Seton E-Snow Day Packet for Special Areas

Do the activity for the class you are missing that day.

Intermediate (3-5)


Grades 3-5 complete the packet under the Specials link on the E-Snow Days page labeled Art.


Login to your Typing Pal account on the computer lab page and complete 4 Apples.

To access Typing Pal:

  • Go to
  • Click on the Typing Pal link
  • Enter your username and password
  • username is first.last (i.e. john.smith)
  • password is seton123
  • Click on the orange Learn tab at the top of the page to go to the "Apples" exercises.
  • If you have extra time, you can try the games under the “Move On” tab.



Don't forget to document the activities and send them to Miss Anderson

Physical Education Snow Day Activities

A little snow and cold weather won’t keep the students at Seton from being active! Children should be physically active at least60 minutes a day. Below is a list of super fun physical activities for you to choose from on this snow day! You can do all of them or a few of them, but you need to be active for a total of 60 minutes today. Try and take small breaks during your school work and do some of these activities. Once all of your school work is finished, go outside and play even more! Running and playing in the snow is a great work out! Maybe you can even help shovel the drive way for your parents!

Indoor activities:

  • Create an indoor obstacle course! Use large cushions and toys to create places to climb over and under.
  • Turn on some (appropriate) music and dance!!! Do this in between school work to take breaks.
  • Jump Rope or play with a Hula Hoop
  • Practice your juggling skills with rolled up socks or scarves.
  • Play “keep the balloon up”. Use one balloon and try to keep it from hitting the ground.
  • Jog up and down your stairs (5 times for younger kids and 10 times for older kids).
  • Play ball toss games with soft items like rolled up socks. Use large laundry baskets and try to toss them into it.
  • Bear crawl or do other animal movements around your house.
  • Practice balancing on one foot.
  • Each time you need to get up to do something, hop on one foot (switch feet each time or jump with both feet).
  • Do as many push ups as you can during homework breaks or TV commercial breaks (change the activity each time: sit ups, mountain climbers, burpees, squats/lunges, plank, wall sits, stretching).

Outdoor activities:

  • Build a fort using buckets or random items from your house.
  • Shovel the driveway for your parents.
  • Have a snowball-throwing contest! Make a target by creating a bright circle in the snow with colored water in a squirt bottle. Then, stand back and try and throw a snowball into the circle.
  • Freeze colored water into ice cubes, and then hide them around the yard for a wintertime scavenger hunt.
  • Create snow critters or giant snowmen!
  • Jump Rope in the snow
  • Hula hoop in the snow! It’s a lot harder when you are bundled up!
  • Go sledding!
  • Make snow angels


Grades 5 complete the packet under the Specials link on the E-Snow Days page labeled Band.