Daniel Duane Knowles, MAMuEd., MA-SLP
971 N. La Cienega Blvd. #209 West Hollywood, CA 90069 (310) 927-1079
LICENSURECA-RPE and ASHA CFY hours completed and documents sent on 06-28-17
California RPE License: 9981
ASHA Clinical Fellowship: 14150140
INSURANCEProfessional Liability: Speech-Language PathologistMercer Health & Benefits
EMPLOYMENT1997-CurrentlyVoice Teacher/Owner
Daniel Knowles Vocal Studio, West Hollywood, CA
2002-2005Voice, Beg/Int Piano, and Music Theory Teacher
Johannes School of Music, West Hollywood, CA
2002Class Voice Instructor, The Learning Curve/LGBT Center, Hollywood, CA
Clinical 2013Child Clinic at the Speech and Hearing Clinic
GraduateCalifornia State University, Fullerton, Supervisor: Sherri Wolff, M.A., CCC-SLP
2014Adult Clinic at the Speech and Hearing Clinic
California State University, Fullerton, Supervisor: Linda Pippert, M.A., CCC-SLP
2014Orchard Post-Acute Care (319 clinic hours), Whittier, CA,
Supervisor: Martin Monarrez, MA, CCC-SLP
RPE/CFY April3, 2017-Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA
End of June. Last 12Speech Pathology Clinical Fellow
weeks of RPE/CFYSupervisor: Patricia Gomeztrejo, MA, CCC-SLP
2015-16Catalyst Speech Language Pathology (contract company), Los Angeles
(27 weeks)Ji Kim, MS, CCC-SLP. Owner (not RPE/CFY supervisor)
Phone: (213) 346-9945
Contracted to: Alhambra School District (Caseload of 67 clients)
RPE: 27 full-time weeks certified by the Board (9 full-time weeks remaining)
CFY: 840 hours completed (420 hours remaining [12 weeks of 35-hour weeks])
RPE/CFY Supervisor: Mary “Kelly” Malone, MA, CCC-SLP ()
Sole SLP with all responsibilities at two locations in the district:
Rec/Exp Language (most), Voice/Articulation/Fluency.
Population: Typical, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Emotionally Disturbed, Medically Fragile.
San Gabriel High School
Special Education Department Chair: Kirsten Marroquin ()
LIFT-South (AUSD’s adult transition to 23 years-old)
Harry Wong, Administrator ()
2015Los Angeles Speech Therapy Solutions
(12 weeks)Early Intervention Speech & Language (~2-up to 3 years-old) In-Home SLP
400+ hours (forfeited due to lack of training and supervision)
Cassi Alter, MA, CCC-SLP, Owner/Supervisor
(323) 954-0887
EDUCATION Master of Arts in Communicative Disorders: Speech-Language Pathology
Graduate California State University, Fullerton, 2015
Directed Graduate Research: Rehabilitation Tools for the Singing Voice Specialist: A Collection of Singing
Voice Rehabilitation Exercises and Lesson Plans that Are Extensions of Traditional Speaking
Voice Therapy. Kenneth Tom, PhD, CCC-SLP, Advisor, 2015
Master of Arts in Music Education: Vocal/Choral Pedagogy and Performance
California State University, Los Angeles, 2007
Master’s Thesis:Classical and Non-Classical Singing Techniques: Selecting and Integrating Strengths
of Each Approach. William Belan, DMA, Advisor, 2007
Undergraduate/ Post-Baccalaureate: Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Preparation Certificate
Post-Bac California State University, Los Angeles, 2012
Bachelor of Arts in Music: Vocal Pedagogy and Performance
California State University, Fullerton, 2001
Associate in Arts in Music: Vocal Performance
Rancho Santiago College, CA, 1995
SLP/Medical Laryngeal Videostroboscopy and FEES2-Day Workshop
Edie Hapner, PhD, CCC-SLP, Course Director. USC Voice Center, Los Angeles, CA. 2017
Acoustic and Aerodynamic Instrumentation Workshop: Clinical Application
Christopher Watts, PhD, CCC-SLP, & Shaheen Awan, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
USC Voice Center, Beverly Hills, CA, 2016
Modified Barium Swallowing Impairment Profile. Northern Speech Services, (eCourse), 2014
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment-LOUD.
Lorraine Ramig, PhD, CCC-SLP, & Cynthia Fox, PhD, CCC-SLP, (eCourse), 2013
Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy
Katherine Verdolini-Abbott, PhD, Long Beach, CA, 2010
Voice Rehabilitation Directed Graduate Research: Rehabilitation Tools for the Singing Voice Specialist: A Collection of
Singing Voice Rehabilitation Exercises and Lesson Plans that Are Extensions of Traditional Speaking
Voice Therapy. Kenneth Tom, PhD, CCC-SLP, Advisor, CSUF, 2015
Estill Voice Training System-Level 2: Figure Combinations for Six Voice Qualities
Kimberly Steinhauer, PhD, Hollywood, CA, 2006
Estill Voice Training System-Level 1: Compulsory Figures for Voice Control
Kimberly Steinhauer, PhD, Hollywood, CA, 2006
Singing PedagogyVocal Power Method, (8-week Vocal Power Method course and over 2 years of private lessons)
Elisabeth Howard, MS, Topanga, CA 2008-2010
Master’s Thesis:Classical and Non-Classical Singing Techniques: Selecting and Integrating
Strengths of Each Approach, William Belan, DMA., Advisor, CSULA, 2007
Resonance in Singing: Voice Building through Acoustic Feedback, Two-Day Workshop
Donald Miller, PhD, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, 2011
VoiceWorks Method: Belting and Commercial Vocal Techniques Workshop
Lisa Popeil, MFA, Pleasant Hill, CA, 2007
VoiceWorks: Total Singer Workshop/Pedagogy of Styles.
Lisa Popeil, MFA, Sherman Oaks, CA, 2005
Comparative Vocal Techniques, Lisa Stidham, MM, CSULA, 2004
Vocal Techniques, Lisa Stidham, MM, CSULA, 2003
Speech Level Singing Certification, Seth Riggs, MM, Los Angeles, 2003-2005 (I do not endorse SLS)
Undergraduate Senior Project/Research Paper: The Basics of Correct Vocal Technique,
Mark Goodrich, DMA, Advisor, CSUF, 2000
Vocal Pedagogy, Janet Smith, MM, CSUF, 1999
Singing Instruction Elisabeth Howard, MS, Topanga, CA, 2008-2010
(Partial List) Steven Crooner, MM, California State University, Los Angeles, 2004-2005
Seth Riggs, MM, Los Angeles, 1995-97; and Speech Level Singing Certification, 2003-2005
John Glenn Paton, MM, Granada Hills, CA, 2003
Mark Goodrich, DMA, California State University, Fullerton, 1999-2000
Andrew Parks, DMA, California State University, Fullerton, 1998-1999
John Hall, MM, West Hollywood, CA, 1997
Natasha Yule, BA, Irvine, CA, 1994-1995
Irene O’Hare, MM, Rancho Santiago College, CA, 1992-1995
Diction Descriptive Phonetics, Cari Flint, PhD, CSULA, 2011
(Speech & Singing) French Diction for Singers, Lisa Stidham, MM, CSULA, 2005
German Diction for Singers, Lisa Stidham, MM, CSULA, 2004
English Diction for Singers, Lisa Stidham, MM, CSULA, 2004
Italian Diction for Singers, Andrew Parks, DMA, CSULA, 2004
Italian and English Diction for Singers, Andrew Parks, DMA, CSUF, 1999
German Diction for Singers, Janet Smith, MM, CSUF, 1999
French Diction for Singers, Andrew Parks, DMA, 1998
AFFILIATIONS American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
California Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The Voice Foundation & Sothern California Chapter (a founding and current board member)
National Association of Teachers of Singing & Los Angeles Chapter
Voice and Speech Trainers Association
Medical Speech-Language Pathology Council of California
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