The City Of Sheffield Youth Festival Band is a multi award winning wind band and is excited to welcome musicians to join them for a special day of Wind band playing. This is a great opportunity to experience the magic of playing in an ensemble in a relaxed, enjoyable and fun way.

Do you play a wind, brass or percussion instrument? You are welcome to join the band to:

·  Meet lots of other talented musicians.

·  Explore and develop new skills.

·  Have lots of fun.

·  Play in a large multi instrumental ensemble.

Suitable for musicians who are:

·  Learning to play in or out of school

·  Who are Grade 4+standard (no grades need to have been taken)

·  Y7 or older

Course Details:

Saturday 18th November, Registration 10.00 am, Start 10.30 am, Finish 3.30 at Sheffield Music Hub - Block C Stadia Technology Park 60 Shirland Lane

Attercliffe Sheffield S9 3SP

There is no cost involved in taking part in this one day workshop – but places are limited so it is advisable to book early. A packed lunch and drink will also need to be provided.

The City of Sheffield Youth Festival Band rehearse on Tuesdays during term time at All Saints School from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. We are at present preparing for a tour to Leipzig August 2018.

If you wish to attend the course please fill in an application form and either send by post to the address below or by email.

Helen Perry

Sheffield Music Hub Block C
Stadia Technology Park
60 Shirland Lane
S9 3SP

Any further questions – do not hesitate to contact Helen Perry on 07815 003632.

Acknowledgement of your application and registration details will be confirmed by email.


Childs Name:

Childs Date of Birth:




Emergency contact Name and Contact Telephone:

Approx. standard (no exam need have been taken):

Name of Instrumental teacher:

Medical Conditions (e.g allergies, epilepsy, disabilities) which may affect you during the course:

I also give permission for my child to be photographed and filmed where appropriate for use by Sheffield Music Hub and Sheffield City Council. It is the parent/carers responsibility to inform if this is not the case.

This form must be signed by a parent or guardian:

Name of Parent or guardian:

Relationship to the applicant:

Address and telephone (if different from above)



Please send the completed application form to:

Helen Perry

Sheffield Music Hub Block C
Stadia Technology Park
60 Shirland Lane
S9 3SP