Novel Study – 1201

As a class, you have been divided into book groups. You can help each other with this assignment as a group, however, all work submitted - unless indicated – must be your own work.


-Do one activity from each category

-Do one activity worth 10, one worth 20, one worth 30, one worth 40 and one worth 50

-Complete the final activity which is worth 50. Your assignment will be out of 150 plus your score out of 50 for your final essay.

-Have, as a cover sheet, the marking sheet indicating what you did for each section.

CATEGORY ONE - Plot: What happens? When does it happen? Where does it happen? Is it important?

10 – Goodreads – Write a review of the book to put on Include a rating out of five stars, details about the novel without giving away the ending and talk about whether you liked it or not and why. Aprox ½ a page. Include a link to your review in your assignment.

20 - Sound Track –Create a soundtrack list for the novel. You must include 5-10 songs, including both title and artist, indicate where they occur in the novel and include an important lyric from the song to show why you’ve made this choice.

30 - Create a Comic Strip - Choose a pivotal scene in the novel and create a comic strip of no less than 8 blocks illustrating the events as they occurred. You must include speech balloons, captions and ensure you have come up with a significant title for the event.

40 - Create a Timeline of Events – Create a visual timeline depicting the major events of the novel. There should be at least 10 to 15 events. For at least five, include an illustration to accompany the event.

50 – Promotional Package – Create a promotional package for this novel. Include a bookmark, a poster, a one page synopsis, a short bio of the author and fun collectible item of your choosing. Make it look professional.

CATEGORY TWO - Setting: Where are things happening? When in time are things happening? Has the setting changed in any way in this section? Has it changed in any way from the last section of the book? What is the general setting? What are the immediate settings?

10 – Setting Chart – Complete a chart detailing the setting. (see attached)

20 - Community Pamphlet – Make a tri fold pamphlet advertising the community where your novel takes place.

30 –Pinterest – Create a pinterest ( board for the setting of the novel, including pins which represent major landmarks. In addition, create a board for each of the main characters, including clothing they would wear and interests that they have.

40 - New Setting – Choose a different setting for the novel (different time, place and if possible, circumstance). How would it change? Write a one page essay where explain the changes in time, place and circumstance and how that would impact the novel.

50 - Perceptions - How is each individual characters perception impacted by setting in which they find themselves? Discuss, making reference to two characters who co-exist in the same setting ensuring you comment on their individual journey. Make reference to time, place and circumstance.

CATEGORY THREE - Characters:What characters are in this section? Are they new characters? Who are the main characters? What are the characters doing in this section? What are the characters learning? Have the characters developed?

10 - Character Web - Build popplet of all characters in the novel, showing how they are connected.

20–Bucket List – Pick one of the main characters and create a 10 item bucket list for them. Explain why you think these items would be on their list. (Bucket List – things you want to do before you “kick the bucket” aka die.)

30 - Create a Trading Card for a Specific Character – On cue card. On one side, do an illustration of the character. On the other side, list characteristics such as name, age, personality traits, quotes, relationships, symbol of the character

40 - I Am Poem –Using the prompts, develop a poem for a chosen character. (See attached)

50 – Casting Call – Pick three or four main characters of the novel and cast them with modern day actors and actresses. For each character, you must write a paragraph about how those actors fit the role, what acting skills they have shown to make you think they would be the perfect actor and what character traits you think they could portray (beyond just how they look). Include photos with your description.

CATEGORY FOUR - Conflict: What conflicts are in this section? Have they changed? How are they developed? Are they resolved?

10–Conflict Chart – (see attached). Identify the major conflicts in this novel and complete the chart.

20 – Conflict Comparison – Choose a major conflict from your novel and explain it. Find a similar example from a different form of media and show how they are connected. For example conflicts due to star crossed lovers in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ compared to those presented in ‘Warm Bodies’. Minimum of two paragraphs – you can include visuals to enhance but not replace your text.

30 – Diorama – Create a diorama which represents the conflict between two characters. It does not have to be literal but it must have a paragraph accompanying it that explains your pictorial.

40 – Respond – Find a famous quote about conflict that you can apply to your novel. Write a five paragraph essay, using references to the novel, which supports your quote of choice.

50 –Write a Song – Write a song from the point of view of a character – or characters – involved in a conflict regarding their feelings and perspectives surrounding the conflict. You can write about any type of conflict found in the novel. You do not need to record it – but if you want to, please do!

CATEGORY FIVE - Theme:Theme - what is the message of the novel?

10 - Tagxedo – Create a tagxedo( with words that relate to the major themes presented in the novel.Minimum of 25 words.

20–Letter to the Author – Write a letter to the author of your book detailing what this book meant to you and what you thought of it. It should be approximately a page. Include a paragraph specifically on theme and what you thought of the message of the book.

30 - Photo Essay – Create a ten photograph photo essay depicting the major themes of the novel. Provide captions explaining how each photograph relates to the novels themes.

40 –Find a Poem – Find a poem that shares a theme with your novel. In a one page essay, explain how they are similar, what the theme is and how it is developed in both and what drew you to that poem. Include a copy of the poem.

50 -Create a Sculpture, Portrait, or Painting – Choose a theme of the novel and represent it through your chosen form of artistic medium.


Write a multi-paragraph analytical essay discussing the following quote and how it relates to your chosen novel.

“Through experience, characters come to recognize what is truly important.”


















Setting Chart

Setting is TIME, PLACE and CIRCUMSTANCE. For your novel, detail these categories in the chart below. Indicate any major changes that occur.

Time / Place / Circumstance

Character Map

Character chosen: ______

What did they do? / What do others say about them?
Their Appearance / Memorable quotes

I Am Poem

I am (one special characteristic)

I wonder (something you are actually curious about)

I hear (an imaginary sound)

I see (an imaginary sight)

I want (an actual desire)

I am (two special characteristics)

I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)

I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)

I touch (an imaginary touch)

I worry (something that really bothers you)

I cry (something that makes you very sad)

I am (three special characteristics)

I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I try (something you really make an effort about)
I hope (something you actually hope for)
I am (four special characteristics)

Conflict chart

Example / InternalorExternal / KindofConflict / Conflict Resolved?

Theme Comparison

Works you are comparing
Theme for work one
Theme for work two
Thesis Statement
Body Paragraph One / Body Paragraph Two / Body Paragraph Three
Topic / Topic / Topic
Key Details / Key Details / Key Details
Concluding statement: