Fermi Questions

Do not start until instructed to do so.


You will have 50 minutes for this exam. Write answers only to their rounded power of 10. A reminder that answers like “5e6” or “e6” or “5*106” will therefore be marked wrong even if the true value is 5 million.

Ties will be broken down using this method:

1st tiebreak: Number of 5 point answers

2nd tiebreak: Time the exam is completed

Team Name______

Team Number______



Answer / Score
  1. 2^1825
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many cartwheels would it take for an average astronaut to reach the moon?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many golf balls would fit inside the sun?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many medals will be given out at the competition today?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many Taco Bell burritos would it take to equal the price of an average college textbook?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many possible combinations are there for a standard 3 x 3 rubik’s cube?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. What is the mass, in zettagrams, of the average Division C Science Olympiad Team’s “brain power” (i.e. grey matter)?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. What number of US dollar coins would you have to lay on the surface area of the Earth in order to fully cover it?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. What is the wavelength of violet light, in miles?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How far can a light travel, in millimeters, while a batch of chocolate chip cookies are baking?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many Oxygen molecules are there in a cup of water?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. 98!
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How long, in days, does it take for a quarter to fall 100 meters?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many Broadway performances has the longest running Broadway musical put on?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. What is the sum of all integers from one to one septillion, exclusive?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. Usain Bolt hold the record for the 100m. What is his record measured in jiffies?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. In light years, how tall is the tallest building in the world?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. 6^457
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many calories is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. What is the mass of one electron, in kg?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many fortnights would it take for the average person to walk to the sun?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many water balloons can you make out of the Earth’s entire ocean?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many tick marks are there on a meter stick (including both metric and empirical sides)?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. Evaluate log(30^1234)
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many books are there in the Library of Congress?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. If you had a quarter for every person in the State of New York, how much money would you have?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. What would the total mass of all this money (from previous questions) be in picograms?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many grains of rice are there in a bowl of rice?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. 7^-108
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many lightyears is The Great Wall of China?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many electrons pass through a 100 watt light bulb in a minute?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many atoms of gold would it take to equal the mass of a standard deck of Bicycle playing cards?
/ 5 3 1 0
  1. How many calories of energy is needed to evaporate the entire Atlantic Ocean?
/ 5 3 1 0