identify Southern Region
- Develop plan
- Southern Region Board This summer
- International BoardBy April ‘04
- Guide preparedBy April ‘04
- Writing curriculumBy April ‘05
Contingency Plans:
- Southern Region to go “on our own”
- Identify other universities
Performance Measurements:
- Curriculum must be written
- University buy-in (maybe junior colleges will buy-in first)
Champion: Fred Calhoun
Goal 3: Be a leading provider of education and training
for educational facility planning (cont.)
Team: Fred Calhoun, John Farrell, Margaret Manley, Bruce McNabb, Fred Montes, Irene Nigaglioni, Robert Sands, and Bill Stice
Key Result Area 3-2: Develop series of lectures / publications
Objective: Promote “The Guide”
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Identify “experts” & presentersSpring ‘04
- Look at table of contents-chapter Fall ‘04
meetings will be used for this topic
- Add new people/invitees to
- Develop agenda for presentationSpring ‘04
from “The Guide”
- Overview & specifics
depending on area
- Identify other venues such as region
service centers
- Superintendents school
- Planning Guide track at
Regional Conference
Contingency Plan: None – Failure is not an option
Budget Considerations:
- Travel
- Time
- Facilities rental
Performance Measurements:
- Increased sales of the Guide
- CEFPI exposure
Champion: Gloria Barrera
Goal 3: Be a leading provider of education and training
for educational facility planning (cont.)
Team: Fred Calhoun, John Farrell, Margaret Manley, Bruce McNabb, Fred Montes, Irene Nigaglioni, Robert Sands, and Bill Stice
Key Result Area 3-3: REFP “re-do” from Southern Region
Objective: Be the lead Region working with International to revamp the REFP Program
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Obtain SR Board approval8/04
- Contact Elisa Warner at International
and inform her of SR’s plan
- Identify SR CommitteeLee, John, Robert, Jim
Fred, Margaret, Bill, Irene
- Develop recommendations on
revamped REFPComplete 4/05
- SR Region Conference2004
- Int’l Conf. in San Antonio2004
- Contact universities Dept. of Ed.
- Contact AIA committee “CAE”
- Evaluate continuing education
reciprocity with TASA, TASBO, etc.
Contingency Plan: Go it on our own
Budget Considerations:
- Research costs
- Time
- Printing costs
Performance Measurements:
- Increased REFP involvement
- Increase numbers
Champion: John Farrell
Goal 4: Be the leader promoting, partnering, collecting, and disseminating research
Team: Steve Aloway, Bob Hunnicutt, Margaret Manley, David Moss, Irene Nigaglioni, Brad Pfluger, Jim Ratcliff, and Brian Uhlrich
Key Result Area 4-1: Regional facility and cost data base
Objective: Create, maintain, and disseminate data base
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Create group to develop format
- Investigate TASA, TASB, and other
data bases that already exist
- Partner with other organizations to
form consistent reporting
- Develop survey of selected projects
- Time frame
Contingency Plan: None
Budget Considerations:
- Travel
- Long distance communication
Performance Measurements:
- Identify group and leader by September ‘03
- Determine and develop survey by January ‘04
- Complete data base by September ‘04
Champion: Margaret Manley and Joel Hernandez (Board Liaison)
Goal 4: Be the leader promoting, partnering,
collecting, and disseminating research (cont.)
Team: Steve Aloway, Bob Hunnicutt, Margaret Manley, David Moss, Irene Nigaglioni, Brad Pfluger, Jim Ratcliff, and Brian Uhlrich
Key Result Area 4-2: Regional presentation team
- Increase partnering with sister organizations
- Be leader in education facility planning
- Strengthen CEFPI’s position and recognition in the market place
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Committee organizes curriculum
- List of presenters/experts
- Identify target audiences
- Identify subjects (i.e. planning
manual cost data base)
- Call for presentations in archive
- Consistent format
Contingency Plan: Do or die
Budget Considerations:
- Travel expense
- Registration
- Printing handouts
- Time
Performance Measurements:
- Committee 9/03
- Pres. Galv. ‘04
Champion: Steve Aloway and Joel Hernandez (Board Liaison)
Goal 4: Be the leader promoting, partnering,
collecting, and disseminating research (cont.)
Team: Steve Aloway, Bob Hunnicutt, Margaret Manley, David Moss, Irene Nigaglioni, Brad Pfluger, Jim Ratcliff, and Brian Uhlrich
Key Result Area 4-3: Involve Business Partners
Objective: Draw upon the technical expertise of business partners and get them involved with CEFPI
Implementation Plan:
What will be done:Who will lead/do it:When:
- Create committee
- Identify business partners &
potential involvement
- Establish guidelines for
- Survey business partners for
input regarding wtat they want
to get from CEFPI
Contingency Plan: None
Budget Considerations: $
Performance Measurements:
- Increase business partner involvement at ’04 Region Conference
- Increase business partner satisfaction
Champion: Bruce McNabb and Joel Hernandez (Board Liaison)