June 18, 2009revised fromPBS
Lakeport Clippers’ Behavior Expectation Matrix
Expectations / Bathrooms / Arrival/
Departure / Cafeteria / Classroom,
Instructional Areas / Hallways/
(during the school day) / Playground / Special Events (assemblies, field trips, extra-curricular, school safety procedures) / Office
Be Respectful / -whisper voices
-give privacy
-keep clean
-follow bathroom monitor directions (if they are used) / -quiet voices in hallways
-conversation voices outside the building
-follow directions of service squad, safety patrol and adults / -follow adult directions
-eat only your own food
-conversation voices / -use kind words and actions
-use your own materials
-follow directions
-include others
-raise your hand/wait your turn
-treat materials with care
“-stay within personal space” / -be silent
-walk to the right / -follow adult directions
-take turns
-use equipment properly
-when near the building use quiet voices
-silently enter school / -follow adult directions
-listen and participate when appropriate
-applaud when appropriate / -quietly wait your turn to be helped
-stay calm
-say please and thank you
Be Responsible / -use bathroom at designated times
-throw away trash
-return to class quickly***
-report problems to an adult / -wait in a single file line
-use designated door
-follow adult directions immediately
-walk on sidewalks
-be on time
-have all your belongings with you
-have hallway pass after 8:22 am
-teachers stand at doorways at 8:12 / -sit with your class or where you are told
-use manners
-use two hands to carry tray
-clean up after yourself
-bring lunch/lunch money
-line up in ABC order in a single line
-throw trash in trash container / -actively listen
-follow directions
-stay on task
-do your best
-clean up after yourself
-return classroom items
-be on time
-be prepared with supplies, work, and books
-complete work on time
-8:22 AM in your seat to be considered on time / -walk in a straight line
-face forward
-hands by yourself
-stay with your class
-take one step at a time on stairs
-keep up
-use quiet feet / -eat snacks by the tables close to the building
-throw trash in trash container
-play safely
-return with equipment
-dress for weather
-line up quietly when signaled to do so / -face forward
-sit quietly (criss-cross style)
-raise hand to participate
-stay with your group
-be on time
-have necessary materials
-use bathroom before event / -follow directions
Safe / -wash hands
-keep hands, feet and objects to yourself / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself / -clean your hands
-keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
-rocks, sticks, sand, wood chips and snowballs stay on the ground / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Library / General / Dress / Morning Announcements / Bus / Field Trips / Storm Drills
Be Respectful / -use whisper voices
-raise your hand to speak
-hand book to librarian
-use kind words
-follow directions
-raise your hand/wait until called on
-treat materials with care
-stay within personal space
-use the perimeter of the library when walking through it to go somewhere / -use appropriate language
-follow adult directions respectfully without comment
-treat school and other people’s property with respect
Be Responsible / -bring book back on library day
-walk quietly and sit where asked
-return book marker to the holder
-clean up after yourself
-push chair in when leaving
-line up quietly to leave when asked
-send books to library the morning of your library day / -have in your possession only objects that belong to you
-use appropriate methods to get attention
-have necessary materials and assignments
-complete all assignments
-complete and return all homework on time
Safe / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself / -keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
-follow school and district rules in respect to weapons, attendance, drugs, dress code, threats, bullying and any other behavior that would be considered dangerous or disruptive.